Carter to grandson: "James: This is extraordinary. Congratulations! Papa."


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Carter to grandson: "James: This is extraordinary. Congratulations! Papa." ^ | 9/18/12 | Isikoff

President Carter To Grandson Re: Mitt Video: "James: This is extraordinary. Congratulations! Papa."

Former Pres. Jimmy Carter Congratulates Grandson on Unearthing Romney Video

How the Romney video leaked: For Carters, it was personal

The self-described Atlanta-based "oppo researcher" who helped broker the release of the secret video that has rocked the Romney campaign got a congratulatory email today from his famous grandfather -- former President Jimmy Carter.


James Carter IV told NBC News in an interview that, starting late last month, he tracked down the source who took the secret Romney video via Twitter -- and then in a series of messages encouraged him to release the full tape to Mother Jones magazine.

After emailing his grandfather the magazine's story about the tape -- under the subject, "Huge campaign news," and calling it "my biggest story yet" -- the former president wrote back at 7:16 am Tuesday: "James: This is extraordinary. Congratulations! Papa."

"I'm proud of my role in being able to track him down," James Carter, 35, said about the source who took the video. "I'm a partisan Democrat. My motivation is to help Democrats get elected. If there is anything I can find in any race, I try to do that."

How the Romney video leaked: For Carters, it was personal - First Read

We're playing into Obama's class warfare by doing this(his strength). They will paint it as throwing the disabled and the poor onto the street. The center will lean towards Obama, I fear.

Honestly, I don't want to see this country in 4 years if Obama wins. We will likely have far less freedoms and debt up the ass. We will be greece and the world can't afford that becoming so. All because Obama could define us for wanting to reform entitlements as wanting to kill grandma.

We have serious problems ahead of us and we're in the same mindset that got greece fucked. Romney's quite frankly right about what he is saying in a broad sense.
Last edited:
Carter to grandson: "James: This is extraordinary. Congratulations! Papa." ^ | 9/18/12 | Isikoff

President Carter To Grandson Re: Mitt Video: "James: This is extraordinary. Congratulations! Papa."

Former Pres. Jimmy Carter Congratulates Grandson on Unearthing Romney Video

How the Romney video leaked: For Carters, it was personal

The self-described Atlanta-based "oppo researcher" who helped broker the release of the secret video that has rocked the Romney campaign got a congratulatory email today from his famous grandfather -- former President Jimmy Carter.


James Carter IV told NBC News in an interview that, starting late last month, he tracked down the source who took the secret Romney video via Twitter -- and then in a series of messages encouraged him to release the full tape to Mother Jones magazine.

After emailing his grandfather the magazine's story about the tape -- under the subject, "Huge campaign news," and calling it "my biggest story yet" -- the former president wrote back at 7:16 am Tuesday: "James: This is extraordinary. Congratulations! Papa."

"I'm proud of my role in being able to track him down," James Carter, 35, said about the source who took the video. "I'm a partisan Democrat. My motivation is to help Democrats get elected. If there is anything I can find in any race, I try to do that."

How the Romney video leaked: For Carters, it was personal - First Read

We're playing into Obama's class warfare by doing this. They will paint it as throwing disabled and the poor onto the street. The center will lean towards Obama, I fear.

Honestly, I don't want to see this country in 4 years if Obama wins. We will likely have far less freedoms and debt up the ass. We will be greece. All because Obama could define us for wanting to reform entitlements as wanting to kill grandma.

We have seriously problems ahead of us and we're in the same mindset that got greece fucked. Romney's quite frankly right about what he is saying in a broad sense.

Congratulations... you just beat me to this article. :eusa_clap:

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