Can anyone tell me what the GOP platform is for 2014?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
I've been listening to a lot of the GOP blather on about Benghazi and how they want to repeal Obamacare, but they don't say anything else.

What about jobs? What about fixing the infrastructure of this country? What about the minimum wage?

I have yet to hear anyone from the right who is going to be running for election this year speak about anything other than those 2 subjects, and it's not so much a party platform as much as it is a mudslinging witch hunt.

If people actually vote for their best interests, they will elect Dems to control both the House and the Senate.

Want to cut down on all the money we pay people in SNAP benefits? It's simple.........raise the minimum wage to 10.10/hour, and they will no longer be eligible to draw SNAP, because they will make too much money.
Fire as many Dems as possible and tick you off...........

That will do for a basic goal.
My platform is to remove enough democrats that they do not control either house and can no longer shut down legislation. You know like how Reid has done since 2010.

Then the actual bills will get up or down votes instead of being shit canned cause Reid doesn't like them.

No more free ride for Obama, he will have to veto bills and show us exactly what he wants.
My platform is to remove enough democrats that they do not control either house and can no longer shut down legislation. You know like how Reid has done since 2010.

Then the actual bills will get up or down votes instead of being shit canned cause Reid doesn't like them.

No more free ride for Obama, he will have to veto bills and show us exactly what he wants.

Sounds like Harry's Grave Yard of Bills from the House.

My platform is to remove enough democrats that they do not control either house and can no longer shut down legislation. You know like how Reid has done since 2010.

Then the actual bills will get up or down votes instead of being shit canned cause Reid doesn't like them.

No more free ride for Obama, he will have to veto bills and show us exactly what he wants.

You should pay more attention to the news then. It's not the Dems who are blocking legislation, it's the Reps, and it wasn't the Dems that shut down the government for 24 days, it was the Republicans.
My platform is to remove enough democrats that they do not control either house and can no longer shut down legislation. You know like how Reid has done since 2010.

Then the actual bills will get up or down votes instead of being shit canned cause Reid doesn't like them.

No more free ride for Obama, he will have to veto bills and show us exactly what he wants.

Why should republican sponsored bills get an up or down vote when Democratic bills need 60 votes to reach the floor?
My platform is to remove enough democrats that they do not control either house and can no longer shut down legislation. You know like how Reid has done since 2010.

Then the actual bills will get up or down votes instead of being shit canned cause Reid doesn't like them.

No more free ride for Obama, he will have to veto bills and show us exactly what he wants.

You should pay more attention to the news then. It's not the Dems who are blocking legislation, it's the Reps, and it wasn't the Dems that shut down the government for 24 days, it was the Republicans.


I'd have shut it down until there absolute cuts.

We are drowning in a Sea of Debt. Current strategy is a lead weight instead of a life preserver.

Time for the Gov't to live within it's means.
You should pay more attention to the news then. It's not the Dems who are blocking legislation, it's the Reps, and it wasn't the Dems that shut down the government for 24 days, it was the Republicans.


You probably really believe that, don't you Pee-Wee?

Can anyone tell me what the GOP platform is for 2014?

Yes, stonewalling social fairness. Stonewalling healthcare. And Benghazigate. They will lose on all three because any ire they could raise left of center on any of these points will be anemic.

If they went with just one element, they would win like gangbusters. Harvey Milk. Don't laugh. It would work. There's nothing more shocking and lifechanging than to realize you've been supporting a movement whose messiah was a child predator, that the people in the movement knew it and hid it from you...

There's your votes. Now go ahead, laugh, make fun, call names..ignore my advice...

...and lose....
The only thing I hear from Democrats is if your life is not want you want or expected it's everyone's fault but yours class warfare is a political tactic not a sound policy for improving the country. For the record the people gave the Democrats total control House, Senate, Presidency in 2008 the results of that was the 2010 midterms and the nation deciding to keep the status quo since then.
I've been listening to a lot of the GOP blather on about Benghazi and how they want to repeal Obamacare, but they don't say anything else.

What about jobs? What about fixing the infrastructure of this country? What about the minimum wage?

I have yet to hear anyone from the right who is going to be running for election this year speak about anything other than those 2 subjects, and it's not so much a party platform as much as it is a mudslinging witch hunt.

If people actually vote for their best interests, they will elect Dems to control both the House and the Senate.

Want to cut down on all the money we pay people in SNAP benefits? It's simple.........raise the minimum wage to 10.10/hour, and they will no longer be eligible to draw SNAP, because they will make too much money.

If people actually vote for their best interests, they will elect Dems to control both the House and the Senate.

Tax and spend....

I don't think so buddy!
The GOP needs to become the party of efficacy and family values again. We need to become excited about American first policies and supporting what is good for our country.

Kick the nuts to the corner and watch as you win.

-We should value science. Science and tech is why we're so powerful!
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I've been listening to a lot of the GOP blather on about Benghazi and how they want to repeal Obamacare, but they don't say anything else.

What about jobs? What about fixing the infrastructure of this country? What about the minimum wage?

I have yet to hear anyone from the right who is going to be running for election this year speak about anything other than those 2 subjects, and it's not so much a party platform as much as it is a mudslinging witch hunt.

If people actually vote for their best interests, they will elect Dems to control both the House and the Senate.

Want to cut down on all the money we pay people in SNAP benefits? It's simple.........raise the minimum wage to 10.10/hour, and they will no longer be eligible to draw SNAP, because they will make too much money.

If people actually vote for their best interests, they will elect Dems to control both the House and the Senate.

Tax and spend....

I don't think so buddy!

You won't win shit if you kill our science programs and watch our bridges fall into river. That's irresponsible. Stupid!

Your party needs to demand better from the public sector! Drop the stupid third world idea's!
The Republicans aren't standing still on their laurels, the Republican House intends to vote fifty more times to repeal Obamacare.

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