CAUGHT ON TAPE: Dem Operative Stuffs Ballot Box in Arizona (Video)

Some people can't be helped. Since Vigilante is both unable to provide proof of his claim of fraud and lawlessness and he is unwilling to admit his mistake the best anyone can day sbout him is he is a cowardly liar.

And now he'll post a cartoon, as if it illustrates something other than his vacuousness
Some people can't be helped. Since Vigilante is both unable to provide proof of his claim of fraud and lawlessness and he is unwilling to admit his mistake the best anyone can day sbout him is he is a cowardly liar.

And now he'll post a cartoon, as if it illustrates something other than his vacuousness

OCD Boy just doesn't want to take my offered solution to his derangement....

Oh... you mean, in some cases, people like me who were duped by whoever wrote that first description of the thing in a way that made it sound suspicious. Let he who has never been wrong cast the first stone.

Look at Boston Blackie. He and people like him are the target audience of 'Argument by Recitation'. Where any nonsense claim can find adherents if its repeated often enough.

Where the first question any rational person would ask upon hearing the accusation is; is there any evidence that the ballots being put in the ballot box were invalid?

The answer is no. The answer is that the man in the video did nothing illegal by placing the ballots in the ballot box.

Did you ask that question? Did it occur to you ask? If no, then maybe you should revisit your processes. As they aren't providing you with good results.
Precisely. I have literally begged these people to take courses in Logic and/or Critical Thinking.

Their desire to believe whatever manufactured bullshit which chimes with their belief system actually overpowers reality itself.

An amazing and frightening phenomenon to behold.

There is no quest for truth going on. Just confirmation of their biases.

Just as you are doing by saying "there is no quest for truth going on." Your statement is that no one cares not for truth. Yet, here I am. Admitting my initial view of the video was wrong, and my seeking truth resulted in admission that my initial view biased by the report, was wrong. IOW you're also suffering from bias in your apparent generalized view of everyone that disagrees with you. Maybe the truth is more that some people are sometimes temporarily blinded by their biases. This likely due to rage or some attempt to circle the wagons around their particular groups that are under attack by the enemy.

We NEVER agree, and I give you MUCH credit for admitting you made a mistake. Good job

But if you'll note, no amount of logic or reason get through to those who REFUSE to open their minds and use the little brains they have left.

Examples are, Obama flooded the US with illegals to win the votes? And Dems stuffing ballots? lol Neither of course will or can be substantiated with ANYTHING other than 'feelings'

Statistics and actions substantiate many/most of the accusations levied against this administration's immigration policies. Saying there's no evidence the democrats are flooding the US with illegals is equivalent to saying there's no evidence democrats are socialist. A population of upper middle class voters benefits the republicans... a population of poverty stricken voters benefits the democrats... these are easy to prove statistical facts that tie directly to policies and platforms of the two parties.

Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Explain why GOP Guv in Wisconsin's 'conservative test' is failing?

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic
Look at Boston Blackie. He and people like him are the target audience of 'Argument by Recitation'. Where any nonsense claim can find adherents if its repeated often enough.

Where the first question any rational person would ask upon hearing the accusation is; is there any evidence that the ballots being put in the ballot box were invalid?

The answer is no. The answer is that the man in the video did nothing illegal by placing the ballots in the ballot box.

Did you ask that question? Did it occur to you ask? If no, then maybe you should revisit your processes. As they aren't providing you with good results.
Precisely. I have literally begged these people to take courses in Logic and/or Critical Thinking.

Their desire to believe whatever manufactured bullshit which chimes with their belief system actually overpowers reality itself.

An amazing and frightening phenomenon to behold.

There is no quest for truth going on. Just confirmation of their biases.

Just as you are doing by saying "there is no quest for truth going on." Your statement is that no one cares not for truth. Yet, here I am. Admitting my initial view of the video was wrong, and my seeking truth resulted in admission that my initial view biased by the report, was wrong. IOW you're also suffering from bias in your apparent generalized view of everyone that disagrees with you. Maybe the truth is more that some people are sometimes temporarily blinded by their biases. This likely due to rage or some attempt to circle the wagons around their particular groups that are under attack by the enemy.

We NEVER agree, and I give you MUCH credit for admitting you made a mistake. Good job

But if you'll note, no amount of logic or reason get through to those who REFUSE to open their minds and use the little brains they have left.

Examples are, Obama flooded the US with illegals to win the votes? And Dems stuffing ballots? lol Neither of course will or can be substantiated with ANYTHING other than 'feelings'

Statistics and actions substantiate many/most of the accusations levied against this administration's immigration policies. Saying there's no evidence the democrats are flooding the US with illegals is equivalent to saying there's no evidence democrats are socialist. A population of upper middle class voters benefits the republicans... a population of poverty stricken voters benefits the democrats... these are easy to prove statistical facts that tie directly to policies and platforms of the two parties.

Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Explain why GOP Guv in Wisconsin's 'conservative test' is failing?

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Ok... this once I'll answer your questions:

You asked: Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Easy, that is just not true. Show me where 90% of scientists self identify as democrat. Are you talking about high school teachers? Engineers? Define scientist and tell me who you are polling.

You asked: Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Easy, that is just not true. Republican states are less expensive to live in, one result of being less expensive is the average rate of pay can also be lower due to the cost of living being lower. Additionally, many retired folks live in republican states. Most bullshit reports about red states sucking down welfare are counting SS as welfare, which is a lie. Further, many of the republican states are in proximity to where the immigration, legal and illegal, is occurring. Still further, many pf the republican states are rural states with lots of farms and such, where incomes are generally lower. You can't compare a job picking strawberries, with a job trading stocks on the NY stock exchange. Even further, just because a state is republican, does not mean everyone in the state is republican. Shockingly there are many millions of democrats in republican states. Even more shockingly, there are many millions of republicans in democrat states. You assume, incorrectly that the republicans in democrat states are donating their incomes as "democrats" and you also assume, incorrectly that democrats receiving welfare in republican states are doing so as republicans. IOW you're a fool for believing said lies.

You said: Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Nonsense! Bush's tax breaks reduced taxes for the middle class and poor SIGNIFICANTLY MORE by percentage of income than it did for the upper income classes. SIGNIFICANTLY BIGGER CUTS WENT TO THE POOR However, the democrats are apparently math challenged and don't understand that going from 8% taxes to zero percent taxes is a significantly bigger tax cut than going from 35% to 28% or from 28% to 23%. Or the democrats start lying about capital gains taxes being the same thing as personal income taxes. IOW the democrats for the most part are silent to the truth, mentally handicapped, or liars... you pick. As for the 2% reduction on SS.. OMFG SS payments are to fund SS. Are you democrats actually arguing to DEFUND SOCIAL SECURITY? WTF?
Precisely. I have literally begged these people to take courses in Logic and/or Critical Thinking.

Their desire to believe whatever manufactured bullshit which chimes with their belief system actually overpowers reality itself.

An amazing and frightening phenomenon to behold.

There is no quest for truth going on. Just confirmation of their biases.

Just as you are doing by saying "there is no quest for truth going on." Your statement is that no one cares not for truth. Yet, here I am. Admitting my initial view of the video was wrong, and my seeking truth resulted in admission that my initial view biased by the report, was wrong. IOW you're also suffering from bias in your apparent generalized view of everyone that disagrees with you. Maybe the truth is more that some people are sometimes temporarily blinded by their biases. This likely due to rage or some attempt to circle the wagons around their particular groups that are under attack by the enemy.

We NEVER agree, and I give you MUCH credit for admitting you made a mistake. Good job

But if you'll note, no amount of logic or reason get through to those who REFUSE to open their minds and use the little brains they have left.

Examples are, Obama flooded the US with illegals to win the votes? And Dems stuffing ballots? lol Neither of course will or can be substantiated with ANYTHING other than 'feelings'

Statistics and actions substantiate many/most of the accusations levied against this administration's immigration policies. Saying there's no evidence the democrats are flooding the US with illegals is equivalent to saying there's no evidence democrats are socialist. A population of upper middle class voters benefits the republicans... a population of poverty stricken voters benefits the democrats... these are easy to prove statistical facts that tie directly to policies and platforms of the two parties.

Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Explain why GOP Guv in Wisconsin's 'conservative test' is failing?

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Ok... this once I'll answer your questions:

You asked: Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Easy, that is just not true. Show me where 90% of scientists self identify as democrat. Are you talking about high school teachers? Engineers? Define scientist and tell me who you are polling.

You asked: Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Easy, that is just not true. Republican states are less expensive to live in, one result of being less expensive is the average rate of pay can also be lower due to the cost of living being lower. Additionally, many retired folks live in republican states. Most bullshit reports about red states sucking down welfare are counting SS as welfare, which is a lie. Further, many of the republican states are in proximity to where the immigration, legal and illegal, is occurring. Still further, many pf the republican states are rural states with lots of farms and such, where incomes are generally lower. You can't compare a job picking strawberries, with a job trading stocks on the NY stock exchange. Even further, just because a state is republican, does not mean everyone in the state is republican. Shockingly there are many millions of democrats in republican states. Even more shockingly, there are many millions of republicans in democrat states. You assume, incorrectly that the republicans in democrat states are donating their incomes as "democrats" and you also assume, incorrectly that democrats receiving welfare in republican states are doing so as republicans. IOW you're a fool for believing said lies.

You said: Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Nonsense! Bush's tax breaks reduced taxes for the middle class and poor SIGNIFICANTLY MORE by percentage of income than it did for the upper income classes. SIGNIFICANTLY BIGGER CUTS WENT TO THE POOR However, the democrats are apparently math challenged and don't understand that going from 8% taxes to zero percent taxes is a significantly bigger tax cut than going from 35% to 28% or from 28% to 23%. Or the democrats start lying about capital gains taxes being the same thing as personal income taxes. IOW the democrats for the most part are silent to the truth, mentally handicapped, or liars... you pick. As for the 2% reduction on SS.. OMFG SS payments are to fund SS. Are you democrats actually arguing to DEFUND SOCIAL SECURITY? WTF?

Got it, you have all the right wing memes (LIES) down

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll

The ideological discrepancies were similar. Nine percent of scientists said they were "conservative" while 52 percent described themselves as "liberal," and 14 percent "very liberal."

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans Pew Poll

Weird, immigration is happening in the poorest red states like Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, and North Carolina? lol

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Can Scott Walker make the case for conservatism?

Economy Killer Scott Walker Takes Wisconsin to 49th in the Country

But Walker has developed a consistent record for failure. Republicans try to blame the economy, but these measurements put his state at the bottom with a projected decrease in growth, compared to others that indicate growth.
And then there’s the other data. In March of this year, Wisconsin plunged to 44th in private sector job growth. Also, Wisconsin came in as the fifth worst in terms of the erosion in private-sector wages.

Forbes named Wisconsin one of the “worst states” for business in December of 2012. Wisconsin is 44th for overall economic performance and 39th for business climate.

In May of 2013, the Chamber of Commerce rewarded 2016 hopeful Scott Walker for making Wisconsin last in job growth, noting that he made Wisconsin an “enterprising state”. FYI, an enterprising state is one that embracing right wing ideology, based on the premise that tax cuts will lead to growth, jobs, and general greatness.

However, the Chamber’s own study placed Wisconsin dead last for short term job growth from September 2010 and November 2012.

“Wisconsin clearly is not leading the recovery,” William Delwiche, an economist in Milwaukee at Robert W. Baird & Co, told the Journal Online. That’s an understatement if ever there were one.

Economy Killer Scott Walker Takes Wisconsin to 49th in the Country

Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof

Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof - JSOnline

Yes, the GOP fought for Dubyas's tax cuts, the ones where the richest saved over $1,000,000 per family in 9 years from it!

Bush Tax Cuts Have Provided Extremely Large Benefits to Wealthiest Americans Over Last Nine Years

  • The average tax cut that people making over $1 million received exceeded $110,000 in each of the last nine years — for a total of more than $1 million over this period.
  • The tax cuts made the tax system less progressive.

  • Bush Tax Cuts Have Provided Extremely Large Benefits to Wealthiest Americans Over Last Nine Years mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

    Fueled income inequality: This chart from the Congressional Research Service suggests that the Bush tax cuts, which significantly reduce top marginal tax rates and capital gains rates, helped widen income inequality in the 2000s. As the report says, “as the top tax rates are reduced, the share of income accruing to the top of the income distribution increases — that is, income disparities increase.” This chart shows how the percentage of income flowing to the top 0.1 percent of earners increases as top tax rates decrease.

    Benefited the wealthy: By any measure, the Bush tax cuts have benefited the wealthy more than the middle class. Here’s a chart, based on data from the Tax Policy Center, showing the distributional breakdown of the Bush tax cuts before they were amended on Tuesday. Going forward, the top 1 percent of earners will benefit much less -- though still quite a bit.


    The legacy of the Bush tax cuts in four charts - The Washington Post

Precisely. I have literally begged these people to take courses in Logic and/or Critical Thinking.

Their desire to believe whatever manufactured bullshit which chimes with their belief system actually overpowers reality itself.

An amazing and frightening phenomenon to behold.

There is no quest for truth going on. Just confirmation of their biases.

Just as you are doing by saying "there is no quest for truth going on." Your statement is that no one cares not for truth. Yet, here I am. Admitting my initial view of the video was wrong, and my seeking truth resulted in admission that my initial view biased by the report, was wrong. IOW you're also suffering from bias in your apparent generalized view of everyone that disagrees with you. Maybe the truth is more that some people are sometimes temporarily blinded by their biases. This likely due to rage or some attempt to circle the wagons around their particular groups that are under attack by the enemy.

We NEVER agree, and I give you MUCH credit for admitting you made a mistake. Good job

But if you'll note, no amount of logic or reason get through to those who REFUSE to open their minds and use the little brains they have left.

Examples are, Obama flooded the US with illegals to win the votes? And Dems stuffing ballots? lol Neither of course will or can be substantiated with ANYTHING other than 'feelings'

Statistics and actions substantiate many/most of the accusations levied against this administration's immigration policies. Saying there's no evidence the democrats are flooding the US with illegals is equivalent to saying there's no evidence democrats are socialist. A population of upper middle class voters benefits the republicans... a population of poverty stricken voters benefits the democrats... these are easy to prove statistical facts that tie directly to policies and platforms of the two parties.

Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Explain why GOP Guv in Wisconsin's 'conservative test' is failing?

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Ok... this once I'll answer your questions:

You asked: Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Easy, that is just not true. Show me where 90% of scientists self identify as democrat. Are you talking about high school teachers? Engineers? Define scientist and tell me who you are polling.

You asked: Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Easy, that is just not true. Republican states are less expensive to live in, one result of being less expensive is the average rate of pay can also be lower due to the cost of living being lower. Additionally, many retired folks live in republican states. Most bullshit reports about red states sucking down welfare are counting SS as welfare, which is a lie. Further, many of the republican states are in proximity to where the immigration, legal and illegal, is occurring. Still further, many pf the republican states are rural states with lots of farms and such, where incomes are generally lower. You can't compare a job picking strawberries, with a job trading stocks on the NY stock exchange. Even further, just because a state is republican, does not mean everyone in the state is republican. Shockingly there are many millions of democrats in republican states. Even more shockingly, there are many millions of republicans in democrat states. You assume, incorrectly that the republicans in democrat states are donating their incomes as "democrats" and you also assume, incorrectly that democrats receiving welfare in republican states are doing so as republicans. IOW you're a fool for believing said lies.

You said: Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Nonsense! Bush's tax breaks reduced taxes for the middle class and poor SIGNIFICANTLY MORE by percentage of income than it did for the upper income classes. SIGNIFICANTLY BIGGER CUTS WENT TO THE POOR However, the democrats are apparently math challenged and don't understand that going from 8% taxes to zero percent taxes is a significantly bigger tax cut than going from 35% to 28% or from 28% to 23%. Or the democrats start lying about capital gains taxes being the same thing as personal income taxes. IOW the democrats for the most part are silent to the truth, mentally handicapped, or liars... you pick. As for the 2% reduction on SS.. OMFG SS payments are to fund SS. Are you democrats actually arguing to DEFUND SOCIAL SECURITY? WTF?

Thanks for agreeing, the GOP FINALLY found a tax increase they could live with, one that falls predominantly on the bottom 90% of US
Just as you are doing by saying "there is no quest for truth going on." Your statement is that no one cares not for truth. Yet, here I am. Admitting my initial view of the video was wrong, and my seeking truth resulted in admission that my initial view biased by the report, was wrong. IOW you're also suffering from bias in your apparent generalized view of everyone that disagrees with you. Maybe the truth is more that some people are sometimes temporarily blinded by their biases. This likely due to rage or some attempt to circle the wagons around their particular groups that are under attack by the enemy.

We NEVER agree, and I give you MUCH credit for admitting you made a mistake. Good job

But if you'll note, no amount of logic or reason get through to those who REFUSE to open their minds and use the little brains they have left.

Examples are, Obama flooded the US with illegals to win the votes? And Dems stuffing ballots? lol Neither of course will or can be substantiated with ANYTHING other than 'feelings'

Statistics and actions substantiate many/most of the accusations levied against this administration's immigration policies. Saying there's no evidence the democrats are flooding the US with illegals is equivalent to saying there's no evidence democrats are socialist. A population of upper middle class voters benefits the republicans... a population of poverty stricken voters benefits the democrats... these are easy to prove statistical facts that tie directly to policies and platforms of the two parties.

Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Explain why GOP Guv in Wisconsin's 'conservative test' is failing?

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Ok... this once I'll answer your questions:

You asked: Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Easy, that is just not true. Show me where 90% of scientists self identify as democrat. Are you talking about high school teachers? Engineers? Define scientist and tell me who you are polling.

You asked: Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Easy, that is just not true. Republican states are less expensive to live in, one result of being less expensive is the average rate of pay can also be lower due to the cost of living being lower. Additionally, many retired folks live in republican states. Most bullshit reports about red states sucking down welfare are counting SS as welfare, which is a lie. Further, many of the republican states are in proximity to where the immigration, legal and illegal, is occurring. Still further, many pf the republican states are rural states with lots of farms and such, where incomes are generally lower. You can't compare a job picking strawberries, with a job trading stocks on the NY stock exchange. Even further, just because a state is republican, does not mean everyone in the state is republican. Shockingly there are many millions of democrats in republican states. Even more shockingly, there are many millions of republicans in democrat states. You assume, incorrectly that the republicans in democrat states are donating their incomes as "democrats" and you also assume, incorrectly that democrats receiving welfare in republican states are doing so as republicans. IOW you're a fool for believing said lies.

You said: Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Nonsense! Bush's tax breaks reduced taxes for the middle class and poor SIGNIFICANTLY MORE by percentage of income than it did for the upper income classes. SIGNIFICANTLY BIGGER CUTS WENT TO THE POOR However, the democrats are apparently math challenged and don't understand that going from 8% taxes to zero percent taxes is a significantly bigger tax cut than going from 35% to 28% or from 28% to 23%. Or the democrats start lying about capital gains taxes being the same thing as personal income taxes. IOW the democrats for the most part are silent to the truth, mentally handicapped, or liars... you pick. As for the 2% reduction on SS.. OMFG SS payments are to fund SS. Are you democrats actually arguing to DEFUND SOCIAL SECURITY? WTF?

Got it, you have all the right wing memes (LIES) down

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll

The ideological discrepancies were similar. Nine percent of scientists said they were "conservative" while 52 percent described themselves as "liberal," and 14 percent "very liberal."

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans Pew Poll

Weird, immigration is happening in the poorest red states like Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, and North Carolina? lol

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Can Scott Walker make the case for conservatism?

Economy Killer Scott Walker Takes Wisconsin to 49th in the Country

But Walker has developed a consistent record for failure. Republicans try to blame the economy, but these measurements put his state at the bottom with a projected decrease in growth, compared to others that indicate growth.
And then there’s the other data. In March of this year, Wisconsin plunged to 44th in private sector job growth. Also, Wisconsin came in as the fifth worst in terms of the erosion in private-sector wages.

Forbes named Wisconsin one of the “worst states” for business in December of 2012. Wisconsin is 44th for overall economic performance and 39th for business climate.

In May of 2013, the Chamber of Commerce rewarded 2016 hopeful Scott Walker for making Wisconsin last in job growth, noting that he made Wisconsin an “enterprising state”. FYI, an enterprising state is one that embracing right wing ideology, based on the premise that tax cuts will lead to growth, jobs, and general greatness.

However, the Chamber’s own study placed Wisconsin dead last for short term job growth from September 2010 and November 2012.

“Wisconsin clearly is not leading the recovery,” William Delwiche, an economist in Milwaukee at Robert W. Baird & Co, told the Journal Online. That’s an understatement if ever there were one.

Economy Killer Scott Walker Takes Wisconsin to 49th in the Country

Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof

Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof - JSOnline

Yes, the GOP fought for Dubyas's tax cuts, the ones where the richest saved over $1,000,000 per family in 9 years from it!

Bush Tax Cuts Have Provided Extremely Large Benefits to Wealthiest Americans Over Last Nine Years

  • The average tax cut that people making over $1 million received exceeded $110,000 in each of the last nine years — for a total of more than $1 million over this period.
  • The tax cuts made the tax system less progressive.

  • Bush Tax Cuts Have Provided Extremely Large Benefits to Wealthiest Americans Over Last Nine Years mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

    Fueled income inequality: This chart from the Congressional Research Service suggests that the Bush tax cuts, which significantly reduce top marginal tax rates and capital gains rates, helped widen income inequality in the 2000s. As the report says, “as the top tax rates are reduced, the share of income accruing to the top of the income distribution increases — that is, income disparities increase.” This chart shows how the percentage of income flowing to the top 0.1 percent of earners increases as top tax rates decrease.

    Benefited the wealthy: By any measure, the Bush tax cuts have benefited the wealthy more than the middle class. Here’s a chart, based on data from the Tax Policy Center, showing the distributional breakdown of the Bush tax cuts before they were amended on Tuesday. Going forward, the top 1 percent of earners will benefit much less -- though still quite a bit.


    The legacy of the Bush tax cuts in four charts - The Washington Post

So basically you are a retarded POS MARXIST.
Just as you are doing by saying "there is no quest for truth going on." Your statement is that no one cares not for truth. Yet, here I am. Admitting my initial view of the video was wrong, and my seeking truth resulted in admission that my initial view biased by the report, was wrong. IOW you're also suffering from bias in your apparent generalized view of everyone that disagrees with you. Maybe the truth is more that some people are sometimes temporarily blinded by their biases. This likely due to rage or some attempt to circle the wagons around their particular groups that are under attack by the enemy.

We NEVER agree, and I give you MUCH credit for admitting you made a mistake. Good job

But if you'll note, no amount of logic or reason get through to those who REFUSE to open their minds and use the little brains they have left.

Examples are, Obama flooded the US with illegals to win the votes? And Dems stuffing ballots? lol Neither of course will or can be substantiated with ANYTHING other than 'feelings'

Statistics and actions substantiate many/most of the accusations levied against this administration's immigration policies. Saying there's no evidence the democrats are flooding the US with illegals is equivalent to saying there's no evidence democrats are socialist. A population of upper middle class voters benefits the republicans... a population of poverty stricken voters benefits the democrats... these are easy to prove statistical facts that tie directly to policies and platforms of the two parties.

Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Explain why GOP Guv in Wisconsin's 'conservative test' is failing?

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Ok... this once I'll answer your questions:

You asked: Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Easy, that is just not true. Show me where 90% of scientists self identify as democrat. Are you talking about high school teachers? Engineers? Define scientist and tell me who you are polling.

You asked: Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Easy, that is just not true. Republican states are less expensive to live in, one result of being less expensive is the average rate of pay can also be lower due to the cost of living being lower. Additionally, many retired folks live in republican states. Most bullshit reports about red states sucking down welfare are counting SS as welfare, which is a lie. Further, many of the republican states are in proximity to where the immigration, legal and illegal, is occurring. Still further, many pf the republican states are rural states with lots of farms and such, where incomes are generally lower. You can't compare a job picking strawberries, with a job trading stocks on the NY stock exchange. Even further, just because a state is republican, does not mean everyone in the state is republican. Shockingly there are many millions of democrats in republican states. Even more shockingly, there are many millions of republicans in democrat states. You assume, incorrectly that the republicans in democrat states are donating their incomes as "democrats" and you also assume, incorrectly that democrats receiving welfare in republican states are doing so as republicans. IOW you're a fool for believing said lies.

You said: Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Nonsense! Bush's tax breaks reduced taxes for the middle class and poor SIGNIFICANTLY MORE by percentage of income than it did for the upper income classes. SIGNIFICANTLY BIGGER CUTS WENT TO THE POOR However, the democrats are apparently math challenged and don't understand that going from 8% taxes to zero percent taxes is a significantly bigger tax cut than going from 35% to 28% or from 28% to 23%. Or the democrats start lying about capital gains taxes being the same thing as personal income taxes. IOW the democrats for the most part are silent to the truth, mentally handicapped, or liars... you pick. As for the 2% reduction on SS.. OMFG SS payments are to fund SS. Are you democrats actually arguing to DEFUND SOCIAL SECURITY? WTF?

Thanks for agreeing, the GOP FINALLY found a tax increase they could live with, one that falls predominantly on the bottom 90% of US
We NEVER agree, and I give you MUCH credit for admitting you made a mistake. Good job

But if you'll note, no amount of logic or reason get through to those who REFUSE to open their minds and use the little brains they have left.

Examples are, Obama flooded the US with illegals to win the votes? And Dems stuffing ballots? lol Neither of course will or can be substantiated with ANYTHING other than 'feelings'

Statistics and actions substantiate many/most of the accusations levied against this administration's immigration policies. Saying there's no evidence the democrats are flooding the US with illegals is equivalent to saying there's no evidence democrats are socialist. A population of upper middle class voters benefits the republicans... a population of poverty stricken voters benefits the democrats... these are easy to prove statistical facts that tie directly to policies and platforms of the two parties.

Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Explain why GOP Guv in Wisconsin's 'conservative test' is failing?

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Ok... this once I'll answer your questions:

You asked: Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Easy, that is just not true. Show me where 90% of scientists self identify as democrat. Are you talking about high school teachers? Engineers? Define scientist and tell me who you are polling.

You asked: Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Easy, that is just not true. Republican states are less expensive to live in, one result of being less expensive is the average rate of pay can also be lower due to the cost of living being lower. Additionally, many retired folks live in republican states. Most bullshit reports about red states sucking down welfare are counting SS as welfare, which is a lie. Further, many of the republican states are in proximity to where the immigration, legal and illegal, is occurring. Still further, many pf the republican states are rural states with lots of farms and such, where incomes are generally lower. You can't compare a job picking strawberries, with a job trading stocks on the NY stock exchange. Even further, just because a state is republican, does not mean everyone in the state is republican. Shockingly there are many millions of democrats in republican states. Even more shockingly, there are many millions of republicans in democrat states. You assume, incorrectly that the republicans in democrat states are donating their incomes as "democrats" and you also assume, incorrectly that democrats receiving welfare in republican states are doing so as republicans. IOW you're a fool for believing said lies.

You said: Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Nonsense! Bush's tax breaks reduced taxes for the middle class and poor SIGNIFICANTLY MORE by percentage of income than it did for the upper income classes. SIGNIFICANTLY BIGGER CUTS WENT TO THE POOR However, the democrats are apparently math challenged and don't understand that going from 8% taxes to zero percent taxes is a significantly bigger tax cut than going from 35% to 28% or from 28% to 23%. Or the democrats start lying about capital gains taxes being the same thing as personal income taxes. IOW the democrats for the most part are silent to the truth, mentally handicapped, or liars... you pick. As for the 2% reduction on SS.. OMFG SS payments are to fund SS. Are you democrats actually arguing to DEFUND SOCIAL SECURITY? WTF?

Got it, you have all the right wing memes (LIES) down

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll

The ideological discrepancies were similar. Nine percent of scientists said they were "conservative" while 52 percent described themselves as "liberal," and 14 percent "very liberal."

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans Pew Poll

Weird, immigration is happening in the poorest red states like Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, and North Carolina? lol

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Can Scott Walker make the case for conservatism?

Economy Killer Scott Walker Takes Wisconsin to 49th in the Country

But Walker has developed a consistent record for failure. Republicans try to blame the economy, but these measurements put his state at the bottom with a projected decrease in growth, compared to others that indicate growth.
And then there’s the other data. In March of this year, Wisconsin plunged to 44th in private sector job growth. Also, Wisconsin came in as the fifth worst in terms of the erosion in private-sector wages.

Forbes named Wisconsin one of the “worst states” for business in December of 2012. Wisconsin is 44th for overall economic performance and 39th for business climate.

In May of 2013, the Chamber of Commerce rewarded 2016 hopeful Scott Walker for making Wisconsin last in job growth, noting that he made Wisconsin an “enterprising state”. FYI, an enterprising state is one that embracing right wing ideology, based on the premise that tax cuts will lead to growth, jobs, and general greatness.

However, the Chamber’s own study placed Wisconsin dead last for short term job growth from September 2010 and November 2012.

“Wisconsin clearly is not leading the recovery,” William Delwiche, an economist in Milwaukee at Robert W. Baird & Co, told the Journal Online. That’s an understatement if ever there were one.

Economy Killer Scott Walker Takes Wisconsin to 49th in the Country

Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof

Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof - JSOnline

Yes, the GOP fought for Dubyas's tax cuts, the ones where the richest saved over $1,000,000 per family in 9 years from it!

Bush Tax Cuts Have Provided Extremely Large Benefits to Wealthiest Americans Over Last Nine Years

  • The average tax cut that people making over $1 million received exceeded $110,000 in each of the last nine years — for a total of more than $1 million over this period.
  • The tax cuts made the tax system less progressive.

  • Bush Tax Cuts Have Provided Extremely Large Benefits to Wealthiest Americans Over Last Nine Years mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

    Fueled income inequality: This chart from the Congressional Research Service suggests that the Bush tax cuts, which significantly reduce top marginal tax rates and capital gains rates, helped widen income inequality in the 2000s. As the report says, “as the top tax rates are reduced, the share of income accruing to the top of the income distribution increases — that is, income disparities increase.” This chart shows how the percentage of income flowing to the top 0.1 percent of earners increases as top tax rates decrease.

    Benefited the wealthy: By any measure, the Bush tax cuts have benefited the wealthy more than the middle class. Here’s a chart, based on data from the Tax Policy Center, showing the distributional breakdown of the Bush tax cuts before they were amended on Tuesday. Going forward, the top 1 percent of earners will benefit much less -- though still quite a bit.


    The legacy of the Bush tax cuts in four charts - The Washington Post

So basically you are a retarded POS MARXIST.

Glad you agree, you lost the actual debate :ahole-1:
Statistics and actions substantiate many/most of the accusations levied against this administration's immigration policies. Saying there's no evidence the democrats are flooding the US with illegals is equivalent to saying there's no evidence democrats are socialist. A population of upper middle class voters benefits the republicans... a population of poverty stricken voters benefits the democrats... these are easy to prove statistical facts that tie directly to policies and platforms of the two parties.

Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Explain why GOP Guv in Wisconsin's 'conservative test' is failing?

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Ok... this once I'll answer your questions:

You asked: Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Easy, that is just not true. Show me where 90% of scientists self identify as democrat. Are you talking about high school teachers? Engineers? Define scientist and tell me who you are polling.

You asked: Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Easy, that is just not true. Republican states are less expensive to live in, one result of being less expensive is the average rate of pay can also be lower due to the cost of living being lower. Additionally, many retired folks live in republican states. Most bullshit reports about red states sucking down welfare are counting SS as welfare, which is a lie. Further, many of the republican states are in proximity to where the immigration, legal and illegal, is occurring. Still further, many pf the republican states are rural states with lots of farms and such, where incomes are generally lower. You can't compare a job picking strawberries, with a job trading stocks on the NY stock exchange. Even further, just because a state is republican, does not mean everyone in the state is republican. Shockingly there are many millions of democrats in republican states. Even more shockingly, there are many millions of republicans in democrat states. You assume, incorrectly that the republicans in democrat states are donating their incomes as "democrats" and you also assume, incorrectly that democrats receiving welfare in republican states are doing so as republicans. IOW you're a fool for believing said lies.

You said: Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Nonsense! Bush's tax breaks reduced taxes for the middle class and poor SIGNIFICANTLY MORE by percentage of income than it did for the upper income classes. SIGNIFICANTLY BIGGER CUTS WENT TO THE POOR However, the democrats are apparently math challenged and don't understand that going from 8% taxes to zero percent taxes is a significantly bigger tax cut than going from 35% to 28% or from 28% to 23%. Or the democrats start lying about capital gains taxes being the same thing as personal income taxes. IOW the democrats for the most part are silent to the truth, mentally handicapped, or liars... you pick. As for the 2% reduction on SS.. OMFG SS payments are to fund SS. Are you democrats actually arguing to DEFUND SOCIAL SECURITY? WTF?

Got it, you have all the right wing memes (LIES) down

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll

The ideological discrepancies were similar. Nine percent of scientists said they were "conservative" while 52 percent described themselves as "liberal," and 14 percent "very liberal."

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans Pew Poll

Weird, immigration is happening in the poorest red states like Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, and North Carolina? lol

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Can Scott Walker make the case for conservatism?

Economy Killer Scott Walker Takes Wisconsin to 49th in the Country

But Walker has developed a consistent record for failure. Republicans try to blame the economy, but these measurements put his state at the bottom with a projected decrease in growth, compared to others that indicate growth.
And then there’s the other data. In March of this year, Wisconsin plunged to 44th in private sector job growth. Also, Wisconsin came in as the fifth worst in terms of the erosion in private-sector wages.

Forbes named Wisconsin one of the “worst states” for business in December of 2012. Wisconsin is 44th for overall economic performance and 39th for business climate.

In May of 2013, the Chamber of Commerce rewarded 2016 hopeful Scott Walker for making Wisconsin last in job growth, noting that he made Wisconsin an “enterprising state”. FYI, an enterprising state is one that embracing right wing ideology, based on the premise that tax cuts will lead to growth, jobs, and general greatness.

However, the Chamber’s own study placed Wisconsin dead last for short term job growth from September 2010 and November 2012.

“Wisconsin clearly is not leading the recovery,” William Delwiche, an economist in Milwaukee at Robert W. Baird & Co, told the Journal Online. That’s an understatement if ever there were one.

Economy Killer Scott Walker Takes Wisconsin to 49th in the Country

Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof

Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof - JSOnline

Yes, the GOP fought for Dubyas's tax cuts, the ones where the richest saved over $1,000,000 per family in 9 years from it!

Bush Tax Cuts Have Provided Extremely Large Benefits to Wealthiest Americans Over Last Nine Years

  • The average tax cut that people making over $1 million received exceeded $110,000 in each of the last nine years — for a total of more than $1 million over this period.
  • The tax cuts made the tax system less progressive.

  • Bush Tax Cuts Have Provided Extremely Large Benefits to Wealthiest Americans Over Last Nine Years mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

    Fueled income inequality: This chart from the Congressional Research Service suggests that the Bush tax cuts, which significantly reduce top marginal tax rates and capital gains rates, helped widen income inequality in the 2000s. As the report says, “as the top tax rates are reduced, the share of income accruing to the top of the income distribution increases — that is, income disparities increase.” This chart shows how the percentage of income flowing to the top 0.1 percent of earners increases as top tax rates decrease.

    Benefited the wealthy: By any measure, the Bush tax cuts have benefited the wealthy more than the middle class. Here’s a chart, based on data from the Tax Policy Center, showing the distributional breakdown of the Bush tax cuts before they were amended on Tuesday. Going forward, the top 1 percent of earners will benefit much less -- though still quite a bit.


    The legacy of the Bush tax cuts in four charts - The Washington Post

So basically you are a retarded POS MARXIST.

Glad you agree, you lost the actual debate :ahole-1:
^dumb ass thinks cutting an pasting is debating.
Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Explain why GOP Guv in Wisconsin's 'conservative test' is failing?

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Ok... this once I'll answer your questions:

You asked: Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Easy, that is just not true. Show me where 90% of scientists self identify as democrat. Are you talking about high school teachers? Engineers? Define scientist and tell me who you are polling.

You asked: Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Easy, that is just not true. Republican states are less expensive to live in, one result of being less expensive is the average rate of pay can also be lower due to the cost of living being lower. Additionally, many retired folks live in republican states. Most bullshit reports about red states sucking down welfare are counting SS as welfare, which is a lie. Further, many of the republican states are in proximity to where the immigration, legal and illegal, is occurring. Still further, many pf the republican states are rural states with lots of farms and such, where incomes are generally lower. You can't compare a job picking strawberries, with a job trading stocks on the NY stock exchange. Even further, just because a state is republican, does not mean everyone in the state is republican. Shockingly there are many millions of democrats in republican states. Even more shockingly, there are many millions of republicans in democrat states. You assume, incorrectly that the republicans in democrat states are donating their incomes as "democrats" and you also assume, incorrectly that democrats receiving welfare in republican states are doing so as republicans. IOW you're a fool for believing said lies.

You said: Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Nonsense! Bush's tax breaks reduced taxes for the middle class and poor SIGNIFICANTLY MORE by percentage of income than it did for the upper income classes. SIGNIFICANTLY BIGGER CUTS WENT TO THE POOR However, the democrats are apparently math challenged and don't understand that going from 8% taxes to zero percent taxes is a significantly bigger tax cut than going from 35% to 28% or from 28% to 23%. Or the democrats start lying about capital gains taxes being the same thing as personal income taxes. IOW the democrats for the most part are silent to the truth, mentally handicapped, or liars... you pick. As for the 2% reduction on SS.. OMFG SS payments are to fund SS. Are you democrats actually arguing to DEFUND SOCIAL SECURITY? WTF?

Got it, you have all the right wing memes (LIES) down

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll

The ideological discrepancies were similar. Nine percent of scientists said they were "conservative" while 52 percent described themselves as "liberal," and 14 percent "very liberal."

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans Pew Poll

Weird, immigration is happening in the poorest red states like Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, and North Carolina? lol

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Can Scott Walker make the case for conservatism?

Economy Killer Scott Walker Takes Wisconsin to 49th in the Country

But Walker has developed a consistent record for failure. Republicans try to blame the economy, but these measurements put his state at the bottom with a projected decrease in growth, compared to others that indicate growth.
And then there’s the other data. In March of this year, Wisconsin plunged to 44th in private sector job growth. Also, Wisconsin came in as the fifth worst in terms of the erosion in private-sector wages.

Forbes named Wisconsin one of the “worst states” for business in December of 2012. Wisconsin is 44th for overall economic performance and 39th for business climate.

In May of 2013, the Chamber of Commerce rewarded 2016 hopeful Scott Walker for making Wisconsin last in job growth, noting that he made Wisconsin an “enterprising state”. FYI, an enterprising state is one that embracing right wing ideology, based on the premise that tax cuts will lead to growth, jobs, and general greatness.

However, the Chamber’s own study placed Wisconsin dead last for short term job growth from September 2010 and November 2012.

“Wisconsin clearly is not leading the recovery,” William Delwiche, an economist in Milwaukee at Robert W. Baird & Co, told the Journal Online. That’s an understatement if ever there were one.

Economy Killer Scott Walker Takes Wisconsin to 49th in the Country

Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof

Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof - JSOnline

Yes, the GOP fought for Dubyas's tax cuts, the ones where the richest saved over $1,000,000 per family in 9 years from it!

Bush Tax Cuts Have Provided Extremely Large Benefits to Wealthiest Americans Over Last Nine Years

  • The average tax cut that people making over $1 million received exceeded $110,000 in each of the last nine years — for a total of more than $1 million over this period.
  • The tax cuts made the tax system less progressive.

  • Bush Tax Cuts Have Provided Extremely Large Benefits to Wealthiest Americans Over Last Nine Years mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

    Fueled income inequality: This chart from the Congressional Research Service suggests that the Bush tax cuts, which significantly reduce top marginal tax rates and capital gains rates, helped widen income inequality in the 2000s. As the report says, “as the top tax rates are reduced, the share of income accruing to the top of the income distribution increases — that is, income disparities increase.” This chart shows how the percentage of income flowing to the top 0.1 percent of earners increases as top tax rates decrease.

    Benefited the wealthy: By any measure, the Bush tax cuts have benefited the wealthy more than the middle class. Here’s a chart, based on data from the Tax Policy Center, showing the distributional breakdown of the Bush tax cuts before they were amended on Tuesday. Going forward, the top 1 percent of earners will benefit much less -- though still quite a bit.


    The legacy of the Bush tax cuts in four charts - The Washington Post

So basically you are a retarded POS MARXIST.

Glad you agree, you lost the actual debate :ahole-1:
^dumb ass thinks cutting an pasting is debating.

Got it, you don't like credible sources to back up MY posit!
Ok... this once I'll answer your questions:

You asked: Explain why 90%+ of scientists self ID as Dems/Libs?

Easy, that is just not true. Show me where 90% of scientists self identify as democrat. Are you talking about high school teachers? Engineers? Define scientist and tell me who you are polling.

You asked: Explain hoe red states are so poor, and blue states pay the freight?

Easy, that is just not true. Republican states are less expensive to live in, one result of being less expensive is the average rate of pay can also be lower due to the cost of living being lower. Additionally, many retired folks live in republican states. Most bullshit reports about red states sucking down welfare are counting SS as welfare, which is a lie. Further, many of the republican states are in proximity to where the immigration, legal and illegal, is occurring. Still further, many pf the republican states are rural states with lots of farms and such, where incomes are generally lower. You can't compare a job picking strawberries, with a job trading stocks on the NY stock exchange. Even further, just because a state is republican, does not mean everyone in the state is republican. Shockingly there are many millions of democrats in republican states. Even more shockingly, there are many millions of republicans in democrat states. You assume, incorrectly that the republicans in democrat states are donating their incomes as "democrats" and you also assume, incorrectly that democrats receiving welfare in republican states are doing so as republicans. IOW you're a fool for believing said lies.

You said: Yes, the platform of the GOP is gut taxes for the rich, note how the ONLY tax increase they didn't fight to keep, was Obama's temp 2% reduction on SS?

Nonsense! Bush's tax breaks reduced taxes for the middle class and poor SIGNIFICANTLY MORE by percentage of income than it did for the upper income classes. SIGNIFICANTLY BIGGER CUTS WENT TO THE POOR However, the democrats are apparently math challenged and don't understand that going from 8% taxes to zero percent taxes is a significantly bigger tax cut than going from 35% to 28% or from 28% to 23%. Or the democrats start lying about capital gains taxes being the same thing as personal income taxes. IOW the democrats for the most part are silent to the truth, mentally handicapped, or liars... you pick. As for the 2% reduction on SS.. OMFG SS payments are to fund SS. Are you democrats actually arguing to DEFUND SOCIAL SECURITY? WTF?

Got it, you have all the right wing memes (LIES) down

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll

The ideological discrepancies were similar. Nine percent of scientists said they were "conservative" while 52 percent described themselves as "liberal," and 14 percent "very liberal."

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans Pew Poll

Weird, immigration is happening in the poorest red states like Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, and North Carolina? lol

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Can Scott Walker make the case for conservatism?

Economy Killer Scott Walker Takes Wisconsin to 49th in the Country

But Walker has developed a consistent record for failure. Republicans try to blame the economy, but these measurements put his state at the bottom with a projected decrease in growth, compared to others that indicate growth.
And then there’s the other data. In March of this year, Wisconsin plunged to 44th in private sector job growth. Also, Wisconsin came in as the fifth worst in terms of the erosion in private-sector wages.

Forbes named Wisconsin one of the “worst states” for business in December of 2012. Wisconsin is 44th for overall economic performance and 39th for business climate.

In May of 2013, the Chamber of Commerce rewarded 2016 hopeful Scott Walker for making Wisconsin last in job growth, noting that he made Wisconsin an “enterprising state”. FYI, an enterprising state is one that embracing right wing ideology, based on the premise that tax cuts will lead to growth, jobs, and general greatness.

However, the Chamber’s own study placed Wisconsin dead last for short term job growth from September 2010 and November 2012.

“Wisconsin clearly is not leading the recovery,” William Delwiche, an economist in Milwaukee at Robert W. Baird & Co, told the Journal Online. That’s an understatement if ever there were one.

Economy Killer Scott Walker Takes Wisconsin to 49th in the Country

Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof

Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof - JSOnline

Yes, the GOP fought for Dubyas's tax cuts, the ones where the richest saved over $1,000,000 per family in 9 years from it!

Bush Tax Cuts Have Provided Extremely Large Benefits to Wealthiest Americans Over Last Nine Years

  • The average tax cut that people making over $1 million received exceeded $110,000 in each of the last nine years — for a total of more than $1 million over this period.
  • The tax cuts made the tax system less progressive.

  • Bush Tax Cuts Have Provided Extremely Large Benefits to Wealthiest Americans Over Last Nine Years mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

    Fueled income inequality: This chart from the Congressional Research Service suggests that the Bush tax cuts, which significantly reduce top marginal tax rates and capital gains rates, helped widen income inequality in the 2000s. As the report says, “as the top tax rates are reduced, the share of income accruing to the top of the income distribution increases — that is, income disparities increase.” This chart shows how the percentage of income flowing to the top 0.1 percent of earners increases as top tax rates decrease.

    Benefited the wealthy: By any measure, the Bush tax cuts have benefited the wealthy more than the middle class. Here’s a chart, based on data from the Tax Policy Center, showing the distributional breakdown of the Bush tax cuts before they were amended on Tuesday. Going forward, the top 1 percent of earners will benefit much less -- though still quite a bit.


    The legacy of the Bush tax cuts in four charts - The Washington Post
So basically you are a retarded POS MARXIST.

Glad you agree, you lost the actual debate :ahole-1:
^dumb ass thinks cutting an pasting is debating.

Got it, you don't like credible sources to back up MY posit!
what a fucking dumb ass you are... you actually believe me paying 1million in taxes and "saving" 100k in taxes is a bigger tax break than someone else paying ZERO IN TAXES AND SAVING 5K. You're an idiot.
Got it, you have all the right wing memes (LIES) down

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll

The ideological discrepancies were similar. Nine percent of scientists said they were "conservative" while 52 percent described themselves as "liberal," and 14 percent "very liberal."

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans Pew Poll

Weird, immigration is happening in the poorest red states like Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, and North Carolina? lol

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

Can Scott Walker make the case for conservatism?

Economy Killer Scott Walker Takes Wisconsin to 49th in the Country

But Walker has developed a consistent record for failure. Republicans try to blame the economy, but these measurements put his state at the bottom with a projected decrease in growth, compared to others that indicate growth.
And then there’s the other data. In March of this year, Wisconsin plunged to 44th in private sector job growth. Also, Wisconsin came in as the fifth worst in terms of the erosion in private-sector wages.

Forbes named Wisconsin one of the “worst states” for business in December of 2012. Wisconsin is 44th for overall economic performance and 39th for business climate.

In May of 2013, the Chamber of Commerce rewarded 2016 hopeful Scott Walker for making Wisconsin last in job growth, noting that he made Wisconsin an “enterprising state”. FYI, an enterprising state is one that embracing right wing ideology, based on the premise that tax cuts will lead to growth, jobs, and general greatness.

However, the Chamber’s own study placed Wisconsin dead last for short term job growth from September 2010 and November 2012.

“Wisconsin clearly is not leading the recovery,” William Delwiche, an economist in Milwaukee at Robert W. Baird & Co, told the Journal Online. That’s an understatement if ever there were one.

Economy Killer Scott Walker Takes Wisconsin to 49th in the Country

Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof

Scott Walker has failed Wisconsin and Minnesota is the proof - JSOnline

Yes, the GOP fought for Dubyas's tax cuts, the ones where the richest saved over $1,000,000 per family in 9 years from it!

Bush Tax Cuts Have Provided Extremely Large Benefits to Wealthiest Americans Over Last Nine Years

  • The average tax cut that people making over $1 million received exceeded $110,000 in each of the last nine years — for a total of more than $1 million over this period.
  • The tax cuts made the tax system less progressive.

  • Bush Tax Cuts Have Provided Extremely Large Benefits to Wealthiest Americans Over Last Nine Years mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

    Fueled income inequality: This chart from the Congressional Research Service suggests that the Bush tax cuts, which significantly reduce top marginal tax rates and capital gains rates, helped widen income inequality in the 2000s. As the report says, “as the top tax rates are reduced, the share of income accruing to the top of the income distribution increases — that is, income disparities increase.” This chart shows how the percentage of income flowing to the top 0.1 percent of earners increases as top tax rates decrease.

    Benefited the wealthy: By any measure, the Bush tax cuts have benefited the wealthy more than the middle class. Here’s a chart, based on data from the Tax Policy Center, showing the distributional breakdown of the Bush tax cuts before they were amended on Tuesday. Going forward, the top 1 percent of earners will benefit much less -- though still quite a bit.


    The legacy of the Bush tax cuts in four charts - The Washington Post
So basically you are a retarded POS MARXIST.

Glad you agree, you lost the actual debate :ahole-1:
^dumb ass thinks cutting an pasting is debating.

Got it, you don't like credible sources to back up MY posit!
what a fucking dumb ass you are... you actually believe me paying 1million in taxes and "saving" 100k in taxes is a bigger tax break than someone else paying ZERO IN TAXES AND SAVING 5K. You're an idiot.

Talk about an idiot, you think someone went from a $5,000 income tax bill to zero? lol
Nope, no voter fraud for Democrats!

The Gateway Pundit ^

They don’t even try to hid their lawlessness anymore. A vulgar, violent Democratic operative was caught on tape stuffing a ballot box. The man dropped a large box of hundreds of early ballots on the table and started stuffing the ballot box....

Rachel Maddow just debunked the shit out of this lie. You NaziCons are so fucking gullible. First of all, this took place in August. Secondly, what the Hispanic-looking guy was doing is perfectly legal in Arizona. This thread is a lie. We look forward to your apology.

Contact Ken Bennett, Arizona Secretary of State, and ask him.

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