Cementing Power: Left-wing Rioters Are Released While Conservatives Are Persecuted


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Cementing Power:
Left-wing Rioters Are Released While Conservatives Are Persecuted
Cementing Power: Left-wing Rioters Are Released While Conservatives Are Persecuted - The New American
9 Mar 2021 ~~ By Selwyn Duke

It’s what has been called the Third Worlding of America: a double standard where instead of equal protection under the law, political opponents are punished via the courts while rioting allies are tacitly told by the powers-that-be, “Good job, son — and we may need you again soon.”
This is no exaggeration. “Remember when they called the last president a ‘fascist’? His critics walked the streets unimpeded,” noted Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson on Thursday. “That’s not true anymore. Joe Biden’s DOJ is cracking down on the January 6 insurrectionists.”
“They even made sure Chewbacca guy didn’t get out of jail; he’s still there tonight,” the host continued. “But it turns out that not all insurrectionists are treated equally. We’re now learning that many of the last year’s rioters, actual rioters, the people who attacked the federal courthouse and ruined small businesses, are not even facing prosecution anymore.”
After citing some relevant statistics, Carlson then welcomed New York Post columnist Miranda Devine on the show. Elaborating on his points, she stated:
Well, I mean, it’s there in the numbers, Tucker. You see that almost every BLM, Antifa, anti-cop rioter from last summer was released from jail without bail and had charges dropped. You saw it in New York where 400 rioters arrested in June were just released and no charges. In Washington, D.C. it was the same thing: Everyone arrested and charged with felony rioting; released — no charges. And in Portland … where police were attacked with Molotov cocktails and bricks and a federal courthouse was under assault for months; rioters there, 90 percent of them had their charges dropped. And by contrast, you have the people arrested over the capital riot. Most of them are still in jail two months later. They have been transported to a jail in Washington, D.C. from all around the country, far from friends and family; they’re not allowed … they’ve been refused bail or bond. They are languishing there under very extreme circumstances. And even people who just turned up at the Trump rally, never went near the Capitol, are being raided by federal agents at the moment, and that puts the fear of God into them and makes their neighbors suspect them. So what we’re seeing is, really, a two-tiered justice system is being created by the Democrats to punish their political enemies .​

So protecting innocent Americans from violent and vile left-wing rioters was unthinkable. But turning the Capitol into an occupation zone based on a lie is patriotic.
Let’s not, however, give Pelosi and her henchmen too much credit for effecting the handy white-supremacist illusion. None of this would be possible if the Left didn’t control the mainstream media, Big Tech, academia, and entertainment. It’s easy spinning a narrative when you’re joined at the hip with the people who tell the stories.

Just call it Gulag America....a place where Communists drag citizens guilty of protesting are dragged in chains to grim prisons without hope of release against all Anglo-Saxon law and tradition.
Ultra radical Progressive Marxist/DSA totalitarian leftists do not see equity and equality as the same.
Equity means that their named victim groups get more. Always. Welcome to the upcoming genocide.
We are under a stolen Administration after all...so

Cementing power is correct, country run by block heads & cemented by blind followers. picking through the trash.
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.

You support that rioters are treated differently depending on which side they are rioting for?

That is a violation of the equal protection clause.
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
You really are stupid enough to believe that....What a shame.
AP tally: Arrests at widespread US protests hit 10,000

And all have been relaeased..... except those protesters in D.C.
Cementing Power:
Left-wing Rioters Are Released While Conservatives Are Persecuted
Cementing Power: Left-wing Rioters Are Released While Conservatives Are Persecuted - The New American
9 Mar 2021 ~~ By Selwyn Duke

It’s what has been called the Third Worlding of America: a double standard where instead of equal protection under the law, political opponents are punished via the courts while rioting allies are tacitly told by the powers-that-be, “Good job, son — and we may need you again soon.”
This is no exaggeration. “Remember when they called the last president a ‘fascist’? His critics walked the streets unimpeded,” noted Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson on Thursday. “That’s not true anymore. Joe Biden’s DOJ is cracking down on the January 6 insurrectionists.”
“They even made sure Chewbacca guy didn’t get out of jail; he’s still there tonight,” the host continued. “But it turns out that not all insurrectionists are treated equally. We’re now learning that many of the last year’s rioters, actual rioters, the people who attacked the federal courthouse and ruined small businesses, are not even facing prosecution anymore.”
After citing some relevant statistics, Carlson then welcomed New York Post columnist Miranda Devine on the show. Elaborating on his points, she stated:
Well, I mean, it’s there in the numbers, Tucker. You see that almost every BLM, Antifa, anti-cop rioter from last summer was released from jail without bail and had charges dropped. You saw it in New York where 400 rioters arrested in June were just released and no charges. In Washington, D.C. it was the same thing: Everyone arrested and charged with felony rioting; released — no charges. And in Portland … where police were attacked with Molotov cocktails and bricks and a federal courthouse was under assault for months; rioters there, 90 percent of them had their charges dropped. And by contrast, you have the people arrested over the capital riot. Most of them are still in jail two months later. They have been transported to a jail in Washington, D.C. from all around the country, far from friends and family; they’re not allowed … they’ve been refused bail or bond. They are languishing there under very extreme circumstances. And even people who just turned up at the Trump rally, never went near the Capitol, are being raided by federal agents at the moment, and that puts the fear of God into them and makes their neighbors suspect them. So what we’re seeing is, really, a two-tiered justice system is being created by the Democrats to punish their political enemies .​

So protecting innocent Americans from violent and vile left-wing rioters was unthinkable. But turning the Capitol into an occupation zone based on a lie is patriotic.
Let’s not, however, give Pelosi and her henchmen too much credit for effecting the handy white-supremacist illusion. None of this would be possible if the Left didn’t control the mainstream media, Big Tech, academia, and entertainment. It’s easy spinning a narrative when you’re joined at the hip with the people who tell the stories.

Just call it Gulag America....a place where Communists drag citizens guilty of protesting are dragged in chains to grim prisons without hope of release against all Anglo-Saxon law and tradition.
Ultra radical Progressive Marxist/DSA totalitarian leftists do not see equity and equality as the same.
Equity means that their named victim groups get more. Always. Welcome to the upcoming genocide.

Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.

You support that rioters are treated differently depending on which side they are rioting for?

That is a violation of the equal protection clause.
Nope. It depends on what they attack. Not tolerating attacks on Congress and trying to overthrow free elections. No way. Guess the dumb asses should have settled for burning down liqueur stores, like the other lawless b#stards or proven they were patriots by staging a peaceful protest without an attack, instead of anti-American scum.
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.

You support that rioters are treated differently depending on which side they are rioting for?

That is a violation of the equal protection clause.
Nope. It depends on what they attack. Not tolerating attacks on Congress and trying to overthrow free elections. No way. Guess the dumb asses should have settled for burning down liqueur stores, like the other lawless b#stards or proven they were patriots by staging a peaceful protest without an attack, instead of anti-American scum.
Nobody tried to overthrow a free election, fuckwit.

I used to actually think that you were a relatively sane lefty...Thanks for allowing me to just write you off as another moonbat freak.
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.

You support that rioters are treated differently depending on which side they are rioting for?

That is a violation of the equal protection clause.
Nope. It depends on what they attack. Not tolerating attacks on Congress and trying to overthrow free elections. No way. Guess the dumb asses should have settled for burning down liqueur stores, like the other lawless b#stards or proven they were patriots by staging a peaceful protest without an attack, instead of anti-American scum.

Your excuse for the unequal treatment of rioters is noted.

Historians will write papers about how you people acted as though having well spread lies, made your political prisoners NOT political prisoners.

And how it didn't change the fact that America was no longer a free country.
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
You really are stupid enough to believe that....What a shame.
You really are stupid enough not to believe that.....What a shame( to know your just waiting your time to go to jail for something similar because you refuse to believe your own eyes). You are like a kid that cannot believe reality is real.
Looks like they draw the line at attacking the capital, attempting to overthrow free elections and hang the Vice-President. The dumb ass insurrectionists and trump were just to dumb to know the difference between rioting in liberal cities where governors won't even activate the guard and attacking the seat of government of the whole United States itself. OK, so now you know. Too late for a do over. Guess you shouldn't pull that crap again. Ever.
You really are stupid enough to believe that....What a shame.
You really are stupid enough not to believe that.....What a shame( to know your just waiting your time to go to jail for something similar because you refuse to believe your own eyes). You are like a kid that cannot believe reality is real.
I believe my own eyes when I see capitol police removing barriers and inviting people in...I believe my eyes when I see legitimate protesters dragging vandals away from the windows that they're breaking ....I believe my eyes when I see "violent insurrectionists" staying behind the velvet ropes and posing for selfies with capitol cops.

You, OTOH, believe every frantic hyperventilating narrative fed to you by the confirmed agitprop liars that the media have shown themselves to be.

Yup, you're a willingly stupid moonbat fuckwit.

A complete violation of teh equal protection clause. EVERYONE of them jailed are literally political prisoners.

This is not a free country anymore.

No, they're white trash arrested for breaking and entering, conspiracy, insurrection, and the brutal assault of Capitol Police. They are domestic terrorists and should not be released until their trial is complete, because they are a danger to society.

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