CDZ Challenge to Trump Opponents > How Can You Justify the "HATE" Label ?

What a pathetic attempt at a thread. Why don't you get in a discussion with David Cameron, Angela Merkel and virtually every other European leader, who have reacted to Donald Trump the way one would react to a six foot tall dog turd in an orange wig? Yeah, right, try to pretend it's everyone else who's got Trump wrong.

Angela Merkel is a Muslim-ass kisser who has imperiled her people with her reckless and irresponsible "leadership". She is her own people's worst enemy. I'll bet most Germans right now would love to have Trump over there cleaning up the mess Merkel has created. And Cameron's UK isn't much better. Sharia courts. Oh brother! :rolleyes-41:

Europe ? The whole continent is a Muslim mudhole, with the exception of Italy, which has resisted the stupid Muslim immigration, and they do not acknowledge Islam to be a religion (which it isn't)
Perfect! Exactly what I would have expected from you. Hate speech doesn't exist, the rest of the world doesn't exist. And in expressing those hateful ideas, you have offered a textbook example of hate speech. Angela Merkel is a Muslim-ass kisser. Perfect! It should be Muslim ass-kisser, but don't worry, your hate came through loud and clear. That is hate speech! Bravo.

So if you can't recognize your own hate speech, how could you possibly recognize someone else's?

FWIW, there are rational ways to address threats and stupid ways which make a bad situation worse. Indulging in hate speech is childish, self-indulgent idiocy. All it does is make your enemy stronger and you weaker. That's why military and intelligence leaders hate this kind of loose-lips idiocy. It makes our troops less safe and gains us nothing except the emotional satisfaction it offers to the emotionally immature. It squanders soft-power, an idea which no Trump supporter is intelligent enough to understand. Sober people like Michael Hayden are raising the red flag about this clown, but this election cycle is a physics experiment to determine just how many complete and total morons can be squeezed into one of those tiny clown cars. If your brain is big enough to understand diplomacy and the vital importance of keeping our troops safe, you won't fit inside the Trump clown car. You have to have a tiny brain and tiny, tiny hands to fit in there.
The Donald is only advocating for a sane immigration policy like Mexico, and for this he's called a racist by people with no reading comprehension skills.
The anti Trumpers have no problem with the Mexican flag being waved around near Trump rallies. This is what happens when you let people into the USA who have no intention of assimilating in our country. Link below on Mexico's immigration law. Maybe the sob sisters on this board should take the protest to the Mexican Embassy for their 'racist' attitudes instead.

What is Mexico’s Immigration Law? - Tea Party Tribune
Sane? If it was sane then why did he abandon his Muslim ban? Or are you so deep in denial that you won't recognize that your Great Orange God has indeed dumped his stupidest and most controversial proposal? Or do you want to have a stimulating discussion about the difference between a casual suggestion and a serious policy proposal? Presidential candidates don't make "casual suggestions" about issues of such importance. Casual suggestions do not generate the level of revulsion that Trump's proposal did.
Did they have the same reaction to Romney or McCain?
They react to each candidate in however they THINK they can beast derail him and stop his bid to be president. They just don't seem to be making any sense this time around. And every time they attack with BS, Trump becomes MORE POPULAR, goes up in the polls, and get more primary votes. He already has gotten more primary votes than any Republican candidate in US history, and the GOP has outvoted the Democrats 55% to 45%, and incidentally that is the same margin by which Hispanics polled showed that the prefer Trump over Hitlery, (55% to 45%)

Something SHOCKING About Trump Was Just Released That Could Be Terrible News For Hillary

SHOCK POLL: Trump Leads Hillary Among Hispanic Voters [VIDEO]

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The Donald is only advocating for a sane immigration policy like Mexico, and for this he's called a racist by people with no reading comprehension skills.
The anti Trumpers have no problem with the Mexican flag being waved around near Trump rallies. This is what happens when you let people into the USA who have no intention of assimilating in our country. Link below on Mexico's immigration law. Maybe the sob sisters on this board should take the protest to the Mexican Embassy for their 'racist' attitudes instead.

What is Mexico’s Immigration Law? - Tea Party Tribune
Exactly right. Mexico enforces it's southern border with Belize and Guatemala, with an iron hand. They do just the opposite on their northern border where the send millions of cheap labor "troops" to raid our economy and tax treasuries, carrying the biggest international burglary in world history, via remittances$$ (their # 1 source if income) and welfare to Mexicans in the US, via the anchor baby racket, misinterpretation of the 14th amendment & false documentation. Truly amazing how so many "Americans" (traitors) could be complicit in this huge attack on our country.
Actually, this is what happens when a candidate who has no sense of decorum, tact, civility, or even an indication that he thinks before he speaks, is running for an office that requires all of those things.

Again I'll ask: Did the "haters" react this way to Romney or McCain?
Already answered that question. (Post # 43)
Perfect! Exactly what I would have expected from you. Hate speech doesn't exist, the rest of the world doesn't exist. And in expressing those hateful ideas, you have offered a textbook example of hate speech. Angela Merkel is a Muslim-ass kisser. Perfect! It should be Muslim ass-kisser, but don't worry, your hate came through loud and clear. That is hate speech! Bravo.

So if you can't recognize your own hate speech, how could you possibly recognize someone else's?

FWIW, there are rational ways to address threats and stupid ways which make a bad situation worse. Indulging in hate speech is childish, self-indulgent idiocy. All it does is make your enemy stronger and you weaker. That's why military and intelligence leaders hate this kind of loose-lips idiocy. It makes our troops less safe and gains us nothing except the emotional satisfaction it offers to the emotionally immature. It squanders soft-power, an idea which no Trump supporter is intelligent enough to understand. Sober people like Michael Hayden are raising the red flag about this clown, but this election cycle is a physics experiment to determine just how many complete and total morons can be squeezed into one of those tiny clown cars. If your brain is big enough to understand diplomacy and the vital importance of keeping our troops safe, you won't fit inside the Trump clown car. You have to have a tiny brain and tiny, tiny hands to fit in there.
1. The Koran is what is hate in the world today, as it has been for 1400 years. Hating Islam is hating hatred. Accepting it is endorsing hatred. You simply don't know what you're talking about. You are standing up for an ideology (masquerading as a religion) that has killed 270 million people around the globe, for centuries. It makes Hilter look minor. You are backing > wife beating (Koran 4:34), rape ( Koran 4:24, 23: 1-6, 70:29-30, 2;223), mass genocidal murder (8:12, 9:5, 9:123, et al), severe sex discrimination ( 2:223, 4:34, 4:11, 2:282, 4:24, 4:3), pedophilia (65:4), animal cruelty (Eid al Adha), killing of gays and apostates, lying (taqiyya - 16:106, 3:28), Slavery (24:32-33, et al), and other vile things.

2. The idea that we should tailor our activities and national security protocols to suit this abomination of uncivilized, barbaric savages, is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. You are calling for appeasement of evil. You cannot appease evil. You don't try to do that. You destroy it. You don't negotiate with terrorism (inherent in Islam). You fight it, You exterminate it. Otherwise, you fall prey to it, as the misguided countries of Europe already have (Italy, the one exception). The Muslim MO hasn't changed since the Muslim Brotherhood issued "The Project" a few decades ago, and then their "Explanatory Memorandum" (May 1991). It is to suck people like you into accepting Islam, little by little, and then destroying America and all western civilization "from within", and making Islam supreme (which is forbidden by the US Constitution-Article 6 Section 2, the Supremacy Clause) This is Islam's goal. To force everyone in the world to submit to it. Do you know what the word "Islam" means in Arabic ? It means SUBMISSION.

Just imagine if your kind of thinking prevailed during World War II. Imagine Eisenhower being afraid to attack Germany for fear of offending the German people, or world opinion.. Sheeeesh!! We would have lost the war if your ilk were in charge. Thank God they weren't.

3. Since you are a liberal and your "information" is probably coming from the pitiful medias of OMISSION, which deliberately withhold massive amounts of information from you, you probably have no idea how much you don't know. I have proven this dozens of times by quizzing liberals like you with my Islamization Quiz. Not one of them has ever scored higher than 5% (most got zero). Many asked me "Islamization. What's that ?" Your programming is very apparent.

But you keep on babbling here with your rhetorical hot air which establishes nothing, and I will keep answering with SUBSTANCE, SPECIFICS, and PROOF, as I have done here in this post (in bold print)

Lastly, CAUTION: You are in violation of the Clean Debate zone rules which forbids personal attacks >>

Clean Debate Zone

No Name Calling Or Putting Down Posters
No Trolling and/or Troll Threads
No Hijacking
No Personal Attacks
No Neg Repping

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Sane? If it was sane then why did he abandon his Muslim ban? Or are you so deep in denial that you won't recognize that your Great Orange God has indeed dumped his stupidest and most controversial proposal? Or do you want to have a stimulating discussion about the difference between a casual suggestion and a serious policy proposal? Presidential candidates don't make "casual suggestions" about issues of such importance. Casual suggestions do not generate the level of revulsion that Trump's proposal did.

Abandon his Muslim ban ? Is that what they're telling you on MSNBC, PBS, and other liberal distortion factories ? There is no abandonment. Trump is saying exactly the same on the Muslim immigration ban as he has said all along. Please stop coming in here with spin silliness. This is an intelligent thread. Trump's suggestion for a Muslin ban is just that > a suggestion. A month ago and today. One and the same. That's what candidates do,. They suggest things. They're not POTUS yet. Get it ?

Yeah, blabbering that Trump has backtracked on his Muslim ban. HA HA. The latest liberal media spin-ploy. And it looks like you fall for it. Just telling the truth, that's all.
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Because he's just an innocent victim, and they'd do exactly the same if it was Jesus running for the GOP nomination. Gotcha.
He IS an innocent victim. That's correct. He is the victim of constant, BS, smear talk, which stretches the truth into what is unfavorable for Trump, all to try to derail him. "Gotcha" is the right word. You got it right. Ho hum.
So here we are 50 posts into the thread, and no one has answered the OP question regarding the anti-Trump protestor signs that say > "STOP THE HATE".

What "hate" ? What are you talking about ? Be prepared to present specifics, and back them up with source/link evidence.
Because he's just an innocent victim, and they'd do exactly the same if it was Jesus running for the GOP nomination. Gotcha.
He IS an innocent victim. That's correct. He is the victim of constant, BS, smear talk, which stretches the truth into what is unfavorable for Trump, all to try to derail him. "Gotcha" is the right word. You got it right. Ho hum.

Time to get a head start on petitioning the Pope to consider him for sainthood, then.
I'm wondering if anyone is going to justify the HATE label, in any way shape or form ? So far, nothing has.
They are exaggerating, just as he is exaggerating about how the illegal hispanics being "sent" by Mexico are drug dealers, rapists and dangerous criminals--some, he assumes, are 'nice people.' Really? Both sides are spewing bs. Your guy doesn't come out of this smelling like a rose, either, so don't pretend he does.
I'm not pretending anything. First, Trump never spoke the word Hispanic (you did), and as a Hispanic myself, let me say that the word Hispanic should be capitalized.

Secondly, You show no evidence at all of your claim that Trump is "exaggerating". Trump said >> “When Mexico (meaning the Mexican Government) sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you (pointing to the audience). They’re not sending you (pointing again). They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs.They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people! But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting."

Note that Trump didn't say ALL the people that Mexico is sending, he just said "people". So yeah, SOME of the people that Mexico is sending ARE bringing drugs and crime, and SOME ARE rapists. But Trump-bashers distort this to give the impression that Trump has maligned ALL the illegal aliens as fitting these descriptions.

Actually, was more generous to the Mexicans coming to America improperly. Whether they are visa overstayers or criminals crossing the border without inspection by US officials, they are ALL lawbreakers, disrespecting our laws (and therefor us as well), and thus are NOT "good people" as Trump said.

So nothing Trump said was BS.(except maybe calling them "good people"
It takes a very special reading of what Trump said to come to your conclusion. I already said the left is exaggerating. Why are you arguing with me?
#2, if we accept that Trump was not referring to all Mexicans, it's also . his contention - by merely mentioning rapists -- is that rapists are over-represented among the immigrant population. It's irrefutably factual that they are not. So his statement about rapists is horrifically misleading, AT BEST.

#3, Your assertion is that all "law breakers" are "not good people." Everyone who has received a speeding ticket has "broken the law" and is a "bad person." I'd have trouble finding one person over the age of 30 who hasn't been ticketed.

Trump, himself, has broken the law with his private university, with his hiring of illegals, and in countless other business transactions. If you're religious, he's broken "god's law" with adultery. He's not a "good person."

So here and now, you're claiming that if you support Trump, you support a "bad person" under YOUR definition. Accordingly, your position is pretty indefensible given your low opinion of the "bad people" Mexico is sending.
2. NO, it certainly is NOT "his contention - by merely mentioning rapists -- is that rapists are over-represented among the immigrant population" That is just what YOU are contending that he is contending. Like all the other Trump-basers, you are putting words in his mouth, to suit how you want him to be seen. So NO, his statement about rapists is NOT misleading, at all.

3. There is a huge difference between imperialists invading a country to pillage its jobs, it economy wealth, and tax treasuries (by welfare from the anchor baby racket), and someone getting a speeding ticket. If you want to make an analogy, you could parallel illegal immigration to someone breaking into your house, stealing your valuable property, with the cops paid off to look the other way.

And no I'm not claiming that if you support Trump, you support a "bad person". That is what YOU claim, while sounding like (oh this is the CDZ, isn't it ?) HA HA HA.
Sorry to say you'd miserably fail the GED -- it expects you to make correct inferences from quoted materials.
The Donald is only advocating for a sane immigration policy like Mexico, and for this he's called a racist by people with no reading comprehension skills.
The anti Trumpers have no problem with the Mexican flag being waved around near Trump rallies. This is what happens when you let people into the USA who have no intention of assimilating in our country. Link below on Mexico's immigration law. Maybe the sob sisters on this board should take the protest to the Mexican Embassy for their 'racist' attitudes instead.

What is Mexico’s Immigration Law? - Tea Party Tribune
Exactly right. Mexico enforces it's southern border with Belize and Guatemala, with an iron hand. They do just the opposite on their northern border where the send millions of cheap labor "troops" to raid our economy and tax treasuries, carrying the biggest international burglary in world history, via remittances$$ (their # 1 source if income) and welfare to Mexicans in the US, via the anchor baby racket, misinterpretation of the 14th amendment & false documentation. Truly amazing how so many "Americans" (traitors) could be complicit in this huge attack on our country.
How are all the illegals from Belize and Guatemala sneaking into the US via Mexico, then? Are you really sure they've got an iron hand enforcing its southern border?
They are exaggerating, just as he is exaggerating about how the illegal hispanics being "sent" by Mexico are drug dealers, rapists and dangerous criminals--some, he assumes, are 'nice people.' Really? Both sides are spewing bs. Your guy doesn't come out of this smelling like a rose, either, so don't pretend he does.

If you come here illegally ......
They are exaggerating, just as he is exaggerating about how the illegal hispanics being "sent" by Mexico are drug dealers, rapists and dangerous criminals--some, he assumes, are 'nice people.' Really? Both sides are spewing bs. Your guy doesn't come out of this smelling like a rose, either, so don't pretend he does.

Tell it to the girls coming across the border.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report."

"The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."

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