California wants to make drought restrictions permanent

Ummmmm,, lemon snow
California has had 100 years to figure out a way to keep all of the rain! yet they just let it wash away into the atlantic ocean!,,,,is it just too hard to dig out a 50 Mile wide lake???

Wow. I thought I've read some amazingly stupid posts on this forum before, but yours above is by far the dumbest. Please, never reproduce.
whats so dumb about that? Many lakes in the U.S are considered man made. Deep creek lake in Maryland is one of them.
why do Democrats take every comical remark I say seriously? havent they figured out that I have a sense of humor? now they really think that I think Callyfornia sits on the Atlantic Ocean? God, I could claim that Guam will fall into the Spacific Ocean someday because too many people live on it, and they will accuse of being a retard.
No my geographically deprived friend, I fear that I might take the position of post retard on this one.
Until you mentioned it, I didnt even catch the Atlantic Ocean part of the post. LOL
But, the rest is based on reasonable considerations. If not for digging a hole and filling it with water, Las Vegas would still just be a pile of sand.
theres a few here that have been taking my comical responses seriously, then calling me stupid, yet we already know its the dems/libs that are the stupid ones,and have no sense of humor whatsoever
California has had 100 years to figure out a way to keep all of the rain! yet they just let it wash away into the atlantic ocean!,,,,is it just too hard to dig out a 50 Mile wide lake???

Wow. I thought I've read some amazingly stupid posts on this forum before, but yours above is by far the dumbest. Please, never reproduce.
whats so dumb about that? Many lakes in the U.S are considered man made. Deep creek lake in Maryland is one of them.
why do Democrats take every comical remark I say seriously? havent they figured out that I have a sense of humor? now they really think that I think Callyfornia sits on the Atlantic Ocean? God, I could claim that Guam will fall into the Spacific Ocean someday because too many people live on it, and they will accuse of being a retard.
No my geographically deprived friend, I fear that I might take the position of post retard on this one.
Until you mentioned it, I didnt even catch the Atlantic Ocean part of the post. LOL
But, the rest is based on reasonable considerations. If not for digging a hole and filling it with water, Las Vegas would still just be a pile of sand.
theres a few here that have been taking my comical responses seriously, then calling me stupid, yet we already know its the dems/libs that are the stupid ones,and have no sense of humor whatsoever
There is no sense of humor when it comes to a liberal, except the liberal themselves, lots of humor material wrapped up in a liberal. Diaper pins, coloring books, puppies, safe places. LOL.. WTF is wrong with these idiots.
why cant Moon Beam just buy a few hundred acres of the north pole, cut it out, and just ship it via UPS back to California, and let it melt?

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