Cheryl Mills "doesn't recall" anything while testifying with 11 attorneys for her....

I didn't know that the FBI was infested with conservatives.

The FBI is the pinnacle of law enforcement jackboots . It's mostly all conservatives .

You can prove this claim?
the Director of the FBI, Mr. James Comey is a staunch republican...

Comey is a registered Republican who donated to U.S. Senator John McCain’s campaign in the 2008 presidential election and to Governor Mitt Romney’s campaign in 2012 presidential election.[59]
So that keeps him from being an honest man?

If the IRS is a considerd a political attack dog, why not the FBI ? They sure do have the history .

Then why are you suggesting that Obama has unleashed the FBI on Mrs. Tuzla Clinton?
Gotta live u cons . Some bit player brings lawyers to defend herself from a witch hunt and she "has so thing to hide." But Trump won't release his taxes and "that's his right not too!"

Hackers gonna hack!

Since Trump gets audited don't you think that the anti-Republican IRS will find out if he has something to hide? No, I suppose you don't.
of course not, it's illegal
So is the harassment of conservative non-profit organizations.
Sure it is... now the question is, did their govt scrutiny have a legitimate reason for doing so or not?

for example:
Is Karl Rove's PAC truly a non profit charity or is its main purpose, political....should donating to Karl Rove's political PAC be allowed to write their donations off as giving to a Charity or should they be considered political donations and no tax write off given?

You tell me....
The bias in scrutiny was based on the names of the orgs. If the name implied a conservative bent, it was more likely to be scrutinized and delayed in getting its tax free status. This constitutes political bias.
So, to sum up:

Everything that Mills was asked about, is either (a) Beyond the scope of what they agreed to talk about, or (b) Mills couldn't recall anything about the material in the question.

How long will it be before the usual board leftist fanatics start screeching, "See? See? The found nothing! And that means there is nothing to find! Hillary didn't do a thing wrong!"

Another ex-aide did remember things.

Lewis Alan Lukens did remember setting up the personal server and he gave the reasons Hillary wanted it.

Using a personal email was strictly prohibited but Hillary lied and insisted on having an email set up on a Blackberry not tied to the State Dept. secure system, claiming it would only be used for personal communications.

She planned all along to use it for official business, knowing full well it was a bad idea due to security concerns. She had her own concerns apparently, such as keeping the State Dept. and anyone else wanting info. in the dark about what she was up to.

It seems clear that she always intended on using it for official business since she did that from the start. Considering she would have used it when accepting donations to the Clinton Foundation and making promises to foreign countries, it's clear why she wouldn't want anyone knowing what she was up to. Having a personal email also made it nearly impossible for her to comply with FOIA and Federal Records Act legal requirements. This was likely the goal.

Looks like the only ones who saw what she was doing were the hackers. No telling how many of our enemies have classified information. Since she had information regarding the many operations on her personal email and many of those operations failed due to leaks, it doesn't take a genius to understand the danger of using an insecure server.

She can't claim that it was a mistake because she lied in order to have Lukens set it up and she told him that using the State Department's secure system was too complicated for her to use.

Seriously, too complicated? Is Hillary that fucking stupid? Or was she that determined to make sure no one knew what she was doing? Well, when it became clear at some point that she was using an insecure server for State Dept. business, she had to come up with some excuse. I want to know why nothing was done the minute they found out she was putting information at risk.

At some point, the State Dept. had to figure out what she was doing since she never once used the State Dept. secure email system. Then came the warnings regarding hackers and everyone must have known that Hillary was posing a huge risk. Did they stop sending her emails at some point, knowing they could be hacked? Someone in the administration had to be covering for her since it was known she was a security risk and yet kept using her personal server even after being hacked.
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Gotta live u cons . Some bit player brings lawyers to defend herself from a witch hunt and she "has so thing to hide." But Trump won't release his taxes and "that's his right not too!"

Hackers gonna hack!

Since Trump gets audited don't you think that the anti-Republican IRS will find out if he has something to hide? No, I suppose you don't.
of course not, it's illegal
it is illegal for the IRS to look for illegal doings in ones tax return during an audit?

You are a bit whacked.

When the IRS audits, they are not simply checking to see if you did it right. They are also checking to see if you did it wrong.

I love hacks. They say some of the most ridiculous things. I find it entertaining.
Gotta live u cons . Some bit player brings lawyers to defend herself from a witch hunt and she "has so thing to hide." But Trump won't release his taxes and "that's his right not too!"

Hackers gonna hack!

Since Trump gets audited don't you think that the anti-Republican IRS will find out if he has something to hide? No, I suppose you don't.
of course not, it's illegal
it is illegal for the IRS to look for illegal doings in ones tax return during an audit?

You are a bit whacked.

When the IRS audits, they are not simply checking to see if you did it right. They are also checking to see if you did it wrong.

I love hacks. They say some of the most ridiculous things. I find it entertaining.

People fear the IRS. People can go to jail if the IRS audits them and finds that they did something illegal. Just ask Willie Nelson. I think the only one who doesn't fear the IRS is the most frequent visitor to the White House, Al Sharpton.
the news tonight said 4 of the lawyers were from the justice department, so the fbi is being stonewalled by Obamas justice department at taxpayer expense. Who is paying for this woman's lawyers? The Clinton crime foundation? But I guess if you are so innocent, you only need seven lawyers.

So, the same agency that should be charging her is rushing to defend her? So wrong!!!!

Will probably hear more about Crooked Hillary's sidekick Cheryl Mills in the upcoming days. As folks already indicated they both obstructed justice among other crimes that should put them both in prison.

The smoking gun is on page 16 of the FBI’s 47-page report. It details how Mills ultimately made the determinations about which emails should be preserved before she and Clinton decided to delete the rest as “personal.” Clinton conducted both government and personal business using a personal email account — — tied to an unsecured server set up in the basement of her New York home.

The FBI makes clear the procedure Mills used to sort out the emails was suspicious.

For starters, Mills was the one who ordered the server host to move the emails from the server to a laptop where she could screen them. She told investigators she could “not recall” if emails with non-gov addresses were included in the transfer. It’s unlikely they were, because an aide who helped her search told the FBI she only screened for emails sent to or from Clinton with .gov and .mil — not .com — addresses.
The latest news coming out is constntly worse. News now is yht Hillary and Mills deleted a LOT of documents/emails that were under subpoena - that had been ordered by a court to he saved.

There is a lot of damaging reports coming out -- it makes me wonder just how much worse does Assange have and intends to release in October.

One thing is for sure...after this latest news has come out, ain't no way Hillary will be holding any press confrences until AFTER the election...if then.

Barry, at least, talked to the press and promised to run 'the most transparent administration evuh' before the 2008 election.

Hillary is in 'full-fledged, 5-alarm-fire, hunker-in-the-bunker' HIDE mode. Her plan is obvious now - go into hiding, don't answer any questions, hide from the media & American people.

At this point I seriously doubt Hillary will debate Trump. She has nothing to gain by trying to do so. Things can only be made worse...UNLESS the Hillary-connected 'moderators' do their part in keeping everything contained for Hillary.

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