Can states ban perversions at the state level?


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
Yes, because there is nothing in federal law about the rights of perverts, so these decisions should be delegated to the state level, according to the 10th amendment. Therefore, the states can ban not only same-sex marriage, but the very existence of homosexuals in the state.

This does not contradict the 14th Amendment, because the 14th Amendment only deals with explicit rights, and does not prohibit passing laws that restrict implicit rights (something that is not prohibited, but can be prohibited at any time at any level of lawmaking).
Yes, because there is nothing in federal law about the rights of perverts, so these decisions should be delegated to the state level, according to the 10th amendment. Therefore, the states can ban not only same-sex marriage, but the very existence of homosexuals in the state.

This does not contradict the 14th Amendment, because the 14th Amendment only deals with explicit rights, and does not prohibit passing laws that restrict implicit rights (something that is not prohibited, but can be prohibited at any time at any level of lawmaking).

That would count as a Ex post facto law, which is prohibited in the US Constitution.

Article I Legislative Branch​

  • Section 10 Powers Denied States​

    • Clause 1 Treaties, Coining Money, Impairing Contracts, etc.
    • No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
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That would count as a Ex post facto law, which is prohibited in the US Constitution.

Article I Legislative Branch​

  • Section 10 Powers Denied States​

    • Clause 1 Treaties, Coining Money, Impairing Contracts, etc.
    • No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
This is irrelevant. If, for example, Texas bans homosexuality, it may not prosecute those who engaged in homosexuality before the ban, then ex post facto is not violated
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Which is why people should never trust those in power.
No, you cannot legally ban homosexuality. This falls squarely under natural rights of the pursuit of happiness.
Just because we may disagree with it doesn't mean we can ban the behavior between consenting adults.
There is no victim & no crime.

This may upset some of you but do you really want a govt that interferes in private consensual sex between adults?
Even though I believe it is still a mental disorder, I would never presume to tell others how to live their lives if they are neither hurting or exploiting others
Yes, because there is nothing in federal law about the rights of perverts, so these decisions should be delegated to the state level, according to the 10th amendment. Therefore, the states can ban not only same-sex marriage, but the very existence of homosexuals in the state.

This does not contradict the 14th Amendment, because the 14th Amendment only deals with explicit rights, and does not prohibit passing laws that restrict implicit rights (something that is not prohibited, but can be prohibited at any time at any level of lawmaking).

Lawrence v. Texas struck down all sodomy laws in the US as unconstitutional.

You'll have to go somewhere else to punish gays.
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No, you cannot legally ban homosexuality. This falls squarely under natural rights of the pursuit of happiness.
Just because we may disagree with it doesn't mean we can ban the behavior between consenting adults.
There is no victim & no crime.

This may upset some of you but do you really want a govt that interferes in private consensual sex between adults?
Even though I believe it is still a mental disorder, I would never presume to tell others how to live their lives if they are neither hurting or exploiting others
Nonsense. Even if we consider this a pursuit for happiness, then the law can only protect the pervert's pursuit for perversions, but not the perversions themselves.
Lawrence v. Texas struck down all sodomy laws in the US as unconstitutional.

You'll have to go somewhere else to punish gays.
It was probably a scam, just like the 14th Amendment scam. I'm not familiar with it
Nonsense. Even if we consider this a pursuit for happiness, then the law can only protect the pervert's pursuit for perversions, but not the perversions themselves.
Calling it nonsense is just displaying your ignorance.
You obviously understand nothing about actual freedom & are advocating for another form of totalitarianism.
God gave us free will to choose to do right or wrong. Some choose wrong but it's still their choice as long as they aren't harming others.
You sound like you'd be more comfortable in a Sharia type situation where your own preferences take precedence over the lives of others.
That shit don't fly in America.
Live & let live is the conservative/right wing way.
You're a closet lefty in denial
Well define a pervert. Do you mean a pervert who watches a woman undressing, while he's hiding in a tree outside her window?
It doesn't matter. It usually refers to mentally ill people who put their dick in the wrong places and so on. But in this thread it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter. It usually refers to mentally ill people who put their dick in the wrong places and so on. But in this thread it doesn't matter.

Except the APA and the AMA (the two highest authorities on Psychiatric medicine and Medical doctors) have said it is not a mental illness.

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