Children already separated from parents will remain separated per Trump's executive order

he'll cave

he's a coward
He is disgusting. Playing with childrens lives.
why don't the dem senators change the law? seems they are the cowards. I mean big ass fking ones. They truly love to hide behind the child.

Because there are no laws to change. This is a policy decision by Trump. Sessions has stated this.
I already posted the facts on the policy. started in 1997. any time you wish to be educated, you come to me.

What the left refuses to acknowledge is the reason families are separated. It starts with a decision by parents to break the law.

When they are caught crossing the border, they are kept in detention facilities with their children. We have nice facilities with clean beds, TVs and meals are provided. The law, signed by Bill Clinton, only allows children to be detained for 20 days. As soon as parents are caught illegally crossing, they are given the option of taking their children back over the border and re-entering the legal way. Most choose not to do that and hope to be able to get released and stay here. During the 20 days that they are in family detention centers, they go before a judge to offer a plea because they are charged with illegal entry. At the end of the 20 days, the parents are still detained but the children cannot, by law, be detained. The parents are told to contact family members to pick the children up, which can be done at any time after they are caught crossing the border. If parents cannot or will not arrange for children to be picked up by family, there is no choice but to put them in foster care because it would be downright stupid, not to mention dangerous, to allow them in other detention centers or jail.

After the illegal alien has their day in court, they are usually deported along with the children. The separation comes about due to choices made by the parent.

Sneaking across the border a second time is considered to be a felony rather than a misdemeanor the way the first attempt is. Also, some parents have previously been deported after being convicted of other crimes here in the states. In that case, the parents are jailed immediately upon being caught and there is no family detention center. Again, it's totally the fault of the parents who knowingly bring their children across the border illegally.

Other instances that will cause immediate separation are when the children do not belong to the people bringing them across the border. There is a growing problem with kidnapping, sex trafficking and other crimes and even though Dems can't seem to grasp this, separating children from known criminals who are not family is in their best interest.

We don't have enough facilities to house the constant flood of illegal immigrants. Authorities would rather families stay together because we don't have the resources to take care of them. There are not enough foster families and others who can take care of them while their criminal parents go to jail.

Kids are not getting ripped from the arms of their innocent parents. They are separated from criminals, just the way citizens are when they break the law.

This entire thing is yet another manufactured "crisis" to keep attention away from other things going on (AG report) and to attack Trump.

People protested Obama's mass deportations and they held up signs begging him to stop separating families. No outrage from the left then and that makes it clear that the outrage now is fake as hell. People are responding emotionally to bullshit news, just the way some lib media planned it. Everyone is outraged on cue as soon as the lib media pushes their buttons.

If no one here saw protesters under Obama, while he said the SAME EXACT THINGS as Trump, or if no one saw the children sleeping in cages in 2014, then ask yourself why your precious CNN or MSNBC didn't bother to report it. You've been had.

And the other photos of kids in cages was staged during a protest in Dallas. Funny how easily the media can control their blind followers. It's truly pathetic.


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