California Looking to Pay Reparations for Black Californians

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
I think that it is high time that they did.

California is a heavily Democratic state, and the Democratic Party was the chief proponent of slavery in the United States, with its members founding the Ku Klux Klan and numerous "White Citizens Councils" after the Republicans deafeated them and freed their captives.

For those who say that todays white Democrats should not be held responsible for the actions of their ideological forbearers, remember that the Democratic Party also oversaw the introduction of the welfare state in the United States, an action that greatly slowed the economic and educational growth of the black community.

California should pay, and they should get no reimbursement of any kind from the federal government. If there were a legal way to force the DNC to pay it, I'd favor it. But their money is reserved for Trump-endorsed candidates, 85% of whom won their elections thanks in part to money from Democratic rank-and-file donors.

Sorry, here's the story:

When Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill in 2020 to create a statewide panel to study and recommend ways to implement reparations for Black Californians, many lauded it as an overdue step toward racial justice.

“California has historically led the country on civil rights, yet we have not come to terms with our state’s ugly past that allowed slaveholding within our borders and returned escaped slaves to their masters,” Shirley Weber, a Democrat from San Diego who sponsored the legislation in the Assembly, said in a statement at the time. Newsom’s signature on the bill, she added, “once again demonstrates that our state is dedicated to leading the nation on confronting and addressing systemic injustice.”

Recently, I took a step-back look at what California has done in the two years after the measure was signed.

For months, a nine-member task force has traveled between Los Angeles and San Francisco to learn about the generational effects of racist policies and actions — research that will help them devise proposals for concrete restitution to address the enduring economic effects of slavery and racism.

While many details remain unclear, the task force has decided that the Californians eligible will be descendants of enslaved African Americans or of a “free Black person living in the United States prior to the end of the 19th century.”

Nearly 6.5 percent of California residents, roughly 2.5 million people, identify as Black or African American. But in recent decades, the percentage has decreased — it was 7.4 percent in 1990 — as immigrants from Latin America and Asia have become a larger share of the state’s population and as some Black Californians have moved to cities like Las Vegas and Phoenix in search of a more affordable cost of living.

I like that it is descendant of "a free black person," not some racial purity test that the Democrats used to favor. I'm guessing the percent of people who have a free black person in their ancestry will go way up. Just like the number of people who have an Indian (feather) in their ancestry goes up when they get to open casinos or go to Harvard because of it.
I think that it is high time that they did.

California is a heavily Democratic state, and the Democratic Party was the chief proponent of slavery in the United States, with its members founding the Ku Klux Klan and numerous "White Citizens Councils" after the Republicans deafeated them and freed their captives.

For those who say that todays white Democrats should not be held responsible for the actions of their ideological forbearers, remember that the Democratic Party also oversaw the introduction of the welfare state in the United States, an action that greatly slowed the economic and educational growth of the black community.

California should pay, and they should get no reimbursement of any kind from the federal government. If there were a legal way to force the DNC to pay it, I'd favor it. But their money is reserved for Trump-endorsed candidates, 85% of whom won their elections thanks in part to money from Democratic rank-and-file donors.
Garbage. I pay taxes to the state of California and nobody in my family got to the USA before 1902. We had nothing to do with slavery.
Since the 1960s, Blacks have received Affirmative Action priorities and special grants from government. They got their reparations already.
Garbage. I pay taxes to the state of California and nobody in my family got to the USA before 1902. We had nothing to do with slavery.
Since the 1960s, Blacks have received Affirmative Action priorities and special grants from government. They got their reparations already.
If you are a Democrat, you owe!
I think that it is high time that they did.

California is a heavily Democratic state, and the Democratic Party was the chief proponent of slavery in the United States, with its members founding the Ku Klux Klan and numerous "White Citizens Councils" after the Republicans deafeated them and freed their captives.

For those who say that todays white Democrats should not be held responsible for the actions of their ideological forbearers, remember that the Democratic Party also oversaw the introduction of the welfare state in the United States, an action that greatly slowed the economic and educational growth of the black community.

California should pay, and they should get no reimbursement of any kind from the federal government. If there were a legal way to force the DNC to pay it, I'd favor it. But their money is reserved for Trump-endorsed candidates, 85% of whom won their elections thanks in part to money from Democratic rank-and-file donors.
You are a fool.
Non-black Californians should sue Ca for this obvious racist stunt.

Taking tax dollars from ALL Californians and giving it to blacks who were never slaves, whose parents were never slaves, whose granparents were never slaves...

...for 'punishing' non-blacks by taking their money and givi g it to blacks.

Japanese Americans in Ca should sue for intetnment camp reparations...

Chinese and Irish Anericans should sue Ca for reparations for treatment of their ancestors who built the railroads...

Native Americans should sue Ca for steali g bative Anerican lands and for attricities against native Americans...

Singling out blacks for reparatikns for wrongs committed against minorities during the US's long history reeks of racism.
Non-black Californians should sue Ca for this obvious racist stunt.

Taking tax dollars from ALL Californians and giving it to blacks who were never slaves, whose parents were never slaves, whose granparents were never slaves...

...for 'punishing' non-blacks by taking their money and givi g it to blacks.

Japanese Americans in Ca should sue for intetnment camp reparations...

Chinese and Irish Anericans should sue Ca for reparations for treatment of their ancestors who built the railroads...

Native Americans should sue Ca for steali g bative Anerican lands and for attricities against native Americans...

Singling out blacks for reparatikns for wrongs committed against minorities during the US's long history reeks of racism.
they will call who ever is behind this a racist! why not just give everyone a check for 200K? werent all of our decendants slaves or just went thru hell back in the 1700's and 1800's? werent many Italians and europeans slaves too during the roman period?

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