Charlie Crist: Intolerable Racism is why I left GOP

If Crist thought he could get elected as a Republican, he'd still be a Republican.

He's the quintessential political windsock.

I totally agree. But does it matter? Even though I'm a Liberal I thought Crist did a pretty good job as state CEO, and the managing of Florida's economy vs. all the special interests down here.

I don't think he is very ideological one way or the other. I think his schtick is competent governing. I'll take that.

You're proof that to a liberal failing is a good thing.
Capitol News Service » Charlie Crist
Competent? Maybe you need a reminder
If Crist thought he could get elected as a Republican, he'd still be a Republican.

He's the quintessential political windsock.

I totally agree. But does it matter? Even though I'm a Liberal I thought Crist did a pretty good job as state CEO, and the managing of Florida's economy vs. all the special interests down here.

I don't think he is very ideological one way or the other. I think his schtick is competent governing. I'll take that.
If Crist thought he could get elected as a Republican, he'd still be a Republican.

He's the quintessential political windsock.

I totally agree. But does it matter? Even though I'm a Liberal I thought Crist did a pretty good job as state CEO, and the managing of Florida's economy vs. all the special interests down here.

I don't think he is very ideological one way or the other. I think his schtick is competent governing. I'll take that.

I haven't decided, but I will probably vote for Scott over Crist.

I've done a 180 on Scott. I wanted anyone but him in 2010. But I have found that regardless of what you might think of his politics, he (mostly) approaches his job rationally and analytically. I've seen Scott do unpopular things, even with his base, because it was the right thing to do. That is very much unlike Crist, whose first response to virtually any issue is to stick his finger in the air. Crist abandoned the governorship because he saw himself in the Senate for 20 years. He is the definition of a craven politician.

I completely disagree that Crist managed the economy well. In fact, it was very much the opposite. He was willing to bankrupt this state because he was unwilling to raise insurance premiums enough. He essentially rolled the dice that we wouldn't have a cat 4 or 5 storm blow through here and won.
I wonder how much he was proffered to offer up this lie?
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Bigotry is the Republican core value.

That is why they are so popular in the Zombie Confederacy.
Bigotry is the Republican core value.

That is why they are so popular in the Zombie Confederacy.

You do realize you are talking about the wrong party right? It was Democrats that held slaves, It was democrats that was for Crow laws and segregation. It was democrats that created the KKK . It was A democrat that said he would get the ******* voting democrat for 200 years. it is democrats that uses abortion to kill black babies in the womb. It is democrats that tear minority families apart through welfare......You see the truth is it has always been democrats that ware the true racists.....But I am sure they are glad idiots like you still lap up the bullshit they hand feed you.
Bigotry is the Republican core value.

That is why they are so popular in the Zombie Confederacy.

You do realize you are talking about the wrong party right? It was Democrats that held slaves, It was democrats that was for Crow laws and segregation. It was democrats that created the KKK . It was A democrat that said he would get the ******* voting democrat for 200 years. it is democrats that uses abortion to kill black babies in the womb. It is democrats that tear minority families apart through welfare......You see the truth is it has always been democrats that ware the true racists.....But I am sure they are glad idiots like you still lap up the bullshit they hand feed you.

A little history lesson....

In 1968 the Republican Party became the party of bigots. Nixon's so called "Southern Strategy."

And the poverty rate for blacks has dropped in half since 1968 thanks to Democratically passed social programs.
Bigotry is the Republican core value.

That is why they are so popular in the Zombie Confederacy.

You do realize you are talking about the wrong party right? It was Democrats that held slaves, It was democrats that was for Crow laws and segregation. It was democrats that created the KKK . It was A democrat that said he would get the ******* voting democrat for 200 years. it is democrats that uses abortion to kill black babies in the womb. It is democrats that tear minority families apart through welfare......You see the truth is it has always been democrats that ware the true racists.....But I am sure they are glad idiots like you still lap up the bullshit they hand feed you.

A little history lesson....

In 1968 the Republican Party became the party of bigots. Nixon's so called "Southern Strategy."

And the poverty rate for blacks has dropped in half since 1968 thanks to Democratically passed social programs.
I am sure you believe in leprechauns as well. Hey dummy other then Thurman which racist democrat became a republican????? Lets see? Gore sr. plus Jr. still democrats....Johnson? Still democrat. Byrd? stayed democrat till the Klans man died. Kennedy? Democrat. You see you ignorant fool you know precisely shit when it comes to the truth.
Bigotry is the Republican core value.

That is why they are so popular in the Zombie Confederacy.

How dare those Republican bigots vote in a Hispanic over Crist! Don't they know they are only allowed to pick the old white guy?
You do realize you are talking about the wrong party right? It was Democrats that held slaves, It was democrats that was for Crow laws and segregation. It was democrats that created the KKK . It was A democrat that said he would get the ******* voting democrat for 200 years. it is democrats that uses abortion to kill black babies in the womb. It is democrats that tear minority families apart through welfare......You see the truth is it has always been democrats that ware the true racists.....But I am sure they are glad idiots like you still lap up the bullshit they hand feed you.

A little history lesson....

In 1968 the Republican Party became the party of bigots. Nixon's so called "Southern Strategy."

And the poverty rate for blacks has dropped in half since 1968 thanks to Democratically passed social programs.
I am sure you believe in leprechauns as well. Hey dummy other then Thurman which racist democrat became a republican????? Lets see? Gore sr. plus Jr. still democrats....Johnson? Still democrat. Byrd? stayed democrat till the Klans man died. Kennedy? Democrat. You see you ignorant fool you know precisely shit when it comes to the truth.

From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to McCain's "black baby" to Mexican immigrants to the Rev. Wright to Obama, Republicans always find a black or brown man to scare white suburban voters with.

It's what they do.
Republican diversity.....

Gee, just because the GOP is 90% white and refer to the president as that Kenyan mulatto doesn't mean they are racist.

That becomes a problem when people use the collective mentality.
There are a small amount of the GOP people who say that, the majority don't.
It is pretty bad when white people have to go to the Repub's, because the Dem's refuse to represent any conservatives.
Racism--------the mantra of the dems and libs------------because its all they have.

they have no record, no successes, no statesmen, no economic success, no foreign policy--------they have nothing to run on except to call the other guy a racist

sorry, dem/libs, but the american people are smarter than you think they are.

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