Cheers all around as Obama sets fuel efficiency goals for big trucks


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Cheers all around as Obama sets fuel efficiency goals for big trucks -

First US fuel efficiency rules for heavy-duty trucks, unveiled Tuesday, are embraced by trucking firms, manufacturers, and environmentalists. They'll cut fuel consumption and carbon emissions.

Coming on the heels of the administration's move to require better mileage for cars and light trucks, the new standards for heavy trucks are calculated to save 530 million barrels of oil, cut $50 billion from fuel costs, and slash greenhouse gas emissions by about 270 million tons over the lifetimes of trucks built from 2014 to 2018.

The standards call for commercial trucks to reduce by up to 20 percent fuel consumption and pollution emissions, beginning with 2014 models. Heavy-duty pickups and vans, a separate class of vehicles, will need to curb fuel use and emissions to achieve up to a 15 percent reduction by 2018. So-called "vocational vehicles," such as garbage trucks or fire engines, will have to cut emissions and fuel use by about 10 percent by 2018.

This from the same crowd selling indulgences dressed up as carbon credits?

The green cultists have no credibility.
The economy's in the shitter and Obama ties another neuce around its neck. How profound.
wow, we have our own little dictator. I wonder if he's related to Hugo?

Why do we even have a Congress anymore. ?
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It is a good thing long term, less oil dependency in the future.
But then thinnking long term is so out of vogue.
Because what we really need in this economy is to make shipping things more expensive.
And I'm sure ALL THEM trucking firms and manufacturers are just bowing down and kissing the feet of the little dictator. can't you see it now.

we know the environmentalist are. they see the green (money) coming their way.
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There are so many Progressive idea that need to meet the ash heap of history and this is one of them
Based on empirical evidence it has worked well on the automobiles.
How do the former owners of exploding Pintos feel about your "empirical evidence"?

they were stupid enough to buy a ford so who cares?
And Ford was stupid enough to follow the edicts from the Emperor.

If it's so easy for authoritarians to demand and get such things by fiat, why not just demand that industry unlock the question of electro-gravitics, under penalty of death for failure?
Truth nobody wants to face:

America's independent truckers are near collapse. High fuel prices and oppressive regulation have them cutting back on maintenance and relying on hope and good luck to get them through one more trip. Engines that should have been overhauled tens of thousands of miles ago are being kept running for just a little longer, just a little longer, and at some point won't run anymore.

When the trucks stop the supermarket shelves empty quickly.

Some estimate that Los Angeles has 3-5 days of food on the shelf at any one time. Not true for every item. Some things sit on shelves for weeks. Things that people don't ordinarily buy but will snap up when they can't get their favourite brand. Then the food riots begin. But food riots don't get trucks repaired or rolling.

Obama doesn't seem to think that can happen.

Odd, he HAS been to London. Repeatedly. On your dime.
How do the former owners of exploding Pintos feel about your "empirical evidence"?

they were stupid enough to buy a ford so who cares?
And Ford was stupid enough to follow the edicts from the Emperor.

If it's so easy for authoritarians to demand and get such things by fiat, why not just demand that industry unlock the question of electro-gravitics, under penalty of death for failure?

How did a design error by ford relate to better fuel efficiency requirements?

ford also made flipomatic SUV's, no doubt cuased by fuel efficiency requirements?

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