Kidnappers don’t want to separate kids from parents, but like Trumpo, they want the ransom more.


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
Trumpo’s desired ransom for kidnapping a couple thousand kids, was money from Congress to pay for the wall that he promised would be paid for by Mexico.

Did Trumpo and his white nationalist base think holding babies hostage and caging and drugging scared kids think they were going to get wall money after committing such an atrocity?
Trumpo’s desired ransom for kidnapping a couple thousand kids, was money from Congress to pay for the wall that he promised would be paid for by Mexico.

Did Trumpo and his white nationalist base think holding babies hostage and caging and drugging scared kids think they were going to get wall money after committing such an atrocity?

So Trump went down into central America and kidnapped kids? :eek:

Oh wait, you're just a fucking liar, a scumbag piece of shit who makes Josef Goebbels look decent by comparison,...
By golly I believe you are on to something.

By Golly I believe he is a fucking liar without a hint of honor or integrity.

In other words, a democrat.


A boy from Honduras watches a movie at a detention facility run by the U.S. Border Patrol on September 8, 2014 in McAllen, Texas. The Border Patrol opened the holding center to temporarily house the children after tens of thousands of families and unaccompanied minors from Central America crossed the border illegally into the United States during the spring and summer. Although the flow of underage immigrants has since slowed greatly, thousands of them are now housed in centers around the United States as immigration courts process their cases. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images


But the fucking liar said this was TRUMP?

Wow, are you telling me that democrats are disgusting fucking liars that just make shit up to slander Trump?

I'll be damned.
Uncensored2008, post: 20183050
So Trump went down into central America and kidnapped kids?

Nope. He had his agents do the dirty deed at American taxpayer expense.

Trump has personally asked for the ransom though.

Trumpo “suggested he would not change the policy unless Democrats agreed to his other immigration demands, which include funding a border wall,”

Trump cites as a negotiating tool his policy of separating immigrant children from their parents

Do you deny Trumpo asked for the above ransom after having his agents kidbap kids at all he border by seperating them from their parents?
Uncensored2008, post: 20183074
But the fucking liar said this was TRUMP?

Show me where Obama separated ttat boy from his parents before you call anyone a liar.

And show me were Obama asked for ransom money to stop a policy of separating that boy from his parents.

Anyway, I thought Trumporoids like you consider Obama to be weak on border security and Trumpo is tough. Now Obama is as cruel as Trumpo and terrorizing little immigrant kids.

Make up your minds would ya?
Would that be white nationalist deplorable's or deplorable white nationalists?
“Jeh Johnson, who served as homeland security secretary under Obama, said he did not separate children and parents despite the enormous surges of unaccompanied minors and families that came across the border in 2014 fleeing Central American violence.”

Fact check: Did Obama administration separate families?

Tipsycatlover, post: 20183038
What was shitstain obama ransoming when he separated the children.

Since you admit you don’t know - you are also admitting that you know that Obama didn’t separate kids from their parents.

So why lie?

You know why you hate Obama. He was not cruel hearted when it came to children crossing the border.

It’s easy to learn the truth even when Trumpo’s liars tell lies about Obama. Why can’t you find truth and present it in your posts like a decent hunan being would do?
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Uncensored2008, post: 20183050
So Trump went down into central America and kidnapped kids?

Nope. He had his agents do the dirty deed at American taxpayer expense.

Trump has personally asked for the ransom though.

Trumpo “suggested he would not change the policy unless Democrats agreed to his other immigration demands, which include funding a border wall,”

Trump cites as a negotiating tool his policy of separating immigrant children from their parents

Do you deny Trumpo asked for the above ransom after having his agents kidbap kids at all he border by seperating them from their parents?
Why were these people denied asylum status in Mexico? Grow up.
Thinker101, post: 20183628
Would that be white nationalist deplorable's or deplorable white nationalists?

I would say the former is more fitting since Trumpo’s deplorable’s are deplorable well beyond the precise character weakness of being a white nationalist sympathizer or a full blown publically admitted fascist like those that rallied at Charlottesville.
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JBond, post: 20183659
Why were these people denied asylum status in Mexico? Grow up.

Is Trumpo excused for his atrocity because of that?

What is your point?

Trumpo lied saying all along he could not stop separation of families until yesterday when he signed an executive order ending his own cruel policy of separating families.

Why do you put up with his lies?
JBond, post: 20183659
Why were these people denied asylum status in Mexico? Grow up.

Is Trumpo excused for his atrocity because of that?

What is your point?

Trumpo lied saying all along he could not stop separation of families until yesterday when he signed an executive order ending his own cruel policy of separating families.

Why do you put up with his lies?
Atrocity? LoL. You may think you weren't fooled by W but you sure have been fooled by the Media.
MarathonMike, post: 20183706
Atrocity? LoL. You may think you weren't fooled by W but you sure have been fooled by the Media.

Fooled by the media how? This thread is based on true events and Trumpo policy.

Is something I’ve written not true?

You are quite boring since you cannot be specific,

Give being specific a shot why don’t you?

You think separating kids from parents as Trumpo has done is not an atrocity? Why not?

Reports are coming out that kids have been drugged. If true is that an atrocity? Is ttat something you want your government doing?
Yes the far left will do or say anything..

As you can see this is their new debunked narrative to cover the fact that they do not have anything else..
I wrote;Trumpo lied saying all along he could not stop separation of families until yesterday when he signed an executive order ending his own cruel policy of separating families.”

JBond, post: 20183659 wrote;
Why were these people denied asylum status in Mexico? Grow up.

I asked: Is Trumpo excused for his atrocity because of that?

I received no reply other than:

MarathonMike, post: 20183706
Atrocity? LoL. You may think you weren't fooled by W but you sure have been fooled by the Media.

I still want to know if Trumpo is excused by you for the cruelty he has put those children through in order to try to force Congressional funding for the wall that he promised to voters he would get Mexico to fund.

He held these children for ransom for weeks and just ended the kidnappings yesterday signing an executive order that before yesterday he told us he could not do.

Why do you excuse this atrocious behavior.?
Kosh, post: 20183789, member: 42632"
Every far left narrative you drones post!

Give me an example. Debunked by whom?

Or just tell me what on this thread has been debunked?

Tipsy’s post has been debunked - She lied.

But I do not believe you are pointing at that.

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