But...gun control will keep us safe...as California screws up Prohibited person gun confiscation. They couldn't run a lemonade stand.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
These are the clowns we are supposed to trust when they demand that we give up our guns.........really?

California’s Armed & Prohibited Persons System [APPS] is designed to identify prohibited persons who own firearms so the guns can be confiscated. But — surprise! — the system is weighed down by inefficiencies, ignorance, errors, bureaucratic bloat and sheer volume.

On the ground, the envisioned collaboration between state and local criminal justice officials to confiscate firearms has been scattershot, at best. Some police departments say they had no idea they even had access to monthly state reports identifying individuals in their jurisdictions who remain unlawfully armed.

At the same time, many judges have done little to ensure their orders requiring gun relinquishments are executed, worsening the backlog and potentially putting the public’s safety at risk.

Meanwhile, understaffed state agents in the Bureau of Firearms are often outmatched by the onslaught of new cases every day from throughout California. Each one must be checked and cross-checked by hand across multiple criminal justice databases before being added to the prohibited-persons list. Simply put, the additions are coming faster than the subtractions.

The work-intensive process and outmoded technology has led some in law enforcement to question the database’s reliability. They say they’ve discovered errors during field operations and that investigations based on the list are a waste of resources.

And these people aren't even likely to be hard core criminals..........so, sure.....you anti-gun extremists know what you are doing..........


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