Can Obama Fool Us Twice?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
In the interest of charitable discourse, let's put aside Lefty anger over keeping Gitmo in operation, signing off and assassinations and torturing Bradley Manning, redefining US troops in Iraq as "support personnel" and reneging on his promise to try 9/11 suspects in legitimate courtrooms.

Let's charitably label ObamaCare as either a socialized health care deformity that has driven away the Reagan Democrat swing voters of '08 or as a right-wing sell out to corporations and wait for 2014 to start burning Obama in effigy.

Maybe we can extend our charity to Afghanistan and Libya?

"'The combination of Afghanistan and Libya could bring a bitter end to the romance between Democratic liberals and Obama,' Steve Chapman writes in Reasonmagazine.

"'Many of them were already disappointed with him for extending the Bush tax cuts, bailing out Wall Street, omitting a public option from the healthcare overhaul, offering to freeze domestic discretionary spending, and generally declining to go after Republicans hammer and tong.'"

But that still leaves the economy:

"Everyone--left, middle and right--is furious about his Herbert Hoover-like lack of concern over the economy.

"While the multimillionaire president blithely talks about a recovery as he heads off to golf with his wealthy friends, unemployment is rising and becoming structural.

"Obama will surely pay for the disconnect between reality (no jobs, shrinking paychecks, hidden inflation) and the rosy rhetoric coming out of the White House and U.S. state media."

Or will he?

Fool Us Twice? Can Obama Get Reelected? | Common Dreams
In the interest of charitable discourse, let's put aside Lefty anger over keeping Gitmo in operation, signing off and assassinations and torturing Bradley Manning, redefining US troops in Iraq as "support personnel" and reneging on his promise to try 9/11 suspects in legitimate courtrooms.

Let's charitably label ObamaCare as either a socialized health care deformity that has driven away the Reagan Democrat swing voters of '08 or as a right-wing sell out to corporations and wait for 2014 to start burning Obama in effigy.

Maybe we can extend our charity to Afghanistan and Libya?

"'The combination of Afghanistan and Libya could bring a bitter end to the romance between Democratic liberals and Obama,' Steve Chapman writes in Reasonmagazine.

"'Many of them were already disappointed with him for extending the Bush tax cuts, bailing out Wall Street, omitting a public option from the healthcare overhaul, offering to freeze domestic discretionary spending, and generally declining to go after Republicans hammer and tong.'"

But that still leaves the economy:

"Everyone--left, middle and right--is furious about his Herbert Hoover-like lack of concern over the economy.

"While the multimillionaire president blithely talks about a recovery as he heads off to golf with his wealthy friends, unemployment is rising and becoming structural.

"Obama will surely pay for the disconnect between reality (no jobs, shrinking paychecks, hidden inflation) and the rosy rhetoric coming out of the White House and U.S. state media."

Or will he?

Fool Us Twice? Can Obama Get Reelected? | Common Dreams

Nope.. he hasn't fooled me once.
I think that we shouldn't underestimate the way the main-stream media went to bat for Obama during the last election. I do not think that they are prepared to let the first black President be a one-term president...I think that they will circle the wagons for him and, whether he deserves another term or not, whoever runs against President Obama is in for one helluva tough fight.
depends on the economy
Here's a CommonDreams post quoting a Financial Times claim that there are currently more people living in poverty in the US than at any time in the last 50 years.

"Foreclosure filings were nearly 4 million in 2010, up 23 percent since 2008 according to Realty Trac."

If the economy in the fall of 2012 is where it was in 2008, Obama should be the first of hundreds of elected Democrats AND Republicans in DC to collect a pink slip.
He didn't fool me even once.
Noam Chomsky and Alexander Cockburn were two lefties who were never fooled by Obama. Others like Chris Hedges and Robert Scheer voted for Obama in 2008 but aren't likely to make that same mistake again.

"'We've always known that lasting change wouldn't come quickly or easily,' began Obama's official campaign announcement.

"'Always known'?

"Remember those Soviet-style 'Hope' and 'Change' posters from '08, presenting the skinny Columbia grad as a postmodern Messiah for a nation ravaged by eight years of Bush?

"Just guessing, but somehow I doubt Obama's propaganda would have gone over as easily with the caption 'Change That Won't Come Quickly or Easily.'

"'It begins with us,' will apparently be one of the slogans for Obama-Biden 2012.

"That's the problem Obama faces next year.

"In 2008 he told us it was going to begin with him."

Fool Us Twice? Can Obama Get Reelected? | Common Dreams
depends on the economy
Here's a CommonDreams post quoting a Financial Times claim that there are currently more people living in poverty in the US than at any time in the last 50 years.

"Foreclosure filings were nearly 4 million in 2010, up 23 percent since 2008 according to Realty Trac."

If the economy in the fall of 2012 is where it was in 2008, Obama should be the first of hundreds of elected Democrats AND Republicans in DC to collect a pink slip.

Commodoties, precious metals, oil, inflation are all heading north in a hurry. 2008 may look like good times in 2012 as sad as that sounds.
I think that we shouldn't underestimate the way the main-stream media went to bat for Obama during the last election. I do not think that they are prepared to let the first black President be a one-term president...I think that they will circle the wagons for him and, whether he deserves another term or not, whoever runs against President Obama is in for one helluva tough fight.
Don't forget his money cartel.

"Wall Street, known variously as a barren wasteland for diversity or the last plantation in America, has defied courts and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for decades in its failure to hire blacks as stockbrokers. Now it’s marshalling its money machine to elect a black man to the highest office in the land.

"Why isn’t the press curious about this?"

Maybe because big corporations and the richest 1% of individuals needed a (black) rock star with roots to Lincoln in 2008 in order to survive the pitchforks?

Pam Martens: Obama's Money Cartel
depends on the economy
Here's a CommonDreams post quoting a Financial Times claim that there are currently more people living in poverty in the US than at any time in the last 50 years.

"Foreclosure filings were nearly 4 million in 2010, up 23 percent since 2008 according to Realty Trac."

If the economy in the fall of 2012 is where it was in 2008, Obama should be the first of hundreds of elected Democrats AND Republicans in DC to collect a pink slip.

Commodoties, precious metals, oil, inflation are all heading north in a hurry. 2008 may look like good times in 2012 as sad as that sounds.
Anyone leaving children behind might consider what this country is likely to look like if the next three decades see the same degree of increasing income inequality as the last thirty years have displayed.

If I recall correctly, Republicans were being written off for good after 2008, yet recovered to win big in 2010.

If the 2012 economy is as bad or worse than 2008, maybe a majority of voters will decide to FLUSH Republicans AND Democrats from DC?
Why not? Clinton did.
The economy looked better during Clinton's reelection bid. As it turned out that was only because the credit/housing bubbles hadn't yet burst.

Another big difference in 2012 is the possibility of multiple major candidates running in the general election.

The last time something like this happened in a US presidential election was 1948 when Harry Truman and Thomas Dewey ran against each other and two other candidates capable of garnering millions of votes.

Palin and Bloomberg and Obama and Feingold?
Obama is a self absorbed simpleton, an intellectual featherweight with no gravitas. He is truly an empty suit with shit for brains. We on the right always suspected it (which is why we didn't vote for the boob) but now his actions have proven that he is a mindless moron without a clue. Even the left knows he is a fraud, though they are unlikely to admit it because it makes them look like the gullible idiots that they generally are. They "hoped" he was the one. The "believed" he was going to be JFK with a tan - instead he's more like Jimmy Carter with bigger ears and less respect.

So, can this mindless dope get reelected? Is the American electorate so stupid that they'd get duped again?


He'll just repeat that same tripe that got him elected last time albeit with a few modifications: "We have more work to do for the hope and change stuff to work- we've come so far- don't give up the dream now!! " " I inherited a mess, It is unfair to blame me for all of these problems" " Let's hold hands and hope and change together!! Join with me as we rejuvenate the American dream" blah blah blah....
Obama's proven himself at least as useful to Wall Street as Bush and Clinton were.

Whether it's loading up the Federal Reserve's balance sheet with several trillion dollars of junk financial paper in exchange for freshly created money to support the banks' balance sheets or looking away as those savvy businessmen sell fraudulent derivatives into pension plans they haven't already looted, this president is on the same side of the class war as Bush and all the other Republican dupes in DC.

"Choosing" between Republican OR Democrat changes nothing.

Paul Craig Roberts: A Tool for Class War
Obama is a self absorbed simpleton, an intellectual featherweight with no gravitas. He is truly an empty suit with shit for brains. We on the right always suspected it (which is why we didn't vote for the boob) but now his actions have proven that he is a mindless moron without a clue. Even the left knows he is a fraud, though they are unlikely to admit it because it makes them look like the gullible idiots that they generally are. They "hoped" he was the one. The "believed" he was going to be JFK with a tan - instead he's more like Jimmy Carter with bigger ears and less respect.

I think you are mistaking world class arrogance for stupidity in both Obama and Carter.

So, can this mindless dope get reelected? Is the American electorate so stupid that they'd get duped again?


He'll just repeat that same tripe that got him elected last time albeit with a few modifications: "We have more work to do for the hope and change stuff to work- we've come so far- don't give up the dream now!! " " I inherited a mess, It is unfair to blame me for all of these problems" " Let's hold hands and hope and change together!! Join with me as we rejuvenate the American dream" blah blah blah....
Lest we all forget JFK was assassinated in Dallas while unofficially campaigning for reelection. Goldwater effectively sewed up the GOP nomination prior to the assassination because running against Kennedy any Republican was a shoe-in.
Can Obama Fool Us Twice?

Yes he can, and if Republicans are not smart he is going to. He has the establishment and liberal Press on his side, and the man runs a hell of a campaign. Anyone counting him out right now is a fool. In fact I would wager if the race was ran now. He would win.

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