Capitalism, socialism, it's all the same to the Jews


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Because they control the money power.

Unless you wrest away control of the money, all of your theories on the economy are worth nothing.
I agree that soviet style "communism" and american style "capitalism" are nothing but divergent paths to the same ultimate destination where all power, wealth, and access to either wind up concentrated into the hands of too few for the society to sustain itself economically, but that ain’t got nothin’ tado with Jews. Now Israel, sure, totally fucked up corporate state government gone insane with war and violence, but hey, that’s a government/empire thing.
I agree that soviet style "communism" and american style "capitalism" are nothing but divergent paths to the same ultimate destination where all power, wealth, and access to either wind up concentrated into the hands of too few for the society to sustain itself economically,.

actually soviets don't have capitalism but socialism or fascism wherein govt or Putin controls major corporations through oligarchs. Hard to believe you didn't know that. What planet have you been on???

and, how would capitalism result in power wealth in same hands. Globalization has just spread economic power among millions of corporations in 100 countries?? Again what planet have you been on not to notice this??

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