GOP is BROKEN, Social Conservatives need to use the next 4 years to build a new party


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
In general polling 45% of the public sellf-identified as conservative, libs 20% and moderates 35%, while party self-ID went about 35% Dem and 35% GOP, but the poll samples were getting responses from 41% Dems and only 30% GOP.

About 22% of self-identifying conservatives refused to choose Romney and the final vote reflected that.

The GOP cannot win without the enthusiastic support of the social conservatives as ever election since 1972 has proven. Every GOP social moderate (ie would not campaign leading the way on conservative social issues) has lost since 72: Ford, Bush the Elder once exposed, Dole, McCain and now Romney. Social conservative GOP leaders that got out there on these issues win starting with Nixon in 72, then Reagan, Bush the Elder when posing as a soc-con, both W Bush efforts.

But now the RINO GOP elite have cemented control of the GOP with the ability of the RNC to change party rules as they want whenever they want for whatever reason that they want. This means social conservatives can never again get a fair hearing in the GOP.

So it is time for social conservatives to take a 'Long March' approach and rebuild a winning foundation for victory in the future as today is predictably lost. The conservatives in Canada did it and American soc-cons can to.

Teach your young to identify as *Christian* Americans instead of plain ole vanilla Americans and contrast the differences. Send your kids to privates school or home school them. Stop accepting the lesser of two evils (you still wind up with evil and that is not acceptable) and start pushing local and state issues while working within the GOP for now. Let your allies know privately that a split is coming in the near future and it will have to be a big bold move away from the GOP once things are set.

You will lose elections for the next twenty years, but thats OK. There is no real choice between Democrats and Republicans on the important issues now anyway.

But time is on your side. Demographics are on your side. The Dems will hold power long enough that their many factions will fall away from each other as the specter of the 'racist' GOP taking power and returning them to chains fades away. Build coalitions with Christians among these disaffected minorities that consider themselves more Christianthan sectarian ethnic.

Eventually you will win as the Old Guard Establishment falls apart for lack of children, lack of new ideas and lack of patriotism.

Your time will come patient and have faith.
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They need to get back more of the Republicans I grew up with and occasionally voted for. Haven't done so since Mac Mathias(R-MD) retired.
They will and Christie will be leading the way. You watch. You heard it here first.
Don't sweat it. As soon as the shocking expenses for Obamacare kick in, not to mention Taxmageddon, the voters will flock back to the GOP.

The chickens are coming home to roost.

Rinse. Lather, Repeat.

I'd love to see the hardcore social conservatives break off and form their own party. It would not hurt the remaining party, because losing the social conservatives would make the party far more attractive to moderates and even many Democrats.

By all means, please do it.


That should have happened 8 years ago.

I think I'm finally going to switch to the Libertarian Party.
In general polling 45% of the public sellf-identified as conservative, libs 20% and moderates 35%, while party self-ID went about 35% Dem and 35% GOP, but the poll samples were getting responses from 41% Dems and only 30% GOP.

About 22% of self-identifying conservatives refused to choose Romney and the final vote reflected that.

The GOP cannot win without the enthusiastic support of the social conservatives as ever election since 1972 has proven. Every GOP social moderate (ie would not campaign leading the way on conservative social issues) has lost since 72: Ford, Bush the Elder once exposed, Dole, McCain and now Romney. Social conservative GOP leaders that got out there on these issues win starting with Nixon in 72, then Reagan, Bush the Elder when posing as a soc-con, both W Bush efforts.

But now the RINO GOP elite have cemented control of the GOP with the ability of the RNC to change party rules as they want whenever they want for whatever reason that they want. This means social conservatives can never again get a fair hearing in the GOP.

So it is time for social conservatives to take a 'Long March' approach and rebuild a winning foundation for victory in the future as today is predictably lost. The conservatives in Canada did it and American soc-cons can to.

Teach your young to identify as *Christian* Americans instead of plain ole vanilla Americans and contrast the differences. Send your kids to privates school or home school them. Stop accepting the lesser of two evils (you still wind up with evil and that is not acceptable) and start pushing local and state issues while working within the GOP for now. Let your allies know privately that a split is coming in the near future and it will have to be a big bold move away from the GOP once things are set.

You will lose elections for the next twenty years, but thats OK. There is no real choice between Democrats and Republicans on the important issues now anyway.

But time is on your side. Demographics are on your side. The Dems will hold power long enough that their many factions will fall away from each other as the specter of the 'racist' GOP taking power and returning them to chains fades away. Build coalitions with Christians among these disaffected minorities that consider themselves more Christianthan sectarian ethnic.

Eventually you will win as the Old Guard Establishment falls apart for lack of children, lack of new ideas and lack of patriotism.

Your time will come patient and have faith.

Social conservatives are now irrelevant.

4 states voted to make Gay Marriage legal.
Conservatives need to back out and let the nation fall. The answer is not to become more liberal and more inclusive of the kind of evil liberalism represents. The answer is to let go. Opt out and get out if you can. The flame of freedom is only out in the US. It has dimmed before only to flame again elsewhere.
The GOP isn't broken. The same thing was said in 2008 and then 2010 happened and the GOP retook the House. Then Scott Walker won his recall in a blue state. Why people make such ridiculous statements after an election is beyond me.

I'd love to see the hardcore social conservatives break off and form their own party. It would not hurt the remaining party, because losing the social conservatives would make the party far more attractive to moderates and even many Democrats.

By all means, please do it.


And I hope that the GOP elite listen to short sighted people like you, as well.

The historical record speaks for itself, the GOP cannot win natioonally without social conservatives as last night once again demonstrated.

This simply proves that the GOP is not a home for social conservatives at the national level and plans need to be laid for a new party to start probably 8 years from now, but the most important ground work (rules keeping Wall Street money out of the new parties power structure) is over the next for years while Wall Street has its QE paid orgies.

I'd love to see the hardcore social conservatives break off and form their own party. It would not hurt the remaining party, because losing the social conservatives would make the party far more attractive to moderates and even many Democrats.

By all means, please do it.


I agree.

But I think the OP is talking about "Christian Identity" which is White Pride neo-nazi.

Those people can go to hell.
In general polling 45% of the public sellf-identified as conservative, libs 20% and moderates 35%, while party self-ID went about 35% Dem and 35% GOP, but the poll samples were getting responses from 41% Dems and only 30% GOP.

About 22% of self-identifying conservatives refused to choose Romney and the final vote reflected that.

Have a source for those numbers?

The GOP cannot win without the enthusiastic support of the social conservatives as ever election since 1972 has proven. Every GOP social moderate (ie would not campaign leading the way on conservative social issues) has lost since 72: Ford, Bush the Elder once exposed, Dole, McCain and now Romney. Social conservative GOP leaders that got out there on these issues win starting with Nixon in 72, then Reagan, Bush the Elder when posing as a soc-con, both W Bush efforts.

But now the RINO GOP elite have cemented control of the GOP with the ability of the RNC to change party rules as they want whenever they want for whatever reason that they want. This means social conservatives can never again get a fair hearing in the GOP.

So it is time for social conservatives to take a 'Long March' approach and rebuild a winning foundation for victory in the future as today is predictably lost. The conservatives in Canada did it and American soc-cons can to.
It was the establishment neocons, not the so-called "social conservatives" (an oxymoron if there ever was one), who were the ones responsible for changing the rules at the last second, in order to rob Dr. Paul out of his rightful speaking role at the RNC....My educated guess that a very high percentage of the aforementioned 22% were amongst those who didn't show up yesterday.
Don't sweat it. As soon as the shocking expenses for Obamacare kick in, not to mention Taxmageddon, the voters will flock back to the GOP.

The chickens are coming home to roost.

Rinse. Lather, Repeat.

No they won't. They will be fighting in the streets for their entitlement the way they are in Greece. The best thing conservatives and republicans can do now is obstruct as much as they can to slow the rate of collapse and start making sure they have feathered nests someplace else.
So the GOP needs to morph into a sort of Democrat II Party? Explain to me how that would be offering us a choice?

If America wants Socialism and Totalitarianism, they get without my support.
The GOP isn't broken. The same thing was said in 2008 and then 2010 happened and the GOP retook the House. Then Scott Walker won his recall in a blue state. Why people make such ridiculous statements after an election is beyond me.

GOP won despite its national leaderships opposition to the Tea Party movement. And the TPM is about 80% social conservative.

It is past time for soc-cons to migrate to a new party, new groups (like dump CPAC and other anti-soc-con groups) and revise their view of America from being a political duopoly to one that realizes that America and its two major parties are controled by wealthy factions that have no love for America, and only want to squeeze it for ever dime that they can.
So the GOP needs to morph into a sort of Democrat II Party? Explain to me how that would be offering us a choice?

If America wants Socialism and Totalitarianism, they get without my support.

How did you get that out of what I posted?


I'd love to see the hardcore social conservatives break off and form their own party. It would not hurt the remaining party, because losing the social conservatives would make the party far more attractive to moderates and even many Democrats.

By all means, please do it.


And I hope that the GOP elite listen to short sighted people like you, as well.

The historical record speaks for itself, the GOP cannot win natioonally without social conservatives as last night once again demonstrated.

This simply proves that the GOP is not a home for social conservatives at the national level and plans need to be laid for a new party to start probably 8 years from now, but the most important ground work (rules keeping Wall Street money out of the new parties power structure) is over the next for years while Wall Street has its QE paid orgies.

Mac is a double-talking idiot who really does not believe that which he spews.

What needs to be done is for Congress, or in this case the House, to officially stop kicking the can down the road. When the bill comes due, Joe Public will freak out and seek sanity. But this won't happen as long as they can vote themselves free gubmint stuff and get away with it.
Don't sweat it. As soon as the shocking expenses for Obamacare kick in, not to mention Taxmageddon, the voters will flock back to the GOP.

The chickens are coming home to roost.

Rinse. Lather, Rept.

So true. People by nature are unhappy. White unemployent under Obama is at roughly 7%. But minority unemployment under Obama is sky high. They'll get it someday.

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