Canadian Ted Cruz Faces "Lynch Mob".


Dec 5, 2011
Sausalito, CA

Texas Senator, Canadian Born Ted Cruz ain't doing so well right, Senate wise that is.

In a closed door meeting with other Republican Senators, Cruz faced what could be best called a "Lynch Mob[/".

It started when Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-N.M.) called on Canadian Cruz to renounce attacks made by an unspecified Conservative Group AND explain his strategy to win the battle to defund the Affordable Health Care Act, it seems that Canadian Cruz has yet to elucidate, formulate or cogitate a strategy to do so.

Then the pile on began. Senate Dan Coats (R-IN.) and Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) blasted Cruz for championing the effort to defund the A.C.H.A. that resulted in the Shut-Down of the U.S. Government.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) attacked the Canadian/Texan after he (Cruz) the son of man who fought for and with Fidel Castro, failed to give an explaination of his strategy.

Canadian Cruz was thought at one time to be possible Presidential Nominee. Cruz was born Alberta Canada and therfore is not eligble to hold that Office.
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He's doing great. He's got all you liberal retards scared shitless!!!

Oh and by the way, he is eligible to run for the presidency.
Rafael Cruz is a classic populist. His rhetoric is right out of the populist handbook.
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GOP Senate ?lynch mob? targets Ted Cruz in closed-door meeting | The Raw Story.

Texas Senator, Canadian Born Ted Cruz ain't doing so well right, Senate wise that is.

In a closed door meeting with other Republican Senators, Cruz faced what could be best called a "Lynch Mob[/".

It started when Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-N.M.) called on Canadian Cruz to renounce attacks made by an unspecified Conservative Group AND explain his strategy to win the battle to defund the Affordable Health Care Act, it seems that Canadian Cruz has yet to elucidate, formulate or cogitate a strategy to do so.

Then the pile on began. Senate Dan Coats (R-IN.) and Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) blasted Cruz for championing the effort to defund the A.C.H.A. that resulted in the Shut-Down of the U.S. Government.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) attacked the Canadian/Texan after he (Cruz) the son of man who fought for and with Fidel Castro, failed to give an explaination of his strategy.

Canadian Cruz was thought at one time to be possible Presidential Nominee. Cruz was born Alberta Canada and therfore is not eligble to hold that Office.

Cruz has a way of pissing off people

Even those on the same side

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