Can you imagine how the rw would react if Obama told 3 GOP rednecks to go back to their shitholes?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.
He did the same as the women. He went to other countries apologizing for his country he was COC of when there was no reason to apologize. Did the gop call for a resolution to condemn him. His wife also made it known she obviously wasn’t proud of the US either, prior to his election.

They were not racist remarks.
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You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.

Maybe they just don't bother because they know the dems will be harping about something else tomorrow and next week and next month and next year that really doesn't affect them one way or the other.
The MSM would simply not make a we wouldn't even read/see about it. Probably be on the backpages in the Sports section.


Obama has done worse when it came to trying to take down conservatives. Does the IRS Scandal ring a bell for ya? Lol

And that was just one of many tactics he used during his Administration. So, he may as well have said that.
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.

I would be amazed that he had balls.

However, those folks actually are American. The brotherfuckers in our congress... I am not sure what variety of shithole nationality they are, but for sure not American.
He did the same as the women. He went to other countries apologizing for his country he was COC of when there was no reason to apologize. Did the gop call for a resolution to condemn him. His wife also made it known she obviously wasn’t proud of the US either, prior to his election.

They were not racist remarks.
just unpatriotic.
He did the same as the women. He went to other countries apologizing for his country he was COC of when there was no reason to apologize. Did the gop call for a resolution to condemn him. His wife also made it known she obviously wasn’t proud of the US either, prior to his election.

They were not racist remarks.
just unpatriotic.
No, I’m referring to Trump’s remarks not being racist.
Obama and Hillary were quite clear when they made broadbrushing comments marginalizing an entire voting block. Basically deplorable people clinging to bibles and guns and such, with a purely derogatory tone intended. Never attack the voters. Cost the dems an election.
Trump commented on Representatives who spoke anti American rhetoric. All fair targets and color has nothing to do with it. Congress is not popular with the people. Of course those same folks cling to the failing belief they are superior to the common citizen.
Lesson of 2016, not learned.
Obama could have said far worse and media wouldn't have even reported it.

What Trump said was ill advised as far as I am concerned. However, we've all seen how words over actions work. Trump is doing right by the economy and American Interests. People are promoting race division while Trump is working to give them better opportunities, protect their jobs and communities by defending the border. I could go on and on.

The communities most hit by illegal immigration and exported jobs to China, are in fact vulnerable (the new PC word) communities.
I remember being disgusted with every word that escaped that freakishly stupid meat puppet's cock holster.
Can you imagine how the rw would react if Obama told 3 GOP rednecks to go back to their shitholes?

Hey 000,
We don't need to imagine. We already had the Floppy-eared Bastard tell us he was going to save us $2500 a year and keep our doctor, and we already had the Hillar-skank call 175,000,000 Americans Deplorables living in shitholes too bad to even bother stopping to campaign in. I think that was the 30 states that won Trump the election.
Let's face reality here. Trump is simply the latest iteration of America's slide into the gutter, and in a relatively short amount of time the mantra will be how terrible the current guy/girl is and how they make him look good.
Nobody on the right would waste time and money trying to impeach over it....
You know, the shitholes like MS, AL, or LA.

The RW would blow up.

As usual, Trump supporters either don’t care about Trump’s remarks about the dem women because they are racist or they aren’t racist but once again go into denial mode because they can’t handle admitting any of Trump’s faults.

If they disrespected America, I would applaud him.

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