Can't believe my boss can be this stupid


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
I was headed out to lunch and he heard one of the female coworkers call me cheap. And then he says......"fbj it's not good when the ladies call you cheap"

I wanted to respond with......"well given me a fucking raise and I wont have to be cheap anymore."

I'm cheap because I don't make shit and have to budget
I was headed out to lunch and he heard one of the female coworkers call me cheap. And then he says......"fbj it's not good when the ladies call you cheap"

I wanted to respond with......"well given me a fucking raise and I wont have to be cheap anymore."

I'm cheap because I don't make shit and have to budget

Time for a second job to treat those ladies nice~Its will be worth it for
There's the school of thought that being cheap is an attitude, how much money one makes is irrelevant.
I was headed out to lunch and he heard one of the female coworkers call me cheap. And then he says......"fbj it's not good when the ladies call you cheap"

I wanted to respond with......"well given me a fucking raise and I wont have to be cheap anymore."

I'm cheap because I don't make shit and have to budget

did the females mean you were easy. :)
There's the school of thought that being cheap is an attitude, how much money one makes is irrelevant.
Agreed. There are people who are frugal and then there those who are cheap. Being cheap can mean you are rude and inconsiderate. For example, a married couple known to the parents of the bride (my niece) attends the wedding reception. Eats, drinks and dances the night away yet gives nothing to the married couple. This is inexcusable and disgustingly cheap.
I assume if an employee stays, they accept the pay rate.

I did accept it because at the time I was ass out and no other options . But I can see get cola raises every year so the longerI stay I will be in a better situation
I assume if an employee stays, they accept the pay rate.

I did accept it because at the time I was ass out and no other options . But I can see get cola raises every year so the longerI stay I will be in a better situation

Until when your very loyal for a long time and keep getting those raises every year, and your hair turns gray, they will trade you in a new younger model.
I assume if an employee stays, they accept the pay rate.

I did accept it because at the time I was ass out and no other options . But I can see get cola raises every year so the longerI stay I will be in a better situation

Until when your very loyal for a long time and keep getting those raises every year, and your hair turns gray, they will trade you in a new younger model.

Naw it doesn't work like that here
I was headed out to lunch and he heard one of the female coworkers call me cheap. And then he says......"fbj it's not good when the ladies call you cheap"

I wanted to respond with......"well given [sic] me a fucking raise and I wont have to be cheap anymore."

I'm cheap because I don't make shit and have to budget

You don't make shit because you're a semi-literate attention whore who's out to lunch.
I was headed out to lunch and he heard one of the female coworkers call me cheap. And then he says......"fbj it's not good when the ladies call you cheap"

I wanted to respond with......"well given me a fucking raise and I wont have to be cheap anymore."

I'm cheap because I don't make shit and have to budget

.... if you still have a job that is awesome you can talk to your boss like that!
I was headed out to lunch and he heard one of the female coworkers call me cheap. And then he says......"fbj it's not good when the ladies call you cheap"

I wanted to respond with......"well given me a fucking raise and I wont have to be cheap anymore."

I'm cheap because I don't make shit and have to budget

... also, apparently, he
Doesn’t know that you like it when women use you for money to get them lunch… (you did say that once before, right?)
I was headed out to lunch and he heard one of the female coworkers call me cheap. And then he says......"fbj it's not good when the ladies call you cheap"

I wanted to respond with......"well given [sic] me a fucking raise and I wont have to be cheap anymore."

I'm cheap because I don't make shit and have to budget

You don't make shit because you're a semi-literate attention whore who's out to lunch.

Thank you Pot.
I assume if an employee stays, they accept the pay rate.

I did accept it because at the time I was ass out and no other options . But I can see get cola raises every year so the longerI stay I will be in a better situation

Until when your very loyal for a long time and keep getting those raises every year, and your hair turns gray, they will trade you in a new younger model.

Naw it doesn't work like that here

That's good.
It sounds like a new girl might think he is a catch and the other female being jealous said he is cheap to talk her out of it. We do not have enough info.
I was headed out to lunch and he heard one of the female coworkers call me cheap. And then he says......"fbj it's not good when the ladies call you cheap"

I wanted to respond with......"well given me a fucking raise and I wont have to be cheap anymore."

I'm cheap because I don't make shit and have to budget

.... if you still have a job that is awesome you can talk to your boss like that!

I said that's what I wanted to say
I was headed out to lunch and he heard one of the female coworkers call me cheap. And then he says......"fbj it's not good when the ladies call you cheap"

I wanted to respond with......"well given me a fucking raise and I wont have to be cheap anymore."

I'm cheap because I don't make shit and have to budget

Make yourself more valuable, and either earn that pay raise, or go somewhere else and earn more.

I know I've said this before, and I think it might have been to you even. Sucking air...... is a not reason to get paid more.

If you really think you are worth more money than you are currently being paid, then prove it. I knew a guy who was working as a tech for $11/hr, and he had an engineering degree. "well they should pay me more". No....... The job you are doing.... is an $11/hr job. Go get a job that pays more.

He looked at my like I just beamed down from mars. Which was funny, because he was from Laos. Asian people... love them. <3

Guess what.... He put out his resume, got a job.... as an engineer.... and now he's paid $60K a year (starting engineer pay).

Then there was this other idiot. American moron, no degree, no skills, no abilities... doing a $12/hr job. He was complaining "I've been here 4 years, and they haven't given me a raise!"

Well if you are worth more money, why don't you find a job somewhere else that pays more?

"Well I looked, but all the jobs like this, pay $10/hr. No one else will pay as much as I make here"


Here's a hint..... real simple.... if you are in fact worth more than you are paid at your current job, then you should be able to find someone who will pay you more.

IF you can't find anyone that will pay you even as much as you are being paid now.... then you are not worth more. You likely are over paid.
I was headed out to lunch and he heard one of the female coworkers call me cheap. And then he says......"fbj it's not good when the ladies call you cheap"

I wanted to respond with......"well given me a fucking raise and I wont have to be cheap anymore."

I'm cheap because I don't make shit and have to budget

... also, apparently, he
Doesn’t know that you like it when women use you for money to get them lunch… (you did say that once before, right?)

I remember buying lunch for a chick, several times. I never expected or wanted anything from it. I was just being friendly.

Then apparently we were a "couple", and I had to explain I was not interested.

I don't buy lunch for anyone now. Too risky.
That is kind of unusual - if a guy bought me lunch, I would think he was interest, but I would not assume!
I think I'd wait to see if he made a move for a kiss or something :)

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