California Begins Gun Confiscation

Obamacare has a regulation that encourages you doctor to ask if you have any guns. If you're being treated for depression they can take your guns.

Pretty soon if you're a binge-eater they can take your guns.
If you are diagnosed with Anorexia they might take your guns.
If you got a DUI they might take your guns.
If you're in the military and have been repeatedly deployed they might take your guns.
If you're going through a divorce they might take your guns.
If you buy a bottle of Xanax they might take your guns.

See what this could lead to?

No, of course not.

Well, no, because I can't see a good reason why you should have guns to start with...

But if you are going to insist on having them, I want reasonable assurances you aren't a danger to yourself or others.

Who are you, and what Legislation gives you the Right to have power over my Freedoms?

As to the first of your contentions: why should you care how many of the "nutters" are taken down by your beloved government? Wouldn't you consider "suicide by government" preferable to having all these gun-toting "nutters" running around?
For the second: I heartily support you making your home as safe as you possibly can. Based on your continued argument that guns in the home are "far more likely to kill a person in the home", you don't have firearms in your home.

It's not the gun nutters getting taken out, it's the fact that they often get innocent people killed in the crossfire. (See also, Weaver, Koresh, etc.)

You are a career nobody gives enough of a shit to bother with you. For people with lives, it can happen. It HAS happened to someone here, in fact.

Says the guy who got fired from his job as a mechanic...

I mean, seriously, how bad do you have to be do that.

Then he went whining to the eeeevil government to make them shut his ex-boss down.

Repeating a lie does not make it true, it just makes you look stupid, child.
Again, not seeing the problem here... Crazy people shouldn't have guns.

Of course, it would probably disqualify 90% of the gun nuts on USMB.

The best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut.

You definitely don't qualify for gun ownership you tiny brained fuck, you live in shitago!

You mean the most awesome city in the country? Yup.

But seriously, guy, you gun nuts keep proving my point. If your having a gun was left up to anyone else... you wouldn't have a gun.

You like Chicago? That alone should be grounds for involuntary commitment to a mental ward.

You are a career nobody gives enough of a shit to bother with you. For people with lives, it can happen. It HAS happened to someone here, in fact.

Says the guy who got fired from his job as a mechanic...

I mean, seriously, how bad do you have to be do that.

Then he went whining to the eeeevil government to make them shut his ex-boss down.

Repeating a lie does not make it true, it just makes you look stupid, child.

Just pointing out what you said... "The big meanies fired me becaue I wouldn't break their cars!"

You definitely don't qualify for gun ownership you tiny brained fuck, you live in shitago!

You mean the most awesome city in the country? Yup.

But seriously, guy, you gun nuts keep proving my point. If your having a gun was left up to anyone else... you wouldn't have a gun.

You like Chicago? That alone should be grounds for involuntary commitment to a mental ward.

Yeah, we elected the Black Guy.

Oh, wait. So did the rest of the country.
Jarlaxle, the women was an abuser, abused her kids and abused her husband, refused a plea deal for three years, and the jury decided.

The gun nuts are not going to run this country.

What in the name of Jesus Christ & a pair of fuzzy dice are you babbling about?! Are you in the right thread?

I don't think you are. Go check the OP, goof boy.

Since the woman in question was INVOLUNTARILY COMMITTED, some sort of legal due process HAD to be used. No police anywhere in this country, that I'm aware of, have the power to commit anyone to a mental institution on their own hook. They MUST follow the law and the legal procedures MUST be followed or lawsuits out the wazoo will follow shortly.

I'm not familiar with what California laws requires for an involuntary commitment, but I'll be surprised if it wasn't followed in this woman's case. I'll see what I can find.

You can be tossed into a nut house for three days in Kalifornia solely on the word of a cop.

Wrong. Read my link to the state statute.'s started.

Hope you've made whatever arrangements you can make.

First the excuses will seem rational but eventually they will start dreaming up more and more excuses to seize our guns. It's hard to imagine what excuse they'll come up with to take them but the goal is to make private gun ownership a thing of the past.

That you are a liar comes as no surprise, as there is no ‘confiscation’ taking place.

From your own article:

Merely being in a database of registered gun owners and having a “disqualifying event,” such as a felony conviction or restraining order, isn’t sufficient evidence for a search warrant, Marsh said March 5 during raids in San Bernardino County. So the agents often must talk their way into a residence to look for weapons, he said.

At a house in Fontana, agents were looking for a gun owner with a criminal history of a sex offense, pimping, according to the attorney general’s office. Marsh said that while the woman appeared to be home, they got no answer at the door. Without a warrant, the agents couldn’t enter and had to leave empty- handed.

Moreover, firearms can’t be confiscated absent due process and just compensation:

The “Takings Clause” of the Fifth Amendment to the federal constitution prohibits taking private property “for public use, without just compensation.” This prohibition applies to the states through the 14th Amendment. While the Takings Clause is often discussed in the context of land and real estate, it also applies to personal property. The clause applies to actual confiscations of property as well as to regulatory takings (e.g., laws that deprive a property owner of all beneficial use of the property).

Takings Clause cases can address a variety of issues, such as (1) whether a government action sufficiently infringed upon a property interest to constitute a compensable taking; (2) whether the taking was for public use; and (3) if compensation is required, how to value the property.


Even convicted felons are entitled to 5th Amendment protection when compelled to surrender their weapons:

[T]he ordered destruction [of firearms] would seem to raise serious Takings Clause issues. Firearms subject to neither lawful forfeiture nor confiscation as contraband (as in this case) remain valuable tangible personal property belonging to the convicted felon. I doubt the government’s right to simply confiscate and destroy such valuable property without first affording due process and payment of just compensation, even if it is accepted that the felon-owner cannot unilaterally transfer his ownership rights following a felony conviction. In Cooper v. City of Greenwood, 904 F.2d 302 (5th Cir.1990), for example, the Fifth Circuit recognized that even one convicted of illegally possessing firearms does not lose his or her property interest in the firearms by virtue of the conviction alone. That property interest cannot be simply taken by the government without affording the property owner due process of law....

The Volokh Conspiracy » The Second Amendment and the Takings Clause

Gun owners surrendering their firearms of their own free will is not ‘confiscation.’
And the above is why the GOP mainstream leadership is cutting loose those reactionaries and libertarians who are acting weird.

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You mean the most awesome city in the country? Yup.

But seriously, guy, you gun nuts keep proving my point. If your having a gun was left up to anyone else... you wouldn't have a gun.

You like Chicago? That alone should be grounds for involuntary commitment to a mental ward.

Yeah, we elected the Black Guy.

Oh, wait. So did the rest of the country.

No....only 51% of them........real or fake.
No due process here folks. Just good old-fashioned tyranny at it's finnest.
No evidence for a warrent, just good old government theft of private property. And armed robbery at that.

Now maybe some will understand the objections to registration. Just enables corruption.
People who have been abused often go to mental hospitals for evaluation and sometimes for protection.

Good call, California. Disarm the victims.
Again, not seeing the problem here... Crazy people shouldn't have guns.

Of course, it would probably disqualify 90% of the gun nuts on USMB.

The best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut.

^ that. mudmissle might have not read his own OP either:

California is the only state that tracks and disarms people with legally registered guns who have lost the right to own them, according to Attorney General Kamala Harris. Almost 20,000 gun owners in the state are prohibited from possessing firearms, including convicted felons, those under a domestic violence restraining order or deemed mentally unstable.

its the law mudmissle. Don't like it? Move to Arizona.

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