Cheers and gunfire echo through Gaza as Hamas Victory announced!!

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
(CNN) -- Cheers and celebratory gunfire echoed through Gaza Tuesday after a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas militants was announced.

It's "a day of the victories for our people," spokesman Fawhi Barhoum declared before a cheering, screaming crowd. He praised the "steadfastness and resistance" in Gaza.

"The occupiers have tried to break them... but the delegation spoke with one voice," he said of the negotiations.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who is not part of Hamas and lives in the West Bank, thanked "Egypt and everyone who supported all the efforts that resulted in this agreement to end the aggression."

"Together, we will rebuild our free country," he added.

Cheers and gunfire echo through Gaza as truce announced -
The genocidal war that the apartheid Israeli state has waged on the Gaza Strip has generated an unprecedented wave of international public condemnation and international solidarity with the Palestinians. Graphic images of unimaginable destruction and heaps of dismembered and shattered bodies of innocent children flooded social media. Circulating in the context of the recent history of a series of Israeli military incursions into Gaza (first in 2008 and again in 2012), these images prompted hundreds of thousandsof people to take to the streets around the world to demand an end to the Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing in Gaza.
The engineers of Zionist hasbara (the Hebrew word for "propaganda") pushed back, redoubling their efforts in well-orchestratedPR campaigns that tried to reframe their genocidal war with typically hackneyed talking points. Israeli PR pressure even forced some celebrities, who had posted on Twitter both against the senseless genocide in Gaza and for recognising the humanity of Palestinians, to retract their Twitter posts.

However, the hasbara apparatus of the Israeli apartheid state failed to concoct myths and rhetorical games creative enough to whitewash their disproportionate use of force and war crimes. Their psyops tactics were largely ineffective, even in Tel Aviv, pushing them to desperate measures, including censoring the media.
Failure Of Israeli Hasbara And Its Propaganda Campaign The Arab World 360
But wait until Israel reneges on lifting the siege.

Or maybe Israel will kill a few Hamas members in the West Bank and whine about Hamas breaking the ceasefire when they respond.
This is why a strong peace almost always only comes after horrific war. I hope that the arena doesn't move to that horrific war.

But when the losers continually declare themselves the winners and say that the entire arena is theirs, then the horrific war is still ahead of us.

“When one thinks that this is what is necessary for Israel to survive, that the Zionist dream is based on the repeated slaughter of innocents on a scale that we’re watching these days on television, that is really a profound, profound crisis — and should be a profound crisis in the thinking of all of us who were committed to the establishment of the state and to its success,” Siegman says. Responding to Israel’s U.S.-backed claim that its assault on Gaza is necessary because no country would tolerate the rocket fire from militants in Gaza, Siegman says: “What undermines this principle is that no country and no people would live the way that Gazans have been made to live. … The question of the morality of Israel’s action depends, in the first instance, on the question, couldn’t Israel be doing something [to prevent] this disaster that is playing out now, in terms of the destruction of human life? Couldn’t they have done something that did not require that cost? And the answer is, sure, they could have ended the occupation.”
Henry Siegman Leading Voice of U.S. Jewry on Gaza 8220 A Slaughter of Innocents 8221 Veterans News Now
This is good news. Let's see how long the peace lasts. Let's see who strikes first in the next battle.
(CNN) -- Cheers and celebratory gunfire echoed through Gaza Tuesday after a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas militants was announced.
Indeed, Obama has every interest to let hamass live in light of the $11 billion arms deal with Qatar.
Stupidity has no limits at all.

One hint of a rocket from Gaza and Gaza should be flattened. No hesitation and no excuses. Just one rogue rocket and adios Gaza - you're gone.
The are many innocent people in Gaza. Would you have them all killed?

Israel has been criticized for going easy on Gaza. People from the south of Israel have had to evacuate the area, schools are unlikely to open on Monday, the whole economy there in the south is broken, because of Hamas's attacks. So no, it is time for an all out bombardment by Israel if just one rocket is fired. But of course Israel is too kind to do such.
(CNN) -- Cheers and celebratory gunfire echoed through Gaza Tuesday after a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas militants was announced.

It's "a day of the victories for our people," spokesman Fawhi Barhoum declared before a cheering, screaming crowd. He praised the "steadfastness and resistance" in Gaza.

"The occupiers have tried to break them... but the delegation spoke with one voice," he said of the negotiations.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who is not part of Hamas and lives in the West Bank, thanked "Egypt and everyone who supported all the efforts that resulted in this agreement to end the aggression."

"Together, we will rebuild our free country," he added.

Cheers and gunfire echo through Gaza as truce announced -
Congratulations on the great Hamas victory.
May there never be shots fired in anger in Gaza.
Hamas is claiming victory?


Gotta hand it to those bottom-feeders in Hamas...

They've got one helluva sense of humor...
I am soo proud of the Palestinian people and the brave freedom fighters who are responsible for this victory over the zionists.

Gaza had been in a complete lockdown by Israel for the last 7 years.

Now the rouge state of Israel has been exposed to the world as a brutal apartheid and genocidal country.

And the oppressed people of Gaza are now viewed as courageous hero's who had an amazing victory over evil. .... :cool:
I am soo proud of the Palestinian people and the brave freedom fighters who are responsible for this victory over the zionists.

Gaza had been in a complete lockdown by Israel for the last 7 years.

Now the rouge state of Israel has been exposed to the world as a brutal apartheid and genocidal country.

And the oppressed people of Gaza are now viewed as courageous hero's who had an amazing victory over evil. .... :cool:
What victory? :D
Just a ceasefire that will not last long.
"Hamas victory"...???

I see that Bob is doing independent consulting work nowadays...


Good for him...

I missed his marvelous sense of humor...

Involuntary retirement must be a bitch-kitty...

It'll do him good, to get out of the house now and then...
The genocidal war that the apartheid Israeli state has waged on the Gaza Strip has generated an unprecedented wave of international public condemnation and international solidarity with the Palestinians. Graphic images of unimaginable destruction and heaps of dismembered and shattered bodies of innocent children flooded social media. Circulating in the context of the recent history of a series of Israeli military incursions into Gaza (first in 2008 and again in 2012), these images prompted hundreds of thousandsof people to take to the streets around the world to demand an end to the Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing in Gaza.
The engineers of Zionist hasbara (the Hebrew word for "propaganda") pushed back, redoubling their efforts in well-orchestratedPR campaigns that tried to reframe their genocidal war with typically hackneyed talking points. Israeli PR pressure even forced some celebrities, who had posted on Twitter both against the senseless genocide in Gaza and for recognising the humanity of Palestinians, to retract their Twitter posts.

However, the hasbara apparatus of the Israeli apartheid state failed to concoct myths and rhetorical games creative enough to whitewash their disproportionate use of force and war crimes. Their psyops tactics were largely ineffective, even in Tel Aviv, pushing them to desperate measures, including censoring the media.
Failure Of Israeli Hasbara And Its Propaganda Campaign The Arab World 360

Have you seen what has been agreed yet, I would be a bit slower in responding until all the facts are in
But wait until Israel reneges on lifting the siege.

Or maybe Israel will kill a few Hamas members in the West Bank and whine about Hamas breaking the ceasefire when they respond.

Already started and it is only partial anyway, just enough to allow humanitarian aid in and building materials. No seaport, no airport and am increase in the fishing zone. The same deal refused by hamas 1 month ago, so what changed apart from world opinion. OH and hamas has to give up all violence, terrorism and belligerence or the noose is once again tightened.

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