California going city at a time!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
San Bernardino on Tuesday became the third California city in less than a month to seek bankruptcy protection, with officials saying the financial situation had become so dire that it could not cover payroll through the summer.

San Bernardino seeks bankruptcy protection -

The city's fiscal crisis has been years in the making, compounded by the nation's crushing recession and exacerbated by escalating pension costs, lucrative labor agreements, Sacramento's raid on redevelopment funds and a city reserve that is tapped out, officials said.


Do you think that one of these days (before we die) the unions will come to realize that their actions cause bankruptcies? Pensions, guaranteed high wages for little or no work, union rules...cause the companies that the unions work for to go BROKE!

Democrats are in charge. All of California is democrat. Democrats are in thrall to unions.

But, we need a nice shiney new train!
yeah thanks for crashing the economy you dumb fucks.

these cities would not be bankrupt if your dumb fucking con land ideas had NOT crashed the world economy yet again
yeah thanks for crashing the economy you dumb fucks.

these cities would not be bankrupt if your dumb fucking con land ideas had NOT crashed the world economy yet again

It's Bush's fault! I wonder if CA will still use that one? :eusa_silenced:

The spineless CA politicians refuse to cut anything in order not to piss off the freeloaders and Union (one in the same in most ways) base! Now the bottom has fallen out and expect Greek Style protests and riots by entitlement seekers!
yeah thanks for crashing the economy you dumb fucks.

these cities would not be bankrupt if your dumb fucking con land ideas had NOT crashed the world economy yet again

Gee, TM...why is it that cities in OTHER States are still solvent while they are dropping like dominoes in Cali?

The fact is...California is the State that's adopted the most progressive agenda over the past forty years, therefore it's in the worst shape. But you can't SEE that...can you? Must be tough to go through life wearing ideological blinders like you do...
Even the far lefty city of San Francisco's Mayor did negotiations with the unions pensions.
The ones who aren't are now going broke.
Spineless Dems won't do anything.
The far lefty Mayor of San Francisco is now Lt. Governor. We have democrats in charge completely. Kamala Harris has made it her mission to sue companies out of the state as polluters and exploiters of the poor. They are happy to leave.

California is a democrat state and the answer to what happens when democrats are in charge.
Even the far lefty city of San Francisco's Mayor did negotiations with the unions pensions.
The ones who aren't are now going broke.
Spineless Dems won't do anything.

Yes...they won't do anything except ask for handouts from Washington to pay for their mistakes...and the dumb Dems in Washington will give it to them! Of course it's EVERYBODY'S money they're giving away, but what the helps the liberal cause of growing government control and spending money that hasn't been made yet.

The liberals need to learn lessons from themselves. The California experiments represent nothing more than a microcosm of what will come to the USA if liberals are left in control. Obama has already kissed the asses of the UAW in the GM deals. He denied payments to secured creditors in the GM bankruptcy plan in order to payoff the unions for their campaign support.
But... without the unions to protect the workers, they will be driven to the poorhouse! The workers will be beaten and exploited by the evil employers!

Fact is being proven that with the unions, we are all being driven into bankruptcy and poverty. But as long as the union leadership is allowed to extort dues from members and then use that money to buy off politicians, who in turn legislate in favor of the union bosses...
For f*cks sake about we all ignore Truthdon'tmatter...we all complain about her useless rants and spam-posting - but everyone keeps answering her stupid post!!!
yeah thanks for crashing the economy you dumb fucks.

these cities would not be bankrupt if your dumb fucking con land ideas had NOT crashed the world economy yet again
Love it. Socialists crash it but conservatives are to blame. Denial is such a humorous thing when you're not forced to live with those buried in it.
This wave of municipal bankruptcies is not going to stop in CA. All the stimulus cash is gone for the cities and they have not made fundamental changes to their services and funding.

It's only going to get worse. Much much worse.
San Bernardino on Tuesday became the third California city in less than a month to seek bankruptcy protection, with officials saying the financial situation had become so dire that it could not cover payroll through the summer.

San Bernardino seeks bankruptcy protection -

The city's fiscal crisis has been years in the making, compounded by the nation's crushing recession and exacerbated by escalating pension costs, lucrative labor agreements, Sacramento's raid on redevelopment funds and a city reserve that is tapped out, officials said.

And yet, the state can still somehow someway get money for a train no one will use.
Even the far lefty city of San Francisco's Mayor did negotiations with the unions pensions.
The ones who aren't are now going broke.
Spineless Dems won't do anything.

Yes...they won't do anything except ask for handouts from Washington to pay for their mistakes...and the dumb Dems in Washington will give it to them!

Hopefully, that will all change in a few months. The GOP will be in charge and say: "Handout? Why?" and let California rot into total bankruptcy. Then President Romney can appoint someone to oversee California's restructuring and hopefully toss out some of the putrid dead weight that's been poisoning California for God know's how long.

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