Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run..


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.
Anoither Billy Triple Zero troll thread.

Hey, Billy. Computers arent controlled by the government. I guess that means computer companies can charge whatever they want. Right?
Anoither Billy Triple Zero troll thread.

Hey, Billy. Computers arent controlled by the government. I guess that means computer companies can charge whatever they want. Right?
Yes more logical fallacy from rightwing. I expected it...
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

On what basis? I mean one would assume that Canadians would have no experience with our healthcare system than i have with theirs, which is to say none.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

Canadians live in Canada, not the U.S. And when they can't get proper care in Canada, they come to the U.S.
Here's a few reasons

The government spent over $1 Billion to develop the only website on the planet that can't tell you when someone bought your product

The government runs public housing, the Post Office and the DMV
Okay so your basic, simple minded point is that sometimes gov fails. Well I can give you countless examples of private industry failing. Does that mean we should abolish capitalism? No of course not.
A company can charge whatever they want, and get it?

Holy crap!

Let's all do it!


I'm going to incorporate and charge USMB $199 for each post I make and the members $5.99 for every Thank/Agree/BlueI!
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

You know what the government should be doing with healthcare? And they do have a role

Every state should have an advisory board that sets price controls for various procedures in that state.

That's it.

That's how they "control" energy prices, as an example. And it works, Nearly everyone can afford electricity, and no one has to buy insurances in case they ever need more electricity than they can afford.
Here's a few reasons

The government spent over $1 Billion to develop the only website on the planet that can't tell you when someone bought your product

The government runs public housing, the Post Office and the DMV
Okay so your basic, simple minded point is that sometimes gov fails. Well I can give you countless examples of private industry failing. Does that mean we should abolish capitalism? No of course not.
More Billy Triple Goose Egg fail.
No, Billy. Government ALWAYS fails to provide a solution that is simple and efficient and cost effective. They might have solutions that work. BUt that isnt the same thing.
Private industry does not fail. You couldnt show a single analogous example to the government failures we've had.
Single payer, anyone?

"Single-payer health care is a system in which the government, rather than private insurers, pays for all health care costs.[1]

"Single-payer systems may contract for healthcare services from private organizations (as is the case in Canada) or may own and employ healthcare resources and personnel (as is the case in the United Kingdom).

"The term 'single-payer' thus only describes the funding mechanism—referring to health care financed by a single public body from a single fund—and does not specify the type of delivery, or for whom doctors work."

When I turned 65 two years ago and became eligible for Medicare I was able to afford preventive health care for the first time in my life. I no longer had to wait to get sick to see a doctor. As a consequence, my physical and mental health is better today than it has been in the last twenty five years, at least.

Single-payer health care - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Here's the problem with threads like this written by you left wing nut jobs. You have already decided that there isn't any way any right winger could ever answer your challenge. No matter what anyone said you would deny it. It isn't as if you really want to know and that you will take the right wingers answer seriously. You simply want to deny all comers and then claim that you posed a question that no right winger could answer.

You are too transparent there loser. I just laugh at you.
Here's a few reasons

The government spent over $1 Billion to develop the only website on the planet that can't tell you when someone bought your product

The government runs public housing, the Post Office and the DMV
Okay so your basic, simple minded point is that sometimes gov fails. Well I can give you countless examples of private industry failing. Does that mean we should abolish capitalism? No of course not.
Give me an example of private industry failing. You said "countless"....give me one.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

You know what the government should be doing with healthcare? And they do have a role

Every state should have an advisory board that sets price controls for various procedures in that state.

That's it.

That's how they "control" energy prices, as an example. And it works, Nearly everyone can afford electricity, and no one has to buy insurances in case they ever need more electricity than they can afford.
That worked really well in the insurance market, right?
When you set prices below the market you get shortages and rising prices. This is like Econ 101 or less.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

You know what the government should be doing with healthcare? And they do have a role

Every state should have an advisory board that sets price controls for various procedures in that state.

That's it.

That's how they "control" energy prices, as an example. And it works, Nearly everyone can afford electricity, and no one has to buy insurances in case they ever need more electricity than they can afford.
Ah yes well the problem with that is big money from private industry, as always, corrupts government regulation.

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