Congolese families seek repatriation citing xenophobia in SA


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Durban - A group of 200 families from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who came to South Africa for a better life, are ready to return home after enduring xenophobic threats and struggles with finding work.

The group has approached the KwaZulu-Natal Christian Council (KZNCC) to assist them with efforts to return safely.

The group have also cited crime, xenophobia and being unable to get proper documentation, factors that have made their South African lived experience “miserable”. They want the council to assist them with transportation and proper documentation.

One of those who wants to leave, Daniel Yamungu, said some Congolese nationals had lived in the country for a decade and had endured severe pain and suffering. He said some had lost loved ones during the xenophobic attacks. He said as unemployment increased, they were afraid of being scapegoats.

Yamungu said tension was heightened in the townships and those who were running tuck shops feared attacks were imminent.

“We have written to our minister of foreign affairs but the process was delayed after the elections in January. There is a new government now, and we have to start afresh and it may take longer.

“Life has become tough in such a way that even getting a simple job like car guarding is a challenge. There are some refugees and asylum seekers who are finding it unbearable to live in South Africa. It is extremely difficult for asylum seekers and refugees to get proper documentation,” he said.
Congolese families seek repatriation citing xenophobia in SA | Sunday Tribune

Well, that might be the way to go.

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