Cap-n-Gouge about Jobs, Jobs, Jobs: Myth Busted!


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Seems that, amongst scads of other unrelated bribes, the cap-n-gouge bill has buried in it a provision for OASI and Medicare to siphon off money from the general fund, when the scam ends up killing jobs and subsequently lowering FICA receipts.

Then there is an interesting section right after the EITC language, Sec. 433, "Protection of Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds."

From the way I read it, the administrators of Medicare and Social Security would be able to tap into general revenues of the U.S. Government, if it is determined that the Cap and Trade bill has resulted in a reduction of revenues going into those two trust funds.

Let's say that again. The chieftains of Medicare and Social Security would be able to lay claim to tax dollars to offset money that did NOT come into the trust funds because of a loss of jobs attributed to the Cap and Trade bill.

Cap and Trade Extras - Jamie Dupree on
This shows they KNOW this insanity is going to KILL business, so they tried to cover their ass when the inevitable massive loss of revenue happens.

Shows they know exactly the consequences, and cannot hide under the "unintended consequences" shelter.

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