What would have happened if Obama had told the birthers in congress to go back to Europe?

Nothing would have happened. Nothing happened when Talib called Trump a "morherfucker". People are used to double standard and the Democrat hypocrisy.

Stop the fucking lying. You bitches called Obama a racist for words that came out of the mouth of Rev. Wright. So just stop lying about how nothing would have happened. You asswipes were fine with Trump calling black NFL players son of a bitches and you are blaming Talib for starting something. Another example of whiteys double standard. Where in the hell do white people like YOU get the idea you can say and do what you want to people but it's always somebody else's fault?
Obama used race when he defended Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown who were nothing but thugs. The NFL players Trump criticized were kneeling during the National Anthem, and Talib did start the name calling. Little empty scrotes like you are the problem in this country. You omit the facts and push the lie. Piece of shit liar .

No, racist white pieces of shit like you are the scum. Martin and Brown were not thugs. There is no law requiring us to stand during the anthem and we have the constitutional right to protest peacefully. Trump started the name calling when he called Mexicans rapists. Obama did not use race, the white killers of those 2 unarmed teengers did. Trump is a racist. Those are the facts. Facts you don't have the balls to deal with.
Dude your peeing into the wind.

Nah, it's fun frying these guys.
Stop the fucking lying. You bitches called Obama a racist for words that came out of the mouth of Rev. Wright. So just stop lying about how nothing would have happened. You asswipes were fine with Trump calling black NFL players son of a bitches and you are blaming Talib for starting something. Another example of whiteys double standard. Where in the hell do white people like YOU get the idea you can say and do what you want to people but it's always somebody else's fault?

There were players who weren't negros kneeling and they are sons of bitches also.

Your ilk flaunts their hate of this country in our faces and we are supposed to stay silent?

Your ilk doesn't decide what love of country is.

We believe we do and we are willing to fight and die for it.
Is your ilk?

I descend from people who have died fighting against fakes like you who thought they could determine what America is. We all are going to die from something. I don't think you are prepared to face people like us. Whites like you don't fare well against people unafraid to die.
Against those who don't value life as highly as we do. You're right.

It's not about valuing life. It's about determining if it is better to die fighting for a better future for little ones and to make it so they don't have to fight the same stupid ass fight, or continue talking the bullshit. It's easy to be white talking about valuing life. It's not easy having to live every day dealing with white racism.
If you could walk a mile in a white mans shoes you would know how it feels to be the victim of racism. Then maybe you would change your racist ways!

I am no racist. And the only people who think I am are racists like you who can't face the truth.

If I could walk a mile in the shoes of a white man, I'd be walking to a community center teaching other whites how to stop being racists. You are not the victim of racism. You are a racist.
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.

Why don’t you go protest a klan rally and run your big fucking mouth, Internet tough guy. Those are the people you should be talking to. But your too much of a pussy to do so. Your the biggest racist on these forums. Slavery only exists in Africa currently. Why don’t you put your efforts into counseling young black kids, like that group of assholes that tore apart the Walgreens in Philadelphia a few weeks back. Not a whitey in sight on the video. Just a bunch of proud churchgoers, taking their cues from people like you. I didn’t see you start any threads about that. Trump was a million times more polite, than those four shanks. That’s where the dims are headed. You should be embarrassed by the representatives of your party.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Since the klan is not the only place white racism exists, I have gone to city halls to run my mouth or to police boards whereby I can get things accomplished without taking grenades and a automatic to clean house. We're long past talking about slavery idiot and there is slavery in Europe.

UK slavery network 'had 400 victims'
UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed

And Jeffrey Epstein had a lave business here in the US.

The shit didn't end with slavery. And we are talking about 156 years of laws and policies after slavery ended. Racism involves more than people running around in white robes. Look at you, for example. You wore a police uniform. Why don't you shut up about blacks and working on the larger problems in the white community. I don't know how many whites here have recycled that one story about those kids in Philly.

Pharrell Surprises 114 College Bound High School Graduates with Internships Next Summer

These are 114 black kids from Harlem who are going to college. Way more than the number of kids you sorry ass racists keep talking about in Philly. And that's the type of story the MSM misses about blacks. I don't need to counsel black kids you mentally numb racist idiot. Trump is a racist. And if you support him, you support racism.

I’m still working. It’s nice that someone sponsored 114 kids, but has nothing to do with the 70 or so who ripped that store apart. The YouTube video shows them stealing and assaulting store employees, while grinning ear to ear. Encouraged and enabled, by racists like you. They are proud of their behavior, because they can excuse it with bullshit claims of victimization by whitey as you phrase it. When you become white, you can educate the beige people you choose to lump together. They are not together,as you choose to label them. You supported Obama. Farrakhan, a notorious racist had a key to the White House. So did sell out Al, who looks like a moron on the stage with Nancy and other whites. He doesn’t get to say a word. He doesn’t even realize that he’s being taken advantage of, and is a token moron. He just has that stupid look on his face. The skank squad comes off equally as racist. They are as racist as Farrakhan, and viewed as such. Angry, vindictive and ignorant. They don’t even want black people who don’t act black. Whatever that is supposed to mean. They have no issues calling Nancy a racist one day, and sucking her ass the next. These ignorant, classless shanks represent you and your dim party of suckers. If you support them, you are a racist. They divided the dim party. That’s why Trump is going on for another term.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
White Male Victimization Anxiety

During the swearing-in of Justice Brett Kavanaugh on Monday, Donald Trump took it upon himself to apologize to Kavanaugh and his family “on behalf of our nation” for the “terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure.”

He repeated the tired lines that he and Republicans hope will stick, and steer the comatose base to electoral fervor: That accusations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh were part of a “campaign of political and personal destruction based on lies and deception” and that “what happened to the Kavanaugh family violates every notion of fairness, decency and due process.”

But to me, this was not just a president and party worried about an approaching “blue wave” and trying to take political advantage of a moment of victory. It was also an outright and increasing amplification of a reactionary white male victimization syndrome that has consumed modern American conservatism.

Vox has called it “the unleashing of white male backlash.”

The women accusing the white man of assault weren’t the victims; instead, the white man was the victim. In some people’s eyes, he was the victim of political correctness, #MeToo’s overreach, a check-your-white-male-privilege culture drunk on its own self-righteousness.

During Kavanaugh’s hearings, Lindsey Graham had the temerity to say, “I’m a single white male from South Carolina, and I’m told I should shut up.”

The evocation of his white maleness in his argument was an overt shot at the check-your-privilege crowd.

Kavanaugh’s belligerent defense and Trump’s dismissal of the accusers — he mocked one at a political rally and called the accusations a hoax — represent for many men a back-against-the-wall, no-more-space-to-retreat moment of fighting back, of pushing back, of standing proud in their patriarchy and proclaiming that it will not bend.

They’re saying, “Enough.” They will cede no more ground, they will share no more power, they will accommodate no more ascendancy and validation of the oppressed. That is what they are telling us, and they are speaking through Trump.

As MarketWatch pointed out in June:

“Men have a tendency to believe that decreasing bias against women is associated with increasing bias against men, said Clara Wilkins, a professor at Wesleyan University who studies the psychology behind reverse discrimination.”

The site went on:

“‘There’s this perception of a zero-sum relationship; men and women are in competition,’ she said. ‘So if things are better for women, things are worse than men.’ Other research indicates whites perceive a similar relationship to minority groups.”

And this victim sensibility that Trump is articulating is not generationally restricted. In January a PRRI/MTV poll of 15- to 24-year-olds found that 43 percent of young white men say discrimination against whites is as serious a problem as discrimination against other groups (29 percent of young white women agreed with them), and nearly half (48 percent) believe efforts to increase diversity will harm white people.

Trump is the paragon, the epitome, of this white male victimization. Everything and everyone is being unfair to him, and by extension, to white men.

Opinion | White Male Victimization Anxiety
What would have happened? Nothing. Not everyone is as easily offended as brittle, sensitive snowflakes.
We all know this is a lie. You bitches called Obama a racist for words he didn't even say.
and you bitches called anyone who disagreed with Obama a racist....

Not exactly. You see when you are black and you live years dealing with racism, you know racism when you see it. For example, the tea party was born out of racism. People here in this forum will say this was not so. That it was formed because they opposed spending and race had nothing to do with it. But Bush spent us into a near depression and no tea party showed up. There was only one reason that happened, racism.

These are things you don't want to see or admit, but when you are black you have seen so much of this it cannot be ignored. You ignore the fact that republicans disagreed with Obama about things they were for before he presented them. You and many of the whites like you ignore a lot of things. Just like you tried citing a comment by Maxine Watters who supported Obama during both his term thereby employing the racist tactic of finding one comment by a black person to validate what you want to believe about blacks.
oh bullshit there were posters all fucking day long that were called racist just for disagreeing with the guys policies,i guess you felt Obama should have been allowed to do whatever the hell he wanted just because he was black....and as far as the waters comment....the thread was about what did Obama do for black people....maxine said he did not do much....thats what i put up and of course you could not handle what SHE said not me....and im not considered a white guy asshole...so stick that bullshit up your slimy racist ass...
The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.
That never happened and you know it.
This is why you are looked at as a racist and a joke here on USMB

Trump described himself as a ¨nationalist¨ as all patriotic Americans should.

Have you ever said anything here that hasn´t been racist?
you look at im2 wrong he will think you are a racist...

No. It doesn't work that way.
yea i think you proved to me in our first encounter how easily offended you are....you called me a racist for posting something maxine waters said about Pres. Obama...

You were called a racist for using a racist tactic.
racist tactic my ass....you just could not handle a black person saying Obama let many blacks down... and thats because you see racism everywhere even if it dont exist...
If Obama had done 1/100th of what Trump had done, Republicans might actually have liked him as a president.

Then again even if he was as deplorable as tramp he would of still had brown skin.
And Trump has orange skin; what's your point?

The republicans hated him no matter what, what is a black man doing in the white house. No matter how deplorable the republicans love the orange face man.
dont democrats hate trump no matter what?.....

No. Trump is disliked because of his, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, sexism and crookedness.
thats your opinion there democrats who just jumped on a band wagon....nothing more...
White Male Victimization Anxiety

During the swearing-in of Justice Brett Kavanaugh on Monday, Donald Trump took it upon himself to apologize to Kavanaugh and his family “on behalf of our nation” for the “terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure.”

He repeated the tired lines that he and Republicans hope will stick, and steer the comatose base to electoral fervor: That accusations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh were part of a “campaign of political and personal destruction based on lies and deception” and that “what happened to the Kavanaugh family violates every notion of fairness, decency and due process.”

But to me, this was not just a president and party worried about an approaching “blue wave” and trying to take political advantage of a moment of victory. It was also an outright and increasing amplification of a reactionary white male victimization syndrome that has consumed modern American conservatism.

Vox has called it “the unleashing of white male backlash.”

The women accusing the white man of assault weren’t the victims; instead, the white man was the victim. In some people’s eyes, he was the victim of political correctness, #MeToo’s overreach, a check-your-white-male-privilege culture drunk on its own self-righteousness.

During Kavanaugh’s hearings, Lindsey Graham had the temerity to say, “I’m a single white male from South Carolina, and I’m told I should shut up.”

The evocation of his white maleness in his argument was an overt shot at the check-your-privilege crowd.

Kavanaugh’s belligerent defense and Trump’s dismissal of the accusers — he mocked one at a political rally and called the accusations a hoax — represent for many men a back-against-the-wall, no-more-space-to-retreat moment of fighting back, of pushing back, of standing proud in their patriarchy and proclaiming that it will not bend.

They’re saying, “Enough.” They will cede no more ground, they will share no more power, they will accommodate no more ascendancy and validation of the oppressed. That is what they are telling us, and they are speaking through Trump.

As MarketWatch pointed out in June:

“Men have a tendency to believe that decreasing bias against women is associated with increasing bias against men, said Clara Wilkins, a professor at Wesleyan University who studies the psychology behind reverse discrimination.”

The site went on:

“‘There’s this perception of a zero-sum relationship; men and women are in competition,’ she said. ‘So if things are better for women, things are worse than men.’ Other research indicates whites perceive a similar relationship to minority groups.”

And this victim sensibility that Trump is articulating is not generationally restricted. In January a PRRI/MTV poll of 15- to 24-year-olds found that 43 percent of young white men say discrimination against whites is as serious a problem as discrimination against other groups (29 percent of young white women agreed with them), and nearly half (48 percent) believe efforts to increase diversity will harm white people.

Trump is the paragon, the epitome, of this white male victimization. Everything and everyone is being unfair to him, and by extension, to white men.

Opinion | White Male Victimization Anxiety
'White Male Victimization Anxiety'?

Ok, that has to be another made-up term created by some liberal sitting around trying to come up with some reason to claim valid complaints of Liberal attacks on Conservatives - like falsely claiming the President is a 'racist' because he said America-haters should leave the country. - is a myth / not true...

...sort of like the BS term ' White priviedge'.
The Left is being hoisted on its own petard.

And that petard is "diversity"--and that diversity is loving EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that is not American, and hating everything that is. And no, I do not mean race. But yes, I do mean everything American. If it's not American, it's celebrated and embraced. If it's American, it's reviled. That goes for everything: the flag, the anthem, our traditions, founding documents, founding fathers, history, everything.

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

So when you insisted for decades that you were AFRICAN-American and ASIAN-American and CHINESE-American and everything else before American, well....guess what? We believe you.

No, listen: we really do. And THAT is where 'go back to where you came from' stems. The Left's first allegiance is not to this nation. It's to their "Diversity Cult", we know it, and you can't hide it.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - - - - THIS - - - - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.

Why don’t you go protest a klan rally and run your big fucking mouth, Internet tough guy. Those are the people you should be talking to. But your too much of a pussy to do so. Your the biggest racist on these forums. Slavery only exists in Africa currently. Why don’t you put your efforts into counseling young black kids, like that group of assholes that tore apart the Walgreens in Philadelphia a few weeks back. Not a whitey in sight on the video. Just a bunch of proud churchgoers, taking their cues from people like you. I didn’t see you start any threads about that. Trump was a million times more polite, than those four shanks. That’s where the dims are headed. You should be embarrassed by the representatives of your party.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Since the klan is not the only place white racism exists, I have gone to city halls to run my mouth or to police boards whereby I can get things accomplished without taking grenades and a automatic to clean house. We're long past talking about slavery idiot and there is slavery in Europe.

UK slavery network 'had 400 victims'
UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed

And Jeffrey Epstein had a lave business here in the US.

The shit didn't end with slavery. And we are talking about 156 years of laws and policies after slavery ended. Racism involves more than people running around in white robes. Look at you, for example. You wore a police uniform. Why don't you shut up about blacks and working on the larger problems in the white community. I don't know how many whites here have recycled that one story about those kids in Philly.

Pharrell Surprises 114 College Bound High School Graduates with Internships Next Summer

These are 114 black kids from Harlem who are going to college. Way more than the number of kids you sorry ass racists keep talking about in Philly. And that's the type of story the MSM misses about blacks. I don't need to counsel black kids you mentally numb racist idiot. Trump is a racist. And if you support him, you support racism.

I’m still working. It’s nice that someone sponsored 114 kids, but has nothing to do with the 70 or so who ripped that store apart. The YouTube video shows them stealing and assaulting store employees, while grinning ear to ear. Encouraged and enabled, by racists like you. They are proud of their behavior, because they can excuse it with bullshit claims of victimization by whitey as you phrase it. When you become white, you can educate the beige people you choose to lump together. They are not together,as you choose to label them. You supported Obama. Farrakhan, a notorious racist had a key to the White House. So did sell out Al, who looks like a moron on the stage with Nancy and other whites. He doesn’t get to say a word. He doesn’t even realize that he’s being taken advantage of, and is a token moron. He just has that stupid look on his face. The skank squad comes off equally as racist. They are as racist as Farrakhan, and viewed as such. Angry, vindictive and ignorant. They don’t even want black people who don’t act black. Whatever that is supposed to mean. They have no issues calling Nancy a racist one day, and sucking her ass the next. These ignorant, classless shanks represent you and your dim party of suckers. If you support them, you are a racist. They divided the dim party. That’s why Trump is going on for another term.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It has everything to do with it. Those 114 kids are going to college, the internships are sponsored. I am going to talk about the 114 kids going to college. Not what you want to stay focused on. Because 114 is a larger number than the almost 60 at Walgreens and next year there may be another 114 and there will be no incident In Philly. There were kids going to college from this school last year and no incident in philly. We enabled this not what you say, but you don't want to talk about that. You want to remain stuck in your racist lie. Almost 60 teens is half of the 114 teens going to college that you say don't matter. Then you wonder why whites with your attitude are attacked.

Farrakhan had no key to the white house. Farrakhan did not like Obama. You're just a sad sorry ass white racist who is a danger to the safety of black citizens and you should be removed from the force and never allowed to practice law enforcement or security.

I am no racist and your determination of racism is the exact opposite of what racism is. You support Trump, you are a racist. none of those women are my representative. People are leaving the republican party because of Trump. Republicans lost seats in congress because of the orange rapist. None of those women are racist.
I´m a white conservative male, I can´t be racist.

You are a white "conservative" male because you ARE a racist.
Then why aren´t you a white conservative male?
Because I'm not white or racist.
thats a joke...you are one of the most racist people in this forum....

Provide evidence where I have said whites are inherently inferior to blacks.
I´m a white conservative male, I can´t be racist.

You are a white "conservative" male because you ARE a racist.
Then why aren´t you a white conservative male?
Because I'm not white or racist.
thats a joke...you are one of the most racist people in this forum....

Provide evidence where I have said whites are inherently inferior to blacks.
ill provide that when you provide me saying blacks are inferior to whites...
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.

The Left is being hoisted on its own petard.

And that petard is "diversity"--and that diversity is loving EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that is not American, and hating everything that is. And no, I do not mean race. But yes, I do mean everything American. If it's not American, it's celebrated and embraced. If it's American, it's reviled. That goes for everything: the flag, the anthem, our traditions, founding documents, founding fathers, history, everything.

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

So when you insisted for decades that you were AFRICAN-American and ASIAN-American and CHINESE-American and everything else before American, well....guess what? We believe you.

No, listen: we really do. And THAT is where 'go back to where you came from' stems. The Left's first allegiance is not to this nation. It's to their "Diversity Cult", we know it, and you can't hide it.

You whites have been Irish- Americans, Scottish-Americans, German -Americans, Italian-Americans, etc., etc., since your asses first started immigrating over here. You just provided another example of the whitey double standard.

Thank you.
Someone that uses the word "whitey" wants to tell us something about racism? Not really worth listening to.
You are a white "conservative" male because you ARE a racist.
Then why aren´t you a white conservative male?
Because I'm not white or racist.
thats a joke...you are one of the most racist people in this forum....

Provide evidence where I have said whites are inherently inferior to blacks.
ill provide that when you provide the same thing about me...

I did. And so did dragonlady. So show evidence.
Then why aren´t you a white conservative male?
Because I'm not white or racist.
thats a joke...you are one of the most racist people in this forum....

Provide evidence where I have said whites are inherently inferior to blacks.
ill provide that when you provide the same thing about me...

I did. And so did dragonlady. So show evidence.
no she did not...and i asked her too...got nothing...and you dont have shit either...if you want to go back to that post let me know and we will do it..
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.

The Left is being hoisted on its own petard.

And that petard is "diversity"--and that diversity is loving EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that is not American, and hating everything that is. And no, I do not mean race. But yes, I do mean everything American. If it's not American, it's celebrated and embraced. If it's American, it's reviled. That goes for everything: the flag, the anthem, our traditions, founding documents, founding fathers, history, everything.

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

So when you insisted for decades that you were AFRICAN-American and ASIAN-American and CHINESE-American and everything else before American, well....guess what? We believe you.

No, listen: we really do. And THAT is where 'go back to where you came from' stems. The Left's first allegiance is not to this nation. It's to their "Diversity Cult", we know it, and you can't hide it.

You whites have been Irish- Americans, Scottish-Americans, German -Americans, Italian-Americans, etc., etc., since your asses first started immigrating over here. You just provided another example of the whitey double standard.

Thank you.
Someone that uses the word "whitey" wants to tell us something about racism? Not really worth listening to.

Yep, because whitey is not a racial slur. Whites name their kids that. Nobody black names their child the n word.
Because I'm not white or racist.
thats a joke...you are one of the most racist people in this forum....

Provide evidence where I have said whites are inherently inferior to blacks.
ill provide that when you provide the same thing about me...

I did. And so did dragonlady. So show evidence.
no she did not...and i asked her too...got nothing...and you dont have shit either...if you want to go back to that post let me know and we will do it..

She did. And I did. You can't show evidence of my racism. Because there is none. Talk about whites who are racist, actual occurrences of racism by whites is not racism.
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.

The Left is being hoisted on its own petard.

And that petard is "diversity"--and that diversity is loving EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that is not American, and hating everything that is. And no, I do not mean race. But yes, I do mean everything American. If it's not American, it's celebrated and embraced. If it's American, it's reviled. That goes for everything: the flag, the anthem, our traditions, founding documents, founding fathers, history, everything.

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

So when you insisted for decades that you were AFRICAN-American and ASIAN-American and CHINESE-American and everything else before American, well....guess what? We believe you.

No, listen: we really do. And THAT is where 'go back to where you came from' stems. The Left's first allegiance is not to this nation. It's to their "Diversity Cult", we know it, and you can't hide it.

You whites have been Irish- Americans, Scottish-Americans, German -Americans, Italian-Americans, etc., etc., since your asses first started immigrating over here. You just provided another example of the whitey double standard.

Thank you.
Someone that uses the word "whitey" wants to tell us something about racism? Not really worth listening to.

Yep, because whitey is not a racial slur. Whites name their kids that. Nobody black names their child the n word.
What about Blacky? Do they name them Blacky and Blacky is not a racial slur? Is that what you are saying, or you just won't admit you are the racist here.

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