can a bilderburg,skull and bones , cfr ,grover scum be a good americain


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007
YouTube - Dick Cheney ex-director of CFR talks to David ...
Dick Cheney, former director of CFR, talks to David ...
1 min 54 sec -

1 min 22 sec -

The Order of Skull and Bones1. The Secret Origins of Skull & Bones. The story begins at Yale, where three threads of American social history -- espionage, drug smuggling and secret ... - 57k -
Don't you have your own forum for delusional paranoid conspiracy crap?

man you need a soma induced denial forum for your crap. hate to break it to you Einstein.. Bush ,Kerry, Cheney .Rockefeller...all real..trilateral commission, cfr ,bilderburg group ,skull and bones... all very real..THE QUESTION IS NOT ARE THEY REAL the question is can they the filth be good Americans or not
man you need a soma induced denial forum for your crap. hate to break it to you Einstein.. Bush ,Kerry, Cheney .Rockefeller...all real..trilateral commission, cfr ,bilderburg group ,skull and bones... all very real..THE QUESTION IS NOT ARE THEY REAL the question is can they the filth be good Americans or not

I really am serious, you need help. Find a shrink.
LOL, me limited? Your the one that is so limited EVERY post is about conspiracies. You can NOT post with out them, you do not even provide your own thoughts, you just link to and quote your favorite sites.

I really am worried about you, you need help.
no actual you are a nut case that labels every opinion contrary to your own or beyond your limited knowledge a conspiracy theory. even when the facts are not in dispute there are many educated informed and sound minded people that understand the significance of the cfr and the bildreburgs ,the significance of cheney's membership and admitingly lying to the voters about
the attendance of Clinton and others at bilderberg meetings in contravention of the Logan act

Logan Act

The Logan Act (18 U.S.C.A. § 953 [1948]) is a single federal statute making it a crime for a citizen to confer with foreign governments against the interests of the United States. Specifically, it prohibits citizens from negotiating with other nations on behalf of the United States without authorization.
more bilderburg scum

The Elephant In The Room:We Are Change UK: Richard Dearlove
7 min - 1-Nov-07 - (61 ratings)
the majority of people are unaware of this memo illustrate that there is a comfortable relationship of subservience between the media and the establishment?...Elephant In The

The discussion, entitled Can We Trust Journalists With Public Security? , was merely a platform for Dearlove to spew propaganda about non-existent weapons of mass destruction and how the public and the media need to fall in line and mute their dissent about the so-called "war on terror."

A topic certainly not on Dearlove's agenda was the fact that he authored the leaked Downing Street Memo, written nine months before hostilities began, in in which he admits that ?the facts and intelligence? about WMD were being ?fixed round the policy? of a pre-planned invasion of Iraq.

But the evening turned into a spectacle after Dearlove came under rapid fire questioning about his membership of the Bilderberg Group, the alleged 7/7 mastermind's status as an MI6 agent , and MI6's deliberate counter-terrorism failures.

Watch the video.

Dearlove refuses to answer any of the questions before struggling to explain away Bilderberg as "Erm, it's a, it's a conference, it's a gathering at which people discuss issues - rather like this."

The fact that Bilderberg is in reality a secret gathering of the global elite, completely closed to the public and the mass media, which is secured by armed guards and secret service personnel, at which a consensus for global policy is agreed upon, seems to contradict Dearlove's terse rebuttal.

After the speaking engagement, We Are Change UK members and former MI5 officer Annie Machon tried in vain to get Dearlove to answer their questions, before branding him a "liar," a "war criminal" and stating that he had the blood of over 600,000 dead Iraqis on his hands and was a "proxy mass murderer."
LOL, me limited? Your the one that is so limited EVERY post is about conspiracies. You can NOT post with out them, you do not even provide your own thoughts, you just link to and quote your favorite sites.

I really am worried about you, you need help.

RGS why do you even bother? You follow him around everywhere he posts and go out of your way every single time to tell him he's nuts, and patronize him with your "im worried about you" crap.

You seem almost obsessed with his beliefs. If you don't agree with him then why don't you just act like a fucking adult and ignore him?

It's getting to be ridiculous with you. There's a feature you can enable where you won't even see his posts anymore. Why not use it? I mean, it's obvious he really doesn't give a fuck what you think about him anyway, so why not just do that?
RGS why do you even bother? You follow him around everywhere he posts and go out of your way every single time to tell him he's nuts, and patronize him with your "im worried about you" crap.

You seem almost obsessed with his beliefs. If you don't agree with him then why don't you just act like a fucking adult and ignore him?

It's getting to be ridiculous with you. There's a feature you can enable where you won't even see his posts anymore. Why not use it? I mean, it's obvious he really doesn't give a fuck what you think about him anyway, so why not just do that?

I suggest you take your own advice. You don't like what I have to say? Well feel free to follow your own instructions to me.
I suggest you take your own advice. You don't like what I have to say? Well feel free to follow your own instructions to me.

I don't follow you around and go out of my way to complain about your beliefs each time you make a post, RGS.
man you need a soma induced denial forum for your crap. hate to break it to you Einstein.. Bush ,Kerry, Cheney .Rockefeller...all real..trilateral commission, cfr ,bilderburg group ,skull and bones... all very real..THE QUESTION IS NOT ARE THEY REAL the question is can they the filth be good Americans or not

Isn't the real question "Can Americans can be good Bilderburg material" ? :eusa_think:
Bill O'Reilly's Real Target is the 9/11 Truth Movement, Not the Foundation Funded "Loon Left"

TruthNews | November 5, 2007
Kurt Nimmo

Once again demonstrating his political stultification, Fox News "commentator" Bill O'Reilly declares "the far left is totally out of control in this country, and a smart Republican candidate will tie those loons around the necks of Hillary or Barack Obama. Few Americans want to see Rosie O'Donnell and George Soros spending the night in the Lincoln bedroom. Separately, of course."

In Billzarro world, the "far left" consists of not only Rosie O'Donnell and, but the truth and patriot movements. As for the inclusion of George Soros in the so-called "loon left," this is so counterfactual as to be a bad joke. Is Bill unaware of the fact Soros created the European Council on Foreign Relations, a counterpart of the American Council on Foreign Relations with "far left loons" such as Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, and various former European prime ministers and EU luminaries in attendance? Either Bill has gone off his medication or he is simply a shill casting about with diversionary tactics, a not difficult task as the vast majority of his dwindling audience consists of geriatrics with dead batteries in their hearing aids. I jest, but only slightly.

Moreover, Soros has a stake in the Carlyle Group, along with James Baker and George Bush Senior, hardly loons from the left. Soros has also attended the less than loonish left Bilderberg Conference, a fact documented by the Toronto Sun.

Bill attempted to take Medea Benjamin, founder of Code Pink, to task, declaring "it's getting dangerous when a person gets that close to secretary Rice with mock blood on her," a reference to Desiree Anita Ali-Fairooz's antiwar theatrics during a House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting on October 24. Benjamin was arrested for holding up a peace sign, an act O'Reilly believes to be dangerous "and will lead the violence if not checked," an absurd insinuation, but one that fits right into the dog and pony show proffered by the corporate media.

In fact, Billzilla knows perfectly well Medea Benjamin and Code Pink are no threat to the established order, a fact that should be obvious when Code Pink's finances are examined?the group is supported by the Winston Foundation, an organization linked to the National Endowment for Democracy, a documented CIA front, and connected as well to the Rockefeller Family Fund, the Carnegie Corporation, the Heinz Family Foundation, and the Soros Foundations (see the Zmag wiki entry for the Winston Foundation for World Peace).

"Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin, a director for Global Exchange, says they are paying a bargain $400 a month for a cubicle office at 15th and H streets in the District. More space for Code Pink is on loan from two organizations down the hall, the National Organization for Women and the Institute for Policy Studies," Julia Duin wrote for the Washington Times on April 3, 2003. At the time, the Institute for Policy Studies was receiving $2.2 million from the Turner, Ford, MacArthur and Charles Stewart Mott foundations.

No, the threat, as perceived by Bill and his global elite handlers, does not emanate from Code Pink or, the latter funded by the Iraq Peace Fund, an effort of the Tides Foundation, a "progressive" organization that has received more than $36,000,000 from the Ford Foundation since 1989. It is nothing short of laughable to think Susan Berresford, Ford Foundation president and CFR and Trilateral Commission member, is a leftist "loon" straight out of the closet.

O'Reilly's designated threat is the 9/11 truth movement, not George Soros, the Quantum Fund pirate ba-zillionaire. In particular, Bill O has it out for Mark Cuban, the billionaire who financed the 9/11 documentary Loose Change.

Last week, from the Factor on-high, O'Reilly threatened Cuban, growling "this is a warning to Mark Cuban, who is distributing that film in a few weeks? this is a warning to you Bud, okay, you pull that movie or I'm gonna be your worst nightmare, because this is gonna lead to death," although Bill did not specify who might die.

"Billionaire Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks who is set to finance a cinema release of Loose Change narrated by Charlie Sheen, exposed Bill O'Reilly's rampant hypocrisy concerning his coverage of the 9/11 truth movement on the Fox News host's radio show," Paul Joseph Watson wrote last March. "O'Reilly admits right off the bat that he has not even seen Loose Change, following in the trend of his fellow debunkers who have already arrived at a judgment without even checking the evidence." During the interview, Bill made the "argument that Loose Change should be banned just as some books should be banned."

Repeating his mafia-like warning of "I'm looking out for him (Sheen) and I'm looking out for you too," O'Reilly concludes the interview by urging Cuban to rethink the project, stating "there's a lot of pain involved in this kind of a situation." With rhetoric like this, O'Reilly wouldn't have looked out of place had he been born into the Genovese Cosa Nostra family.

In response to Mark Cuban's financial interest in Loose Change, neocon radio talk show host Michael Reagan said "the left is going to go nuts" over the film and "the jihadists and those in other parts of the world are going to use it and also point to Mark Cuban and say look and see what happened, the Americans did it themselves, we didn't do anything, blame the Jews, blame America."

In other words, the film will be used as "jihadist" propaganda and must, according to Bill O'Reilly, be banned like books authored by the likes of Heinrich Heine, Thomas Mann, Karl Marx, Erich Maria Remarque, and others, not only banned in Germany but burned on the Opernplatz in Berlin in 1933 because they did not correspond with Nazi ideology.

Loose Change, of course, does not correspond with the current fascist ideology, that is to say neocon-neolib ideology, and must be banned as dangerous. Neocons, like their Nazi predecessors, will not tolerate dissenting points of view. If the 9/11 truth movement insists on telling the truth, as O'Reilly has ominously warned, "somebody's gonna get hurt," and it won't be Code Pink activists, funded by the Ford Foundation
Estulin: Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
Best-selling author and Bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of U.S. government discussing what result would be if Congressman was killed

Prison Planet | December 15, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson

Best-selling author and Bilderberg sleuth Daniel Estulin says he has received information from sources inside the U.S. intelligence community which suggests that people from the highest levels of the U.S. government are considering an assassination attempt against Congressman Ron Paul because they are threatened by his burgeoning popularity.

Estulin, whose information has unfortunately proven very accurate in the past, went public with the bombshell news during an appearance on The Alex Jones Show today.

"I am getting information from my sources that there are people involved from a higher level of the American establishment who are seriously considering - this has not been confirmed - but assassination is definitely on the agenda and I pray to God that this is not the case," said Estulin.

Estulin, an award winning investigative journalist, said that he was given the information from a source that has been reliable for over a decade in providing accurate projections of future events based on what the elite were discussing in their own circles and that assassination was a serious option should the Ron Paul Revolution continue to pick up steam.

Estulin, author of the global bestseller The True Story of the Bilderberg Group described the concept as a "trial balloon from the inner core within the inner core - it hasn't gone beyond that but it is obviously on the table because I think needless to say they are very much concerned," he added.

Best-selling author and award winning investigative journalist Daniel Estulin.
Ron Paul himself has stated on a previous occasion that he is aware of the dangers of being such a bold icon for freedom and understands that political assassinations have occured in the past.

In a June appearance on The Alex Jones Show, Congressman Paul acknowledged that such a threat is "real," agreeing with a number of historical examples where leaders were killed or attacked for successfully standing up to the system. "That's right. They'll do it," Paul said, making reference with Alex Jones to upstarts like Andrew Jackson, "The Kingfish" Huey Long, Bobby Kennedy, George Washington and even George Wallace.

Estulin pointed out that his past predictions about global events were very accurate because of the solid information provided to him from within Bilderberg and the elite. Over 18 months ago Estulin correctly made the call that the Iran war had been delayed and was probably off the table, which is looking to be exactly the case after the release of the recent National Intelligence Estimate. Estulin in featured at length in Alex Jones' film Endgame , in which he is also filmed making the prediction based on his sources.

Estulin said his sources were from within the intelligence community and they were telling him that "the people of the highest levels of government - not related in any way at least visually to George W. Bush - the first initial conversation of what might happen if we were to do this," has taken place.

"The Ron Paul phenomenon has galvanized an entire nation," said Estulin, adding that both the people who discovered the plot and its potential protagonists are terrified at the consequences of what such an action will be because of the difficulty in judging just how severely the general public will react.

Estulin said that the conspirators, which he described as a "small circle of intimates," were discussing what the effect would be if Congressman Paul was "removed" - they are being very careful to use the word "remove" rather than more volatile terms, but Estulin was told directly that "remove" was a euphemism for assassinate.

Estulin said he may be able to be more specific on exactly who is discussing such an action in future, but warned that Ron Paul's staff should be aware of the issue.
Daddy Bush Makes Skull and Bones Pilgrimage
Former President guest of honor at secret society death cult Prison Planet | December 18, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson

An 83-year-old George H. W. Bush apparently made what could be his last pilgrimage to Skull and Bones over the weekend when he purportedly paid a visit to the tomb and rekindled his loyalty with the secret society death cult for the first time in nearly 10 years.

Skull and Bones is a secret society based at Yale University which recruits just fifteen members a year. The vast majority of its members have gone on to occupy positions of high power and influence.

The practices of Bonesmen have been scoffed at by the establishment as frat boy tomfoolery for decades but robbing graves, kissing skulls, masturbating in coffins and performing mock sacrifices is exactly the kind of behavior you'd expect from an Ed Gein or Charlie Manson, and not the people with their finger on the nuclear button.

Bush was in New Haven this weekend to pick up an award but according to eyewitnesses who saw special furniture and tables being unloaded outside the tomb, he was also likely guest of honor for Skull and Bones.

"Famously absent from Boner bashes in recent years (last appearance we can confirm was in 1998), all signs point to the 83-year-old Bush Sr. as guest of honor at the Bones' latest homoerotic leather-daddy Satan-worship, or ritualized flag-burning, or whatever strange and magical things they do in those windowless buildings on High Street. Obviously, the Bonesmen declined to comment on this story," reports .

Skull and Bones came back into focus during the 2004 presidential election when both Kerry and Bush were coy about discussing their membership of the group. Members are told that even talking about Skull and Bones is a cardinal sin and many have been known to immediately leave the room when the subject is raised.

A 2001 ABC News report featured footage from a Skull and Bones initiation ritual performed inside the courtyard of the tomb and showed members running around screaming, kissing skulls and performing mock sacrifices.

Of course it was all dismissed as harmless fun but I'm sure there are many who would have reservations about letting people who masturbate in coffins baby sit their children, never mind shape the destiny of the world.

Of course the fact that future world leaders like to dress up like Klan members, letting fly blood-curdling screams as they slash imaginary victims' throats before kissing skulls and the fact that those same future world leaders then preside over the deaths of untold millions in brutal wars is nothing to worry about and we should all just forget about it and get back to watching America's Got Talent

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