California now has $2.4 billion surplus. Another liberal success

You know that there's a Northern California and a Southern California right?

True, but I think wine country is mostly Democratic. Is Lake Tahoe and northwards Republican?

Have you ever heard of a search engine? You fail at the internets.


What is in any way magical about Colusa County? I'd never heard of it and it doesn't appear to be any kind of a destination.

Now take Napa County. That's a place where people want to go and it's Democratic by a wide margin.

Napa County, California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Except for the bloated coasts, California is republican! It's just top heavy with the megacities. Like Colorado is weighed down with the albatross of Denver.

That statement right there shows the average intelligence of Republicans. Why would anyone want to live anywhere in California except the coasts? Hot and desolate for the most part once you go inland.

California has differing climates and differing landscapes. Once you teach Ventura it turns really green.

Having lived in Ventura County for more than thirty years, I'm not sure "really" green applies... Certainly it gets more green, but much of the landscape is still over whelmed by the brush and chapparal.
That statement right there shows the average intelligence of Republicans. Why would anyone want to live anywhere in California except the coasts? Hot and desolate for the most part once you go inland.

California has differing climates and differing landscapes. Once you teach Ventura it turns really green.

Having lived in Ventura County for more than thirty years, I'm not sure "really" green applies... Certainly it gets more green, but much of the landscape is still over whelmed by the brush and chapparal.
Living in CA for a few years now. :eek:

Major Mud is usually full of shit.
California Counties: California?s unemployment rate by county - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times

you notice how its only the wealthy areas doing ok....20 counties out of 58 below the State avg....keep believing the shit your fed Valveta....

Other then Los Angeles County all the populated areas have pretty low unemployment. Northern Cal in particular is doing really good. Orange County and San Diego County are in good shape too, both really heavily populated. The rural nowhere-ville places like Imperial and the far north are where the unemployment spikes.

Except for the bloated coasts, California is republican! It's just top heavy with the megacities. Like Colorado is weighed down with the albatross of Denver.

With the exception of a few slum cities like Santa Ana and Anaheim, Orange County is a patchwork of gated communities surrounded by walls, many with their own armed private security. They keep out the poor minorities by ultra high homeowner association fees. Even if there is 100% financial assistance to help a poor person buy one of those overpriced homes, they can't afford the homeowner association fees. There isn't just one either. The Homeowner's Association has a monthly fee. There is a neighborhood association fee and in some cases, there is a landscaping fee paid block by block. The HOA fees are like another mortgage.

Have you ever looked at a population distribution map of California? The coasts *are* California. The far northern parts are heavy republican but they have a grand total population of less then 1 million. The inland areas are the same, huge swaths of land that pretty much no one lives in. The only reason San Bernadino county has a big population is a dense little cluster in the southwest. The rest of it is all barren desert.

Orange County is the only heavily populated area in California that votes heavy Republican.
Ah, the "rich are leaving California is droves" myth.

Yet another rightwing myth. They find a handful of examples that fit their wishful thinking, then chain e-mail the stories to themselves through their accounts.

Canadians who come to the US for medical services, black voters who are driven around from precinct to precinct to vote again and again, massive inflation from QE2, and most costly of all, WMD in Iraq.

The rightwing myth machine is always at work.

It ain't the rich that is leaving, it is the middle class.
You realize that it's impossible to miraculously have a $2.4 billion surplus overnight, right?

No cuts in taxes or spending tells me this is compete bullcrap.

What prompted the turnaround?

Three things: Major spending cuts over the last few years, big tax increases approved by voters in November and general improvement in the economy.

California's finances are golden again

Funny thing, those same tax increase were projected to bring in tens of billions of dollars in revenue last year. They ended up having to go back and cut spending because the revenue was not as high as projected. Now, solely because of the Facebook bubble, they expect to pull in a paltry $2.4 billion more than they plan to spend, and Democrats are already plotting out increasing spending by billions more than they have.

By the way, did you know that California also rejected numerous tax hikes on the same ballot where they approved the temporary tax hike?
What prompted the turnaround?

Three things: Major spending cuts over the last few years, big tax increases approved by voters in November and general improvement in the economy.

California's finances are golden again

This is a perfect example of the stupidity and dishonesty of dimocraps and why they should never be in charge of anything.

California's real debts are 'off budget'. And the temporary upsurge in money they got was from an unconstitutional, ex post facto tax that has businesses in California PISSED OFF.

Jerry Brown Stands Atop California's Collapsing House Of Cards - Forbes

And they are absolutely hemorrhaging jobs and people to other States, particularly Texas.

California isn't running a surplus. Unless you count lying dirtbag dimocrap scum.

They have a surplus of them.

Enjoy it while you can, dimocrap liars. It's all you got. It's all you know how to do.


When the dust clears, California will be bankrupt AGAIN sooner than you think.

Its Cities are setting records for bankruptcy filings. And the State will soon follow

Your insane little rant has nothing to do with what I responded to. Avatar claimed that no spending was cut and that is patently false. California did what economist call cutting spending and raising revenue...a balanced approach.

Just as you can't "tax your way to prosperity", you can't cut your way there either. You need both which is what CA did and it has placed them well on the road to recovery.

No, what they did was reduce the increase in spending. That wasn't going to work, and Brown actually refused to sign the budget, which prompted them to actually kill a couple of programs they plan to bring back next year. They also stole a bunch of money from local tax districts and used it to pump up their revenues, but that won't be around next year.
Ah, the "rich are leaving California is droves" myth.

Yet another rightwing myth. They find a handful of examples that fit their wishful thinking, then chain e-mail the stories to themselves through their accounts.

Canadians who come to the US for medical services, black voters who are driven around from precinct to precinct to vote again and again, massive inflation from QE2, and most costly of all, WMD in Iraq.

The rightwing myth machine is always at work.

It ain't the rich that is leaving, it is the middle class.

Yes, 3.5 Million of them.

And businesses as well --

Why Are California's Businesses Disappearing? - Businessweek

There were 1.3 million businesses in California at the end of 2012, 5.2 percent fewer than in the previous year (that’s about 73,000 fewer). To put that in perspective, Massachusetts lost 5,200 businesses, the second-highest amount, and Kansas had 3.1 percent fewer businesses in 2012 than in 2011, the second-highest loss rate. Nebraska added businesses at 11.9 percent, the fastest rate. Because BLS releases the data on a lag, the end of 2012 is the latest date for which numbers are available.

There's just no denying the Capital Flight. It's happening. And dimocrap scum are the reason why

Florida, another state hard hit by the bursting of the real estate bubble, and the state with the second most businesses, added new businesses at the nation’s seventh-fastest rate.
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Detroit had some left wing loon cheerleaders too...spinning out false propaganda...for many years as the Democrats took it down into the abyss of socialism and bankruptcy.
This is a perfect example of the stupidity and dishonesty of dimocraps and why they should never be in charge of anything.

California's real debts are 'off budget'. And the temporary upsurge in money they got was from an unconstitutional, ex post facto tax that has businesses in California PISSED OFF.

Jerry Brown Stands Atop California's Collapsing House Of Cards - Forbes

And they are absolutely hemorrhaging jobs and people to other States, particularly Texas.

California isn't running a surplus. Unless you count lying dirtbag dimocrap scum.

They have a surplus of them.

Enjoy it while you can, dimocrap liars. It's all you got. It's all you know how to do.


When the dust clears, California will be bankrupt AGAIN sooner than you think.

Its Cities are setting records for bankruptcy filings. And the State will soon follow

Your insane little rant has nothing to do with what I responded to. Avatar claimed that no spending was cut and that is patently false. California did what economist call cutting spending and raising revenue...a balanced approach.

Just as you can't "tax your way to prosperity", you can't cut your way there either. You need both which is what CA did and it has placed them well on the road to recovery.

No, what they did was reduce the increase in spending. That wasn't going to work, and Brown actually refused to sign the budget, which prompted them to actually kill a couple of programs they plan to bring back next year. They also stole a bunch of money from local tax districts and used it to pump up their revenues, but that won't be around next year.

They also 'stole' a half-billion from their carbon-tax program.

Wonder when that will get paid back? :lmao:

dimocraps suck
California Counties: California?s unemployment rate by county - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times

you notice how its only the wealthy areas doing ok....20 counties out of 58 below the State avg....keep believing the shit your fed Valveta....

Other then Los Angeles County all the populated areas have pretty low unemployment. Northern Cal in particular is doing really good. Orange County and San Diego County are in good shape too, both really heavily populated. The rural nowhere-ville places like Imperial and the far north are where the unemployment spikes.

Except for the bloated coasts, California is republican! It's just top heavy with the megacities. Like Colorado is weighed down with the albatross of Denver.

With the exception of a few slum cities like Santa Ana and Anaheim, Orange County is a patchwork of gated communities surrounded by walls, many with their own armed private security. They keep out the poor minorities by ultra high homeowner association fees. Even if there is 100% financial assistance to help a poor person buy one of those overpriced homes, they can't afford the homeowner association fees. There isn't just one either. The Homeowner's Association has a monthly fee. There is a neighborhood association fee and in some cases, there is a landscaping fee paid block by block. The HOA fees are like another mortgage.

you have no idea what you are talking about....and you claim to live here?.....geezus....
Good news, California: Surplus is $2.4 billion - SFGate

Good news, California: Surplus is $2.4 billion
Melody Gutierrez
Updated 10:38 pm, Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sacramento --

For the first time in nearly a decade, California is collecting more revenue than it is spending and will finish the fiscal year with an extra $2.4 billion, according to a report released Wednesday by the Legislature's nonpartisan budget analyst.

The good news comes after an era that saw one of the worst budget crises in California history - the fiscal shortfall sank to $60 billion in the 2009-10 budget, the state controller mailed IOUs to vendors in 2009 and state lawmakers slashed programs year after year to make ends meet.

Now, thanks to the passage of Proposition 30 last year and the improving economy, California is looking at surpluses for the next six years - even after the temporary taxes under Prop. 30 expire, according to the Legislative Analyst's Office.

They did not have a spending problem at any point. They had a "the GOP has power" problem. Once the voters finally culled the GOP from any real power in Sacramento, the Democrats got down to governing responsibly. They now have funds to spend on education for hispanics and blacks, and services for young women who want to obtain an abortion.

The rest of the country has a lot to learn from California.

SO TRUE. California is an amazing place and I hope to return there soon and STAY.

New Jersey sucks. The roads are nothing but pot holes strung loosely together with asphalt.
Good news, California: Surplus is $2.4 billion - SFGate

Good news, California: Surplus is $2.4 billion
Melody Gutierrez
Updated 10:38 pm, Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sacramento --

For the first time in nearly a decade, California is collecting more revenue than it is spending and will finish the fiscal year with an extra $2.4 billion, according to a report released Wednesday by the Legislature's nonpartisan budget analyst.

The good news comes after an era that saw one of the worst budget crises in California history - the fiscal shortfall sank to $60 billion in the 2009-10 budget, the state controller mailed IOUs to vendors in 2009 and state lawmakers slashed programs year after year to make ends meet.

Now, thanks to the passage of Proposition 30 last year and the improving economy, California is looking at surpluses for the next six years - even after the temporary taxes under Prop. 30 expire, according to the Legislative Analyst's Office.

They did not have a spending problem at any point. They had a "the GOP has power" problem. Once the voters finally culled the GOP from any real power in Sacramento, the Democrats got down to governing responsibly. They now have funds to spend on education for hispanics and blacks, and services for young women who want to obtain an abortion.

The rest of the country has a lot to learn from California.

But didn't California have a Republican Governor managing things for 8 of the past 10 years?

I don't know much about California, but just seems like an obvious question...

Arnold was not a very good Governor.....he was the best ever while he was campaigning..after he got in.....different guy......
Jerry Brown Stands Atop California's Collapsing House Of Cards - Forbes

Read through this to see how balanced it really is(n't).

That they can stand up there with straight faces and call this a balanced budget is comedic.

When will cali pay off their debts?

The article says they "borrowed" a bunch of money from the federal government and have no intention of paying it back. I can only assume this means they have nothing in their "balanced" budget for this. So, guess who just bailed them out ? 10 billion.....a pittance.

This is why California can't be fixed. The worse it is the more satisfied the democrats are.u
Detroit had some left wing loon cheerleaders too...spinning out false propaganda...for many years as the Democrats took it down into the abyss of socialism and bankruptcy.

I blame the GOP state government for what happened in Detroit.

Of course you do; you are a moron.
Detroit had some left wing loon cheerleaders too...spinning out false propaganda...for many years as the Democrats took it down into the abyss of socialism and bankruptcy.

I blame the GOP state government for what happened in Detroit.

Never mind that dems have run detroit down the hole starting back in the 70's. Its no surprise that you wouldn't take accountability and responsibility.

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