Cameroon soldiers ‘invade’ Catholic hospital in search for separatists


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
YAOUNDÉ, Cameroon - Cameroonian soldiers ‘invaded’ a medical facility as they hunted Anglophone separatists in the country’s troubled northwest region.

The attack took place on Feb. 17, in the Diocese of Kumbo, which has been plagued by the fighting between the army and rebels.

The Shisong Cardiac Center at St. Elizabeth Catholic General hospital is the only facility where heart diseases are treated in Central Africa. The soldiers stormed the building searching for separatist fighters.

“It is giving us a very bad name,” said Bishop George Nkuo.

“The army can come in to the hospital where there are cardiac patients and move around in search of whomever. It is not done; but that was done. And they shoot around even with people who are cardiac patients. That is the most irresponsible act to do. Most unprofessional I would say at the least,” he told Crux.

Cameroon soldiers 'invade' Catholic hospital in search for separatists

That's pretty jacked up. I wonder if there is more to this.

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