CA Democrats Voted Against Stopping Child-sex Trafficking....Now They Want To Make It A Crime To Prevent Looting

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
CA Democrats want to make it a crime to prevent crimes.
They're hiding it in workplace violence bill, but the law prohibits employers from risking the safety of employees. It's particularly concerned with employers who allow their employees to stop looters from robbing them blind. Now the law says that an employer cannot tell his employees to attempt to do anything that may be a hazard to their health. That includes looters and active-shooters.

The California bill, if enacted in law, would require employers to provide active-shooter training to workers, keep a log of any violent incidents, and allow companies to apply for workplace violence restraining orders.

SB 553 is not targeted at—and does not affect—trained security guards. In fact, the bill highlights the need for dedicated safety personnel.

But Rachel Michelin, president of the California Retailers Association, told Fox 2/KTVU: "This bill goes way too far, number one, where I think it will open the doors even wider for people to come in and steal from our stores."

CA Democrats want to make it a crime to prevent crimes.
They're hiding it in workplace violence bill, but the law prohibits employers from risking the safety of employees. It's particularly concerned with employers who allow their employees to stop looters from robbing them blind. Now the law says that an employer cannot tell his employees to attempt to do anything that may be a hazard to their health. That includes looters and active-shooters.

Wow. Are you saying that the Demwits of California are turning that beautiful state into a shithole? Oh, who am I kidding ... of course they are!
Daily observation.
High crime rates are one of the symptoms of Progressive dystopia.
The Corrupt Democrat Party destroys cities and states with their backwards culture and failed left wing economics.

They are trying their best to run law abiding citizens to leave.
I was reading the bill....and it's the most convoluted mess I've ever seen.
It makes no sense.
The main thing I saw was that it required employers to conduct training with their employees and that they must keep records of the training.

It's like the nonsense they made us do when I was working for the government....only now they're requiring small businesses to do it or suffer fines and other penalties.
This reminds me of the ACA. The original document was a set number of pages....but the implementation resulted in a stack of documents over 6 feet high.
You need to hire a lawyer just to read the POS, and it's way too easy to not follow the rules set forth in the directives.
It's like the tax code.
An absolute nightmare.
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CA Democrats want to make it a crime to prevent crimes.
They're hiding it in workplace violence bill, but the law prohibits employers from risking the safety of employees. It's particularly concerned with employers who allow their employees to stop looters from robbing them blind. Now the law says that an employer cannot tell his employees to attempt to do anything that may be a hazard to their health. That includes looters and active-shooters.

It's just not possible to fathom how stupid these people are.
It's just not possible to fathom how stupid these people are.
What's worse is most of them don't understand the law themselves.
They're just told to vote yes and let the lawyers deal with the rest.

Seems to me this is a great opportunity to shutter thousands of small businesses.

It's better than a pandemic.
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