Can The Students Be Silenced?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

Of course students can be silenced ...

How the cons and gun bunnies act to the marches later this month will determine how far the student action will go and how strong it will be.
this is the mindset of every lefty activist:View attachment 179998

No Hog it doesnt seem like we're living in the sixties.
We didnt have school shootings in the sixties ya fuken moron.
What a weak ass attempt to try and tie the Little Rascals protest to the sixties.
The children of America have shown that the generation of Americans,DO HAVE A BACK BONE

Surely you're not referring to this generation?
In past generations there would have been anger at the government for not providing proper security.
But then we didnt have school shootings so it's a moot point.

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

They should not be silenced, but only idiot fucking morons turn to kids for wisdom.

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.
Since criminals don't follow the law in the first place, banning guns would achieve pretty much the same result, especially since security didn't feel like doing anything. Well, aside from make you feel warm and fuzzy until a criminal breaks into your house and you realize you'll have to wait fifteen minutes for the police to show up, if they even come inside to stop the criminal, assuming they're even still there, and that the police aren't just showing up to outline your body in chalk.

However, you can keep applauding their ability to repeat leftist propaganda, appealing to emotion whilst ignoring facts, all you like. Just make sure you record yourself clapping like a retarded seal next time they have a speech, I'm sure it would be more entertaining than your next troll thread.
They can't be silenced. They only prove that children should be seen and not heard. How do parents deal with a child having a tantrum because they can't get what they want? Many times, those children are just ignored.

Some years ago children were enlisted to basically nag adults into stopping smoking. My husband's daughter learned those tactics in school and used them quite successfully with her mother. She nagged, shamed and insulted her mother endlessly until the poor woman stopped smoking. Then the girl tried the same tactics on me. When they didn't work she became increasingly frustrated. It worked with MOM, why not here too? Finally I took the child aside and told her that her mother was her mother and loved her as her mother. I was not her mother. I was not going to be manipulated. That ended the tactics. They were not repeated. It taught the girl a valuable lesson. It is a lesson that all children should learn. No screaming, kicking, stamping of feet or any other world class emoting will work.
They can't be silenced. They only prove that children should be seen and not heard. How do parents deal with a child having a tantrum because they can't get what they want? Many times, those children are just ignored.

Some years ago children were enlisted to basically nag adults into stopping smoking. My husband's daughter learned those tactics in school and used them quite successfully with her mother. She nagged, shamed and insulted her mother endlessly until the poor woman stopped smoking. Then the girl tried the same tactics on me. When they didn't work she became increasingly frustrated. It worked with MOM, why not here too? Finally I took the child aside and told her that her mother was her mother and loved her as her mother. I was not her mother. I was not going to be manipulated. That ended the tactics. They were not repeated. It taught the girl a valuable lesson. It is a lesson that all children should learn. No screaming, kicking, stamping of feet or any other world class emoting will work.

Why does this sound familiar......?
I was fired from my internship for writing a proposal for a more flexible dress code — Ask a Manager
But then we didnt have school shootings so it's a moot point.

We did have school bombings ...


1927 Bath Elementary School ... 44 Dead, 58 injured. By a crazy ...

The first mass shooting in an American school was 1966 ...


Also, by a crazy ...

Starting to see a pattern here?

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