Chaffee Webb O'Malley Clinton Sanders


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Who do you like and why? I don't know much about Martin O'Malley or Lincoln Chaffee. I like Hillary and Jim Webb.

I would love Bernie Sanders.
Answer: Chaffee Webb O'Malley Clinton Sanders

Question: Which candidate plans to take the most from the people who earn a lot, and give it away to the people who earn a little, to get their votes?
Answer: Chaffee Webb O'Malley Clinton Sanders

Question: Which candidate plans to take the most from the people who earn a lot, and give it away to the people who earn a little, to get their votes?
Apparently you don't see a problem with the huge and ever widening income gap between the rich and the poor. Going back to the days in England when you had the small ruling class a small merchantile class and a huge poor class commonly referred to as serfs
Answer: Chaffee Webb O'Malley Clinton Sanders

Question: Which candidate plans to take the most from the people who earn a lot, and give it away to the people who earn a little, to get their votes?
Apparently you don't see a problem with the huge and ever widening income gap between the rich and the poor. Going back to the days in England when you had the small ruling class a small merchantile class and a huge poor class commonly referred to as serfs
That's the idealized past the republicans want to return to.
Answer: Chaffee Webb O'Malley Clinton Sanders

Question: Which candidate plans to take the most from the people who earn a lot, and give it away to the people who earn a little, to get their votes?
Apparently you don't see a problem with the huge and ever widening income gap between the rich and the poor. Going back to the days in England when you had the small ruling class a small merchantile class and a huge poor class commonly referred to as serfs

Neither do I.

When I entered the North American job market I could hardly speak any English. I worked as a lumberjack, bellhop, miner and a factory floor laborer. Then, when I felt confident enough of my skill in English, I enrolled in high school as an adult student and got my high school diploma.

Then I applied for a training program and taught myself computer programming in the now extinct language of COBOL.

Then I worked at it competing against college graduates, who came to me occasionally to check their reports for spelling.

Then I retired after almost thirty years of computer programming, during which time I never once was envious or jealous of aforementioned college graduates who were making more than I was just for being college graduates.

It takes sick person to envy others. It also takes a midget who looks in the mirror and sees a giant.

In other words it takes a socialist. Correcting income inequality is totally and completely in the hands of those who are willing to do something about on their own rather bitch and complain and cry to the government for help.

If Bernie Saunders is so concerned about income inequality, let him keep as much of his government and taxpayer funded income and live on the income as the income of those for who pretends to speak.
Answer: Chaffee Webb O'Malley Clinton Sanders

Question: Which candidate plans to take the most from the people who earn a lot, and give it away to the people who earn a little, to get their votes?
Apparently you don't see a problem with the huge and ever widening income gap between the rich and the poor. Going back to the days in England when you had the small ruling class a small merchantile class and a huge poor class commonly referred to as serfs

Did you know that those serf were subjugated to far worse conditions and far longer period than the American black slaves?
Yet, their descendents are not bitching about distant past, don't demand reparations and don't need affirmative action.

No, I did not think so.
Answer: Chaffee Webb O'Malley Clinton Sanders

Question: Which candidate plans to take the most from the people who earn a lot, and give it away to the people who earn a little, to get their votes?
Apparently you don't see a problem with the huge and ever widening income gap between the rich and the poor. Going back to the days in England when you had the small ruling class a small merchantile class and a huge poor class commonly referred to as serfs

Did you know that those serf were subjugated to far worse conditions and far longer period than the American black slaves?
Yet, their descendents are not bitching about distant past, don't demand reparations and don't need affirmative action.

No, I did not think so.
They hated it so much they moved to America stole it from the Indians to start their own country and do it a better way which is the New Deal FDR grow middle class labor union America. You idiots don't know what made the middle class in America what it was for the last 50 years it certainly wasn't free market enterprise
Answer: Chaffee Webb O'Malley Clinton Sanders

Question: Which candidate plans to take the most from the people who earn a lot, and give it away to the people who earn a little, to get their votes?
Apparently you don't see a problem with the huge and ever widening income gap between the rich and the poor. Going back to the days in England when you had the small ruling class a small merchantile class and a huge poor class commonly referred to as serfs

Neither do I.

When I entered the North American job market I could hardly speak any English. I worked as a lumberjack, bellhop, miner and a factory floor laborer. Then, when I felt confident enough of my skill in English, I enrolled in high school as an adult student and got my high school diploma.

Then I applied for a training program and taught myself computer programming in the now extinct language of COBOL.

Then I worked at it competing against college graduates, who came to me occasionally to check their reports for spelling.

Then I retired after almost thirty years of computer programming, during which time I never once was envious or jealous of aforementioned college graduates who were making more than I was just for being college graduates.

It takes sick person to envy others. It also takes a midget who looks in the mirror and sees a giant.

In other words it takes a socialist. Correcting income inequality is totally and completely in the hands of those who are willing to do something about on their own rather bitch and complain and cry to the government for help.

If Bernie Saunders is so concerned about income inequality, let him keep as much of his government and taxpayer funded income and live on the income as the income of those for who pretends to speak.
People like you don't realize for the last 45 years class warfare has been happening it exists and you've been losing.
Answer: Chaffee Webb O'Malley Clinton Sanders
Question: Which candidate plans to take the most from the people who earn a lot, and give it away to the people who earn a little, to get their votes?
Apparently you don't see a problem with the huge and ever widening income gap between the rich and the poor.
As usual, when a liberal sees someone lifting himself out of poverty and becoming prosperous, he invariably tries to fool people into thinking he did it at the expense of the poor.

Liberals do this as a pretext for persuading people the guy is eeevil, so they can steal what he earned.
Hillary is horrid. Her record as SOS is atrocious and she's a confirmed liar. She belongs in a prison cell.
Sanders? seriously? A socialist? He's a crackpot who belongs in a rubber room.
Chafee? He's a joke who can't decide what party he belongs to. He'll go nowhere.
O'who? Nobody gives a shit about this failure. His state is a trainwreck. He's DOA.
So that leaves Webb. He's not liberal enough for Democrats.

Bottom line - The Democrats are all losers.
Answer: Chaffee Webb O'Malley Clinton Sanders
Question: Which candidate plans to take the most from the people who earn a lot, and give it away to the people who earn a little, to get their votes?
Apparently you don't see a problem with the huge and ever widening income gap between the rich and the poor.
As usual, when a liberal sees someone lifting himself out of poverty and becoming prosperous, he invariably tries to fool people into thinking he did it at the expense of the poor.

Liberals do this as a pretext for persuading people the guy is eeevil, so they can steal what he earned.
No. When a person lifts himself up he's not supposed to forget all the safety nets that he probably took advantage of or the good parents he was born into or the luck. Every person I know that's rich got some breaks along the way whether they know it or not.

Great example my Republican friends who says he never got any help from the government. One day years later he tells me the story about how his father died and his mother got free government money to send them to private schools. And this guys is against social programs that help the poor and needy. She never realize that the programs he wants to end are programs that he himself benefited from

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