Check in here if you mocked Trump for saying that "Obama tapped my wires"

Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...


I did, and I still do. Trump was never tapped.

You mean except for the fact that he was......that is what the FISA warrants were for and why they had to get them illegally.

You are not a very smart person at all. Not a single FISA warrant was signed to spy on Trump himself.

That is a very nice letter. Please highlight the part that shows that Trump himself was tapped.

Sorry, I have to go prepared dinner.

I thought you were intelligent.

You should be able to piece together the corruption yourself though. There are clearly interests that are motivated against this interest or that, and indications of corruption, it is quite clear at this point. Actually, it was clear to a great portion of the nation during that last election, yet the wheels of justice did nothing to bring Hillary to account for her actions.

The very fact that this investigation is moving forward and it is receiving NO MEDIA COVERAGE, mostly because the intel. agencies are all embedded in the corporate media to propagandize the public, should tell you all you need to know.

Free your mind on this. . . .
Without a doubt, but you keep moving the bar further and further from your original statement.
I'm not even gonna mess with you anymore, the fact that you acknowledge this is super encouraging

I would argue that, at a minimum she opened the door on the 'appearance of impropriety" and that it sure looks funny that a deal was cut with the players involved so close to a CF donation
Is there hard proof? Does not look like it

So :beer:

However, it does look like Trump was spied on, we will know more soon I'd imagine
Bonus points if you are defending spying on his campaign now!

You know who you are, step up and own it now baws

It's OK, we all make miss-steaks sometimes...

The fbi has had their eye on trump for years.

The fbi probably spies on every candidate. Shhh

And I won’t believe trumps fbi. He replaced anyone who wasn’t on his team
Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

You won't believe Trump's FBI, b/c the previous FBI was filled to the brim with globalists and you like them better?


Heaven forbid the FBI work for America's interests instead of an internationalist agenda of the CFR. damn.
Globalist. Lol. Let’s just see how much truth is in whatever you guys think you got.

I hope it’s better than the Nunez memos

You need to stop watching corporate TV.

I will never understand traditional leftists. They hate capitalism and corporatism, but then the gobble up what the huge mega media monopolies tell them w/o a thought . . . . unbelievable.
I did, and I still do. Trump was never tapped.

You mean except for the fact that he was......that is what the FISA warrants were for and why they had to get them illegally.

You are not a very smart person at all. Not a single FISA warrant was signed to spy on Trump himself.

That is a very nice letter. Please highlight the part that shows that Trump himself was tapped.

Sorry, I have to go prepared dinner.

I thought you were intelligent.

You should be able to piece together the corruption yourself though. There are clearly interests that are motivated against this interest or that, and indications of corruption, it is quite clear at this point. Actually, it was clear to a great portion of the nation during that last election, yet the wheels of justice did nothing to bring Hillary to account for her actions.

The very fact that this investigation is moving forward and it is receiving NO MEDIA COVERAGE, mostly because the intel. agencies are all embedded in the corporate media to propagandize the public, should tell you all you need to know.

Free your mind on this. . . .

Good luck on dinner, I have some mojo pork in the oven finishing up now, made with herbs from by garden! very excited to give it a try.

As for the is all over the place, been watching it since the days of Reagan. One thing I have learned, is that nobody ever goes to jail and nothing ever changes. So, do not hold your breath waiting for it to happen now
I did, and I still do. Trump was never tapped.

You mean except for the fact that he was......that is what the FISA warrants were for and why they had to get them illegally.

You are not a very smart person at all. Not a single FISA warrant was signed to spy on Trump himself.

That is a very nice letter. Please highlight the part that shows that Trump himself was tapped.

Sorry, I have to go prepared dinner.

I thought you were intelligent.

You should be able to piece together the corruption yourself though. There are clearly interests that are motivated against this interest or that, and indications of corruption, it is quite clear at this point. Actually, it was clear to a great portion of the nation during that last election, yet the wheels of justice did nothing to bring Hillary to account for her actions.

The very fact that this investigation is moving forward and it is receiving NO MEDIA COVERAGE, mostly because the intel. agencies are all embedded in the corporate media to propagandize the public, should tell you all you need to know.

Free your mind on this. . . .
When you hang out with guys like manafort and flynt you’re gonna get wire tapped.
Without a doubt, but you keep moving the bar further and further from your original statement.
I'm not even gonna mess with you anymore, the fact that you acknowledge this is super encouraging

I would argue that, at a minimum she opened the door on the 'appearance of impropriety" and that it sure looks funny that a deal was cut with the players involved so close to a CF donation
Is there hard proof? Does not look like it

So :beer:

However, it does look like Trump was spied on, we will know more soon I'd imagine

Trump's campaign was spied on, without a doubt. Trump himself, no so much.

He had some people with a very long history of doing shady shit on his team

Do you care about the influence peddling being done by Trump and his family, or do you only care when a (D) does it?
Mr. Beale, offer more than opinion and rumors, please.
I did, read the letter. I states, from CONGRESS, specifically which laws, by the number of congressional code, were broken, and are currently being investigated.

These are facts.

This is the unfolding story I have posted about weeks ago, from which the source of this story sprang. It isn't going away, and it will only get worse. Eventually, the whole Trump collusion story will wrap up, but Hillary and her minions will still be in Jeopardy, do you know why? Because that is the sort of guy Trump is, he isn't just going to forget this . . . .
Do you care about the influence peddling being done by Trump and his family, or do you only care when a (D) does it?
Honest answer, it depends

And I probably care more when it is done with foreign actors

So, when the SecState allows for meetings with folks that give money to a personal fund or a political party, I would say that is more egregious than when an American company gets tax breaks or favorable legislation based on a donation, BUT, that is not always true

I'm not an absolutist like that

And yes, I am confident that influence peddling is going on with this administration as well - fair enough?
If the FBI had reason or suspicion to be looking at Trump as well as Clinton (as they did), then the FBI would be wrong not to be surveilling Trump, yes?

Trump's campaign committed crimes.

Mueller's investigation has proven that with indictments, pleas, convictions, et al., all having to do with people and Trump's campaign.

Now it appears that Israel and SA and UAE were in on it as well.

Evidence like a fake, bogus dossier?

besides the golden showers, what else in the Dossier has not been true?

Alleged bribes from the Kremlin for another

Actually we just found out something last week on that.... Rosneft offered 19% of the company if the Trump team lifted Russian sanctions....

We found out last week that the Emerati were given or sold precisely 19% of Rosneft, and 4 days later the Arab Emerati men, showed up in a video of Trump tower, in an elevator with Michael Cohen just 4 days after they acquired the 19% of Rosneft..... thank the ambulance chaser Avenatti for that video...

looks like Steele could be right on that 19% of company for sanction removal.... as well....

IT AIN'T OVER till the fat lady sings.... and she hasn't sung yet
If the FBI had reason or suspicion to be looking at Trump as well as Clinton (as they did), then the FBI would be wrong not to be surveilling Trump, yes?

Trump's campaign committed crimes.

Mueller's investigation has proven that with indictments, pleas, convictions, et al., all having to do with people and Trump's campaign.

Now it appears that Israel and SA and UAE were in on it as well.

Evidence like a fake, bogus dossier?

besides the golden showers, what else in the Dossier has not been true?

Alleged bribes from the Kremlin for another

Actually we just found out something last week on that.... Rosneft offered 19% of the company if the Trump team lifted Russian sanctions....

We found out last week that the Emerati were given or sold precisely 19% of Rosneft, and 4 days later the Arab Emerati men, showed up in a video of Trump tower, in an elevator with Michael Cohen just 4 days after they acquired the 19% of Rosneft..... thank the ambulance chaser Avenatti for that video...

looks like Steele could be right on that 19% of company for sanction removal.... as well....

IT AIN'T OVER till the fat lady sings.... and she hasn't sing yet

Obama Campaign Paid $972,000 To Law Firm That Paid Fusion GPS
Do you care about the influence peddling being done by Trump and his family, or do you only care when a (D) does it?
Honest answer, it depends

And I probably care more when it is done with foreign actors

So, when the SecState allows for meetings with folks that give money to a personal fund or a political party, I would say that is more egregious than when an American company gets tax breaks or favorable legislation based on a donation, BUT, that is not always true

I'm not an absolutist like that

And yes, I am confident that influence peddling is going on with this administration as well - fair enough?

That is fair enough.

Here is my take on the influence peddling issue, it has been going on as long as there has been people in power. It is not going to stop, and for the most part it does not really affect my life all that much, if at all. I care about things that have an impact on me and my family.

Let me ask you this, let's pretend that we really did sell 20% of our what? Are we running out and cant build anymore nukes? Did Russia not have enough Nukes to kill us 100 times over and us them?

When I was a young man we had a president that choose to sell guns to Iran to try and get hostages released and fund covert operations in Nicaragua. This was against the law and immoral based on what Iran was doing at the time. That man is seen as one of the greatest president of our country and pretty much nobody went to jail over it.

Nothing has changed since then.
If the FBI had reason or suspicion to be looking at Trump as well as Clinton (as they did), then the FBI would be wrong not to be surveilling Trump, yes?

Trump's campaign committed crimes.

Mueller's investigation has proven that with indictments, pleas, convictions, et al., all having to do with people and Trump's campaign.

Now it appears that Israel and SA and UAE were in on it as well.

Evidence like a fake, bogus dossier?

besides the golden showers, what else in the Dossier has not been true?

Alleged bribes from the Kremlin for another

Actually we just found out something last week on that.... Rosneft offered 19% of the company if the Trump team lifted Russian sanctions....

We found out last week that the Emerati were given or sold precisely 19% of Rosneft, and 4 days later the Arab Emerati men, showed up in a video of Trump tower, in an elevator with Michael Cohen just 4 days after they acquired the 19% of Rosneft..... thank the ambulance chaser Avenatti for that video...

looks like Steele could be right on that 19% of company for sanction removal.... as well....

IT AIN'T OVER till the fat lady sings.... and she hasn't sing yet

Obama Campaign Paid $972,000 To Law Firm That Paid Fusion GPS

So, fucking what. Perkins Coie is one of the top law firms in the nation. Lots of people pay them lots of money for their services.

Here is a short list of some of their clients...
Boeing Company, Microsoft, Amazon, Starbucks, Costco, Craigslist, Google, Facebook, Intel, Twitter, AT&T, Zillow, REI, Intellectual Ventures, UPS, Barack Obama, Expedia, Safeco, T-Mobile, Dale Chihuly, Quora and Nintendo.

Are all these people guilty of colluding with Fusion GPS?

I just can't get over how stupid people are.

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