Cat rescue! Luddly, please read!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Luddly Neddite I've got a cat in my bedroom that has been stuck in a tree in the woods for possibly up to 4 days and it won't eat or drink. We called a vet and made an appt. taking the cat to the doctor first thing tomorrow morning. It feels very thin but I don't see any bite marks or wounds on it. I think it is dehydrated but what do I know? Nothing! You are the expert and I need you to tell me what to do for this cat overnight until we can get it to a doctor.

My husband is cooking chicken with white rice because that is what the vet told him (on the phone) to cook for the cat. What do you say? After your help in saving Elijah I'd prefer to hear what you have to say about this. Also the cat is making this kind of whining sound like a soft pur - growl but it isn't hissing or anything. It's just trying to communicate its misery I believe. Now I know you do not believe in this but I anointed the cats head with oil and prayed over it and it stopped doing the pur - growl thing and curled up in a ball on my sweater and went to sleep. It's still sleeping. What kind of liquids should I give the cat? Do I need a baby nasal aspirator to give it the liquid? It's a small cat but not a kitten. Maybe a year or two old? I read online a few minutes ago that you can give them sugar water. Do you recommend that? I need to know. Thank you in advance for your reply.
p.s. if the cat doesn't wake up should I wake it up in a few hours so it can eat the chicken and rice? Or should I let it sleep? The cat looks exhausted.
If thin, I would go with kitten chow/canned kitten food for the higher fat and calories. No cow's milk. No milk at all. If you don't have kitten chow or can't get it easily, dry and canned cat food, high quality, no grocery store crap. If no cat food, yes to chicken and brown rice.

Put her in a room alone with food, water, litter box and leave her alone. Let her sleep but do watch that she's drinking. No need for a light but you could leave a night light to make it easy for you to see her.

If she has fleas, put a line of Twenty Mule Team Borax along the doorjamb. I've done that a gazillion times and it really does work. If you don't have it, don't worry about it.

If you know how, check her for dehydration. Or don't. At this point, there's not a lot you can do to hydrate her except have the water available. I wouldn't give her sugar water. It sounds like what you were reading is to give electrolytes. You can make your own but I doubt that would help.

Stress and illness can make cats purr and make purr-type sounds. She sounds like she's a wreck. Right now, she just needs rest and water. If she doesn't eat, don't be concerned. Really, rest and water - that's what will get her through.

Post what the vet says.

Its possible she has a communicable disease. Keep her away from your cats and wash your hands between handling her and yours.
If thin, I would go with kitten chow/canned kitten food for the higher fat and calories. No cow's milk. No milk at all. If you don't have kitten chow or can't get it easily, dry and canned cat food, high quality, no grocery store crap. If no cat food, yes to chicken and brown rice.

Put her in a room alone with food, water, litter box and leave her alone. Let her sleep but do watch that she's drinking. No need for a light but you could leave a night light to make it easy for you to see her.

If she has fleas, put a line of Twenty Mule Team Borax along the doorjamb. I've done that a gazillion times and it really does work. If you don't have it, don't worry about it.

If you know how, check her for dehydration. Or don't. At this point, there's not a lot you can do to hydrate her except have the water available. I wouldn't give her sugar water. It sounds like what you were reading is to give electrolytes. You can make your own but I doubt that would help.

Stress and illness can make cats purr and make purr-type sounds. She sounds like she's a wreck. Right now, she just needs rest and water. If she doesn't eat, don't be concerned. Really, rest and water - that's what will get her through.

Post what the vet says.

Its possible she has a communicable disease. Keep her away from your cats and wash your hands between handling her and yours.

Am I glad to see you. Thank you. I have baby pedialyte in my fridge for my gran. Should I give the cat pedialyte for babies to build up its electrolytes? I forgot to ask you that question. Thank you for answering this - you were the first person I thought of and I am grateful for your knowledge about rescuing animals. I thank God for you. You are right. The cat is a wreck. It looks like it is so weak and it's really in need of a lot of rest. It's in my room and very quiet in there and she is resting still sleeping. I'm keeping it in my room and I'm keeping my cats in another room away entirely. I didn't wash my hands. I never thought of it. I'll do that now. Thanks, Luddly. I'll let you know what the doctor says tomorrow. I feel for this cats suffering and it is grieving me to the core of my being.
If thin, I would go with kitten chow/canned kitten food for the higher fat and calories. No cow's milk. No milk at all. If you don't have kitten chow or can't get it easily, dry and canned cat food, high quality, no grocery store crap. If no cat food, yes to chicken and brown rice.

Put her in a room alone with food, water, litter box and leave her alone. Let her sleep but do watch that she's drinking. No need for a light but you could leave a night light to make it easy for you to see her.

If she has fleas, put a line of Twenty Mule Team Borax along the doorjamb. I've done that a gazillion times and it really does work. If you don't have it, don't worry about it.

If you know how, check her for dehydration. Or don't. At this point, there's not a lot you can do to hydrate her except have the water available. I wouldn't give her sugar water. It sounds like what you were reading is to give electrolytes. You can make your own but I doubt that would help.

Stress and illness can make cats purr and make purr-type sounds. She sounds like she's a wreck. Right now, she just needs rest and water. If she doesn't eat, don't be concerned. Really, rest and water - that's what will get her through.

Post what the vet says.

Its possible she has a communicable disease. Keep her away from your cats and wash your hands between handling her and yours.
Respect for your caring.
Jere - if the cat was in a tree 4-5 days it's going to be exhausted from staying awake (so as not to fall) all that time, so sleeping all the time will be expected. It probably needs sleep more than anything else. My cat has done this so many times I lost count.

Might want to give it water. Cats don't hydrate themselves very much and mine pretty much ignores his water bowl, but he's always fascinated by water in motion tricking down from the bathtub, so maybe that's a delivery idea.
There are many people who have compassion for animals, Jeri. All that do, are special.
Thanks you guys. I'll let you know how its doing when I find out from the vet. I think this cat is going to need a lot of comforting to get over the trauma of what it went through. The poor little thing is traumatized. What a terrible suffering to be stuck up in a tree for days.
There are many people who have compassion for animals, Jeri. All that do, are special.
Yes, you are another person that I think of who has great compassion towards animals, Gracie. I love that about you. People who feel compassion for animals are very special people in my book. There needs to be more people like you in the world!
Jeri -- when my old cat got sick and wouldn't eat I bought some stage 1 baby food --- just the ones that say 'pureed beef, chicken, or ham'. I put some on my finger and he lapped it off. If you can do this the food will also help to hydrate the cat. Good luck!
Keep us up to date on Kitty, ok? And thanks Jeri. Luddly knows about many here do. Not my forte', but I am glad someone here helped you until you can get to the vet. I think God will watch over Kitty until you do, hon.:)
or like goats milk in a syringe, without the needle.....chicken broth..

Milk isn't usually a good idea. Its not a natural food for any species past weaning age and can be very hard to digest.

Commercial chicken broth is usually very high in fat - again, hard to digest.

My favorite go-to emergency food is Nutri-Cal. Not that readily available and dosage can be critical, but really great to get an animal through.

If this cat has been without water for several days, she's in trouble. But, if she's able to drink on her own, that's half the battle.

The vet may want to give sub-q fluids, including electrolytes.

Good luck. I hope she makes it.
I'm wide awake and the cat is sleeping. This cats trauma has me turned around. What an emotional day. I'm glad she is sleeping. I've got food and water right next to her so if she wakes up she can eat. I'll let ya'll know what the doctor says about her in the morning.

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