Chaos on FoxNews this a.m.; Calls America "shallowest country"


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Hilarious on Fox this morning. The shock, awe and denial is painful to watch. The host actually just called America one of the "shallowest" countries on Earth....why? Because, quote: President "stepped over a 2x4" for a photo op in storm area, and people viewed it as leadership.

The goal was to win. The American free market has allowed our population to be dumbed down by private sector bullshit like XBox and the Jersey Shore. They care more about ipods and American Idol than who runs the nations government. They'll watch an NFL game over a political debate. THAT population voted.

To win THAT population's vote, you gotta play the game. Obama played it better than Romney.

Hey, dont hate the playa, hate tha game. But Fox just let us know what they think of the population: We are the shallowest nation on Earth because we elected this president.

America is screwed for the next four years no matter WHO was elected yesterday. Neither candidate had any solution for the Economic troubles the US is in. And it's like the American people have no idea either.

You guys are gloating and happy that we're gonna' get 4 more years what we just suffered through? If the American people knew what was happening and knew what needed to be done they would have elected a 3rd Party Candidate yesterday.
Hilarious on Fox this morning. The shock, awe and denial is painful to watch. The host actually just called America one of the "shallowest" countries on Earth....why? Because, quote: President "stepped over a 2x4" for a photo op in storm area, and people viewed it as leadership.

The goal was to win. The American free market has allowed our population to be dumbed down by private sector bullshit like XBox and the Jersey Shore. They care more about ipods and American Idol than who runs the nations government. They'll watch an NFL game over a political debate. THAT population voted.

To win THAT population's vote, you gotta play the game. Obama played it better than Romney.

Hey, dont hate the playa, hate tha game. But Fox just let us know what they think of the population: We are the shallowest nation on Earth because we elected this president.


I do agree with you on this bigtime.....and I do agree with Fox, for the reasons you just stated
Hilarious on Fox this morning. The shock, awe and denial is painful to watch. The host actually just called America one of the "shallowest" countries on Earth....why? Because, quote: President "stepped over a 2x4" for a photo op in storm area, and people viewed it as leadership.

The goal was to win. The American free market has allowed our population to be dumbed down by private sector bullshit like XBox and the Jersey Shore. They care more about ipods and American Idol than who runs the nations government. They'll watch an NFL game over a political debate. THAT population voted.

To win THAT population's vote, you gotta play the game. Obama played it better than Romney.

Hey, dont hate the playa, hate tha game. But Fox just let us know what they think of the population: We are the shallowest nation on Earth because we elected this president.


You insult the American population. That is why you lose

Americans are hard working, they love their country, they love their family and want to do what is best. The 47% that Republicans hold in such disdain are not looking for a handout, they are not stupid, they are not lazy

Americans want a decent shot at the American Dream. They want a job in which they can support their family, they want a decent place to live, they want to be cared for if they get sick, they want to be able to educate their kids. That does not mean they are lazy or expecting a handout...It means they are Americans
Hilarious on Fox this morning. The shock, awe and denial is painful to watch. The host actually just called America one of the "shallowest" countries on Earth....why? Because, quote: President "stepped over a 2x4" for a photo op in storm area, and people viewed it as leadership.

The goal was to win. The American free market has allowed our population to be dumbed down by private sector bullshit like XBox and the Jersey Shore. They care more about ipods and American Idol than who runs the nations government. They'll watch an NFL game over a political debate. THAT population voted.

To win THAT population's vote, you gotta play the game. Obama played it better than Romney.

Hey, dont hate the playa, hate tha game. But Fox just let us know what they think of the population: We are the shallowest nation on Earth because we elected this president.


Truth hurt?
A guy in my office told me about this. He said it was hilarious!
America is screwed for the next four years no matter WHO was elected yesterday. Neither candidate had any solution for the Economic troubles the US is in. And it's like the American people have no idea either.

You guys are gloating and happy that we're gonna' get 4 more years what we just suffered through? If the American people knew what was happening and knew what needed to be done they would have elected a 3rd Party Candidate yesterday.

America isn't screwed for the next four years, but for the foreseeable future. Whoever is the next president will be promising more than obama promised.
I heard that Rove did not want to conceed Ohio and argued with the host...I suppose it was painful
Hilarious on Fox this morning. The shock, awe and denial is painful to watch. The host actually just called America one of the "shallowest" countries on Earth....why? Because, quote: President "stepped over a 2x4" for a photo op in storm area, and people viewed it as leadership.

The goal was to win. The American free market has allowed our population to be dumbed down by private sector bullshit like XBox and the Jersey Shore. They care more about ipods and American Idol than who runs the nations government. They'll watch an NFL game over a political debate. THAT population voted.

To win THAT population's vote, you gotta play the game. Obama played it better than Romney.

Hey, dont hate the playa, hate tha game. But Fox just let us know what they think of the population: We are the shallowest nation on Earth because we elected this president.


You insult the American population. That is why you lose

Americans are hard working, they love their country, they love their family and want to do what is best. The 47% that Republicans hold in such disdain are not looking for a handout, they are not stupid, they are not lazy

Americans want a decent shot at the American Dream. They want a job in which they can support their family, they want a decent place to live, they want to be cared for if they get sick, they want to be able to educate their kids. That does not mean they are lazy or expecting a handout...It means they are Americans

Bullshit. America is about to be taken down for good by a coalition of freeloaders and amoral scum that have figured out how to band together for free gubmint goodies.
I heard that Rove did not want to conceed Ohio and argued with the host...I suppose it was painful

He argued with Fox's analyst on why they would call it with the race so close and so many votes to count. They didn't back down.

A clear win.
Hilarious on Fox this morning. The shock, awe and denial is painful to watch. The host actually just called America one of the "shallowest" countries on Earth....why? Because, quote: President "stepped over a 2x4" for a photo op in storm area, and people viewed it as leadership.

The goal was to win. The American free market has allowed our population to be dumbed down by private sector bullshit like XBox and the Jersey Shore. They care more about ipods and American Idol than who runs the nations government. They'll watch an NFL game over a political debate. THAT population voted.

To win THAT population's vote, you gotta play the game. Obama played it better than Romney.

Hey, dont hate the playa, hate tha game. But Fox just let us know what they think of the population: We are the shallowest nation on Earth because we elected this president.


You insult the American population. That is why you lose

Americans are hard working, they love their country, they love their family and want to do what is best. The 47% that Republicans hold in such disdain are not looking for a handout, they are not stupid, they are not lazy

Americans want a decent shot at the American Dream. They want a job in which they can support their family, they want a decent place to live, they want to be cared for if they get sick, they want to be able to educate their kids. That does not mean they are lazy or expecting a handout...It means they are Americans

Bullshit. America is about to be taken down for good by a coalition of freeloaders and amoral scum that have figured out how to band together for free gubmint goodies.

Thank make my point

More reason why your party is doomed
Regardless of who won the election last night, the nation faces some hard choices. We must get our financial house in order in order to make the American Dream possible for generations of Americans to come. This is not a partisan issue, it's an American one, it's one that both parties have gotten us into and its going to be one that both parties are going to have to come together to get us out of. Everything from taxes. to domestic and defense cuts, as well as reforms to programs that people count on now are a must, so they will be there for years to come. Frankly, it would be a good thing to see a new found faith and pride in the term " Made in the USA" and remember that ideas and solutions are not the exclusive property of a political party.
Hilarious on Fox this morning. The shock, awe and denial is painful to watch. The host actually just called America one of the "shallowest" countries on Earth....why? Because, quote: President "stepped over a 2x4" for a photo op in storm area, and people viewed it as leadership.

The goal was to win. The American free market has allowed our population to be dumbed down by private sector bullshit like XBox and the Jersey Shore. They care more about ipods and American Idol than who runs the nations government. They'll watch an NFL game over a political debate. THAT population voted.

To win THAT population's vote, you gotta play the game. Obama played it better than Romney.

Hey, dont hate the playa, hate tha game. But Fox just let us know what they think of the population: We are the shallowest nation on Earth because we elected this president.


You insult the American population. That is why you lose

Americans are hard working, they love their country, they love their family and want to do what is best. The 47% that Republicans hold in such disdain are not looking for a handout, they are not stupid, they are not lazy

Americans want a decent shot at the American Dream. They want a job in which they can support their family, they want a decent place to live, they want to be cared for if they get sick, they want to be able to educate their kids. That does not mean they are lazy or expecting a handout...It means they are Americans

Bullshit. America is about to be taken down for good by a coalition of freeloaders and amoral scum that have figured out how to band together for free gubmint goodies.

That's why we need term limits to keep those congress-critters in line.

Seriously though.....Butt-hurt this morning?
You insult the American population. That is why you lose

Americans are hard working, they love their country, they love their family and want to do what is best. The 47% that Republicans hold in such disdain are not looking for a handout, they are not stupid, they are not lazy

Americans want a decent shot at the American Dream. They want a job in which they can support their family, they want a decent place to live, they want to be cared for if they get sick, they want to be able to educate their kids. That does not mean they are lazy or expecting a handout...It means they are Americans

Bullshit. America is about to be taken down for good by a coalition of freeloaders and amoral scum that have figured out how to band together for free gubmint goodies.

Thank you...y
ou make my point

More reason why your party is doomed

You are welcome. Next time you refer to the hard working and decent Americans, make sure you are talking about the half who voted for Romney.
I heard that Rove did not want to conceed Ohio and argued with the host...I suppose it was painful

He argued with Fox's analyst on why they would call it with the race so close and so many votes to count. They didn't back down.

A clear win.

The reason they called it with so many out was because 80%of the votes that were out were from democrat districts. But even if he had won Ohio he still would've lost.
America is screwed for the next four years no matter WHO was elected yesterday. Neither candidate had any solution for the Economic troubles the US is in. And it's like the American people have no idea either.

You guys are gloating and happy that we're gonna' get 4 more years what we just suffered through? If the American people knew what was happening and knew what needed to be done they would have elected a 3rd Party Candidate yesterday.

When was the last time the United States elected a 3rd Party Candidate?
Regardless of who won the election last night, the nation faces some hard choices. We must get our financial house in order in order to make the American Dream possible for generations of Americans to come. This is not a partisan issue, it's an American one, it's one that both parties have gotten us into and its going to be one that both parties are going to have to come together to get us out of. Everything from taxes. to domestic and defense cuts, as well as reforms to programs that people count on now are a must, so they will be there for years to come. Frankly, it would be a good thing to see a new found faith and pride in the term " Made in the USA" and remember that ideas and solutions are not the exclusive property of a political party.

Thank you. Ever the voice of reason.

Yes, there has to be cuts all across the budget, without abandoning those within our society that are in need. And there has to be increases in taxes for those in the upper income brackets.

We must create new industries here, and that requires new technology, and trained craftsmen and professionals. We simply cannot continue to have even small nations like South Korea graduating more engineers than we do. Not if we expect to remain economically competative.

We have a grid that is an antique, vulneble both to natural disasters, and external threats. It does not reach into the areas that have abundant natural energy, and is not set up to harvest small domestic power sources. We must become more independent of foriegn energy for our transportation sector.

And we must address the consequences of climate change. Already we see some of those on the grocery shelves.

All in all, a daunting series of challenges. Challenges that cannot be met unless we follow the model we saw with the governors and federal government before, during, and at present for the disastrous storm on the East Coast. One party cannot simply say no to everything the other proposes and expect this nation to achieve any of these goals.
Bullshit. America is about to be taken down for good by a coalition of freeloaders and amoral scum that have figured out how to band together for free gubmint goodies.

Thank you...y
ou make my point

More reason why your party is doomed

You are welcome. Next time you refer to the hard working and decent Americans, make sure you are talking about the half who voted for Romney.

So, Snippy, in your view, none of the Americans that voted for Obama are hard working or decent? You really think that? Are you truly that retarded?

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