Channukah Miracle: The Story of Basma Musa


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Amazing story, a wonderful Miracle: Basma Musa, a 3 year old girl from Dir-Al-Asad, joined her father and mother on a family trip. Due to the storms of this week, for some unknown reason, the family jeep slid off the bridge in the Hula Valley, causing the vehicle to end up deep in the Jordan River.

“A private vehicle was driving on the bridge and most likely lost control, drove over the guardrail and fell into the Jordan river,” initial reports of the Israel Police stated.


The father was trapped inside, the mother, Maram, somehow succeded getting out of the car, not an easy task, with the door crushed and the water in near freezing temprature.

Passersby heard the mother screaming in despare, and hurried to help. First trying to help the mom, she urged them to leave her and help her family, "My little girl's inside the car!" she called.

Little Basma was still buckled to her seat, and the crashed door made it impossible to get her out from the back seat. The brave civilians, with no rescue skills whatsoever, succeded in rescuing her when opening the trunk and pulling out the unconcious child. Minutes later, rescue forces arrived at the scene.

All in all, Basma was underwater for nearly 7 minutes. Both the girl and her mom were brought in in critical condition.

Basma was treated at the Ziv hospital in Tzfat, her father converned, trying to divide time between her and her mother, the doctors following her condition with concern.

But, little Basma beated the odds. Two days following her hospitalization, she opened her eyes, recognized her father and laughed with the doctors. The doctors were amazed. And to add to the surprise, they now have determined she suffers no brain damage of any sort, which is in itself, pretty amazing.

Today, two of her rescueres came by the hospital to check on Basma, and played with her for long hours. One of them brought her a doll of Santa Clause.




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