Children already separated from parents will remain separated per Trump's executive order

I guess you missed Schumer passing the Congress ball to Trump.
Do you enjoy looking like a fool?
I guess you missed the bit about this is Trumps policy. Own it.

Bullshit, it was the maobama regime that settled the court case, that required minors to be released. instead of fighting it. The judicial back up just made his catch and release policy easier. Of course in his haste he released minors to human traffickers. OOPS!


It was Trump who instituted the policy of handling this as a criminal matter instead of a civil matter and who called fir a 100% seperation of kids.

Your messiah's policy. Time to quit blaming everything Trump does badly on Obama.
again, entering the country illegally is illegal and a crime. sorry smokey. Zero Tolerance. fk get your facts straight.
Coyote and facts?
Are you serious?
I know...:aug08_031:
I guess you missed Schumer passing the Congress ball to Trump.
Do you enjoy looking like a fool?
I guess you missed the bit about this is Trumps policy. Own it.

Bullshit, it was the maobama regime that settled the court case, that required minors to be released. instead of fighting it. The judicial back up just made his catch and release policy easier. Of course in his haste he released minors to human traffickers. OOPS!


It was Trump who instituted the policy of handling this as a criminal matter instead of a civil matter and who called fir a 100% seperation of kids.

Your messiah's policy. Time to quit blaming everything Trump does badly on Obama.
again, entering the country illegally is illegal and a crime. sorry smokey. Zero Tolerance. fk get your facts straight.
Coyote and facts?
Are you serious?
Your factual relevance is marginal at best. Keep on supporting your Messiah's child abuse policy. You own it and all the consequences from it.
He is disgusting. Playing with childrens lives.

You mean just as the Democrats have done for 60 years? And with adults lives, and taxpayers, and Christians, landowners, businesses and the homeless and the blacks. Only thing disgusting here is idiot pustules who never find or recognize a problem that's been under their nose for years until they can pin it on the other party. Maybe they will stop coming here when they don't find things so good for them? DO YOU THINK?

Let me know when the Dems institute a policy of 100% taking children from migrant parents and stuffing them in detention facilities and you might have a point. This was an utterly innecessary policy and you all are flailing around trying to defend the indefensible.

But but but the dems...but but but...Obama....
I guess you missed Schumer passing the Congress ball to Trump.
Do you enjoy looking like a fool?
I guess you missed the bit about this is Trumps policy. Own it.
it isn't, but why discuss facts today. you hate them. 1997 Bill Clinton and 2008 obammy
Link to Clinton's and Obama's policy of 100% seperation of children from parents. Since you ate the king of demanding links I am sure you can show us this policy.
I guess you missed the bit about this is Trumps policy. Own it.

Bullshit, it was the maobama regime that settled the court case, that required minors to be released. instead of fighting it. The judicial back up just made his catch and release policy easier. Of course in his haste he released minors to human traffickers. OOPS!


It was Trump who instituted the policy of handling this as a criminal matter instead of a civil matter and who called fir a 100% seperation of kids.

Your messiah's policy. Time to quit blaming everything Trump does badly on Obama.
again, entering the country illegally is illegal and a crime. sorry smokey. Zero Tolerance. fk get your facts straight.
Coyote and facts?
Are you serious?
Your factual relevance is marginal at best. Keep on supporting your Messiah's child abuse policy. You own it and all the consequences from it.
I guess those sites I go to that don’t suck ideological c* k should close down.
I guess you missed the bit about this is Trumps policy. Own it.

Bullshit, it was the maobama regime that settled the court case, that required minors to be released. instead of fighting it. The judicial back up just made his catch and release policy easier. Of course in his haste he released minors to human traffickers. OOPS!


It was Trump who instituted the policy of handling this as a criminal matter instead of a civil matter and who called fir a 100% seperation of kids.

Your messiah's policy. Time to quit blaming everything Trump does badly on Obama.
again, entering the country illegally is illegal and a crime. sorry smokey. Zero Tolerance. fk get your facts straight.
Coyote and facts?
Are you serious?
Your factual relevance is marginal at best. Keep on supporting your Messiah's child abuse policy. You own it and all the consequences from it.
I support the one that was agreed to in court in 1997. here..

"Under the 1997 settlement, DHS could detain unaccompanied children captured at the border for only 20 days before releasing them to foster families, shelters or sponsors, pending resolution of their immigration cases. The settlement was later expanded through other court rulings to include both unaccompanied and accompanied children.

The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 requires unaccompanied minors from countries other than Mexico and Canada to be placed in the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, or relatives in the U.S., while they go through removal proceedings. The bipartisan bill was approved by unanimous consent and signed by Bush."
Is that the psyche of the ten thousand that came here without parents at all?
What is your point? Those are two different situations.

Let's see how many ways you can spin a reprehensible policy.
Then what are the solutions? WTF do you have? I see a lot of left wing hand wringing and pearl clutching but not a single solution. So step it on up here and let’s see what you have.
I have suggested solutions on multiple threads here. Are you saying this policy is the only solution? Thats all you guys can come up with?

It's the only solution under current law. Tell your congresscritters to get off the resist band wagon and fix it. The fact is they want the issue, NOT A SOLUTION.

No. It isnt. There are other solutions for example ekectronic detention. I think people like the idea of brutal methods to deal with a group they have been systenatically demonizing on all levels.

Yeah, folks have been quoted saying that once they get out of custody they'll cut the monitors off and disappear. How are you going to stop that? I guess we could put explosives in them so if they're tampered with, KABOOM. Then you'd claim we can't deport one legged people and expect us to pay for their prosthetics.

Bullshit, it was the maobama regime that settled the court case, that required minors to be released. instead of fighting it. The judicial back up just made his catch and release policy easier. Of course in his haste he released minors to human traffickers. OOPS!


It was Trump who instituted the policy of handling this as a criminal matter instead of a civil matter and who called fir a 100% seperation of kids.

Your messiah's policy. Time to quit blaming everything Trump does badly on Obama.
again, entering the country illegally is illegal and a crime. sorry smokey. Zero Tolerance. fk get your facts straight.
Coyote and facts?
Are you serious?
Your factual relevance is marginal at best. Keep on supporting your Messiah's child abuse policy. You own it and all the consequences from it.
I guess those sites I go to that don’t suck ideological c* k should close down.
Show me where another administration instituted a policy of 100% seperation of children from parents. Otherwise you own your Messiah's policy and no amount of flailing and blame-gaming (somthing the Trump acolytes excel in) changes that.
What is your point? Those are two different situations.

Let's see how many ways you can spin a reprehensible policy.
Then what are the solutions? WTF do you have? I see a lot of left wing hand wringing and pearl clutching but not a single solution. So step it on up here and let’s see what you have.
I have suggested solutions on multiple threads here. Are you saying this policy is the only solution? Thats all you guys can come up with?

It's the only solution under current law. Tell your congresscritters to get off the resist band wagon and fix it. The fact is they want the issue, NOT A SOLUTION.

No. It isnt. There are other solutions for example ekectronic detention. I think people like the idea of brutal methods to deal with a group they have been systenatically demonizing on all levels.

Yeah, folks have been quoted saying that once they get out of custody they'll cut the monitors off and disappear. How are you going to stop that? I guess we could put explosives in them so if they're tampered with, KABOOM. Then you'd claim we can't deport one legged people and expect us to pay for their prosthetics.

or the anti americans can just kissmy ass.

It was Trump who instituted the policy of handling this as a criminal matter instead of a civil matter and who called fir a 100% seperation of kids.

Your messiah's policy. Time to quit blaming everything Trump does badly on Obama.
again, entering the country illegally is illegal and a crime. sorry smokey. Zero Tolerance. fk get your facts straight.
Coyote and facts?
Are you serious?
Your factual relevance is marginal at best. Keep on supporting your Messiah's child abuse policy. You own it and all the consequences from it.
I guess those sites I go to that don’t suck ideological c* k should close down.
Show me where another administration instituted a policy of 100% seperation of children from parents. Otherwise you own your Messiah's policy and no amount of flailing and blame-gaming (somthing the Trump acolytes excel in) changes that.
show us one that shows they should all come in free of charge.

Do you believe we have an immigration policy or not?
Is that the psyche of the ten thousand that came here without parents at all?
What is your point? Those are two different situations.

Let's see how many ways you can spin a reprehensible policy.
Then what are the solutions? WTF do you have? I see a lot of left wing hand wringing and pearl clutching but not a single solution. So step it on up here and let’s see what you have.
I have suggested solutions on multiple threads here. Are you saying this policy is the only solution? Thats all you guys can come up with?

It's the only solution under current law. Tell your congresscritters to get off the resist band wagon and fix it. The fact is they want the issue, NOT A SOLUTION.

Present a clean bill then.

Describe a clean bill. Will it secure the border, stop chain migration in favor of a merit based system, end the visa lottery or anything else the president wants?

Is that the psyche of the ten thousand that came here without parents at all?
What is your point? Those are two different situations.

Let's see how many ways you can spin a reprehensible policy.
Then what are the solutions? WTF do you have? I see a lot of left wing hand wringing and pearl clutching but not a single solution. So step it on up here and let’s see what you have.
I have suggested solutions on multiple threads here. Are you saying this policy is the only solution? Thats all you guys can come up with?

It's the only solution under current law. Tell your congresscritters to get off the resist band wagon and fix it. The fact is they want the issue, NOT A SOLUTION.

Present a clean bill then.
describe a clean bill.
What is your point? Those are two different situations.

Let's see how many ways you can spin a reprehensible policy.
Then what are the solutions? WTF do you have? I see a lot of left wing hand wringing and pearl clutching but not a single solution. So step it on up here and let’s see what you have.
I have suggested solutions on multiple threads here. Are you saying this policy is the only solution? Thats all you guys can come up with?

It's the only solution under current law. Tell your congresscritters to get off the resist band wagon and fix it. The fact is they want the issue, NOT A SOLUTION.

Present a clean bill then.

Describe a clean bill. Will it secure the border, stop chain migration in favor of a merit based system, end the visa lottery or anything else the president wants?


The Gang of Eight bill that a minority killed ended the visa lottery. Also chain migration is largely a myth. It should be a clean bill.
Then what are the solutions? WTF do you have? I see a lot of left wing hand wringing and pearl clutching but not a single solution. So step it on up here and let’s see what you have.
I have suggested solutions on multiple threads here. Are you saying this policy is the only solution? Thats all you guys can come up with?

It's the only solution under current law. Tell your congresscritters to get off the resist band wagon and fix it. The fact is they want the issue, NOT A SOLUTION.

Present a clean bill then.

Describe a clean bill. Will it secure the border, stop chain migration in favor of a merit based system, end the visa lottery or anything else the president wants?


The Gang of Eight bill that a minority killed ended the visa lottery. Also chain migration is largely a myth. It should be a clean bill.
I guess you missed the bit about this is Trumps policy. Own it.

Bullshit, it was the maobama regime that settled the court case, that required minors to be released. instead of fighting it. The judicial back up just made his catch and release policy easier. Of course in his haste he released minors to human traffickers. OOPS!


It was Trump who instituted the policy of handling this as a criminal matter instead of a civil matter and who called fir a 100% seperation of kids.

Your messiah's policy. Time to quit blaming everything Trump does badly on Obama.
again, entering the country illegally is illegal and a crime. sorry smokey. Zero Tolerance. fk get your facts straight.
Coyote and facts?
Are you serious?
Your factual relevance is marginal at best. Keep on supporting your Messiah's child abuse policy. You own it and all the consequences from it.

You know what America gets every time you commiecrats scream "it's for the children"? SCREWED!

He is disgusting. Playing with childrens lives.

You mean just as the Democrats have done for 60 years? And with adults lives, and taxpayers, and Christians, landowners, businesses and the homeless and the blacks. Only thing disgusting here is idiot pustules who never find or recognize a problem that's been under their nose for years until they can pin it on the other party. Maybe they will stop coming here when they don't find things so good for them? DO YOU THINK?

Let me know when the Dems institute a policy of 100% taking children from migrant parents and stuffing them in detention facilities and you might have a point. This was an utterly innecessary policy and you all are flailing around trying to defend the indefensible.

But but but the dems...but but but...Obama....
I guess you missed Schumer passing the Congress ball to Trump.
Do you enjoy looking like a fool?
I guess you missed the bit about this is Trumps policy. Own it.
You moron, the ball belonged to Congress and was passed to Trump by Congress and Trump did what you Bleeding Heart commies wanted him to do.
Geez, you're an idiot.

It did not. All Trump has to do is pick up the phone and call Sessions.

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