By a show of "hands" how many leftists on here would give up their cars or phones for climate change

I am reminded of AOC being criticized for driving a car despite her pro-climate stance. Her reply was “yep, I even have air conditioning”.

The fact of the matter is that people need to function in the world in order to live out their lives. Unfortunately everyday life is dependent on fossil fuels and electricity. Us giving up all of
These things would not only make it impossible to function, but it wouldn’t solve the overall problem would it? The key to mitigation of climate change must come through institutional and industrial reform. Until that happens, completely eliminating one’s carbon foot print won’t accomplish anything significant.

Translation: life before oil was rough and short.

Life before oil didn’t depend on oil lol. Duh.

So why don’t you give it up? You are complicit in murdering the planet.
Because 1) Like I goddamn said I need to function in the real world. Also, don’t be stupid, if you believed as I did that fossil fuels were fucking up the planet, it’s not like your selfish ass would give it up either. Don’t tell me otherwise. And 2) Me giving up all that shit wouldn’t accomplish anything of value. This will require broad economic reform for it to be worth the effort.
You do realize it seeps naturally each and every day, right?
Natural Petroleum Seeps Release Equivalent Of Up To 80 Exxon Valdez Oil Spills
Oil Seeps at Carpinteria, California
La Brea Tar Pits - Wikipedia

It also bubbles up in the middle of Portola creek in the middle of a Portola Sate Park a California state park yet somehow the salmon don't care and continue to spawn in Portola creek every spring. I still can't figure out why the state of California isn't treating it as a toxic oil spill like they do every accident on the freeway when a little diesel spills and the fools are out there running around in hazmat suits.
My point, which you refuse to see, is that we can and should adapt. We shouldn't have to give up everything we need or love, just see if there are better ways of doing things. Doesn't seem like so much to ask to save the planet. Or at least Florida.

I already provided my solution which is a win-win for both sides with carbon engineering. Only the leftist idiots do not get this concept and want to rob first, second, and third world world countries of fossil fuels. Not only do your green solutions fail miserably, they cause further problems.


This is the hypocrisy of the Democrats and libs like you. They should be leading by example.

It also bubbles up in the middle of Portola creek in the middle of a Portola Sate [sic] Park a California state park yet somehow the salmon don't care and continue to spawn in Portola creek every spring. I still can't figure out why the state of California isn't treating it as a toxic oil spill like they do every accident on the freeway when a little diesel spills and the fools are out there running around in hazmat suits.

I grew up in Santa Barbara, where much of the ignorant population blames the oil industry for all the tar that washes upon our beaches.

It is not widely understood, that that tar has been washing up on those beaches since long before we ever found a use for oil. Long before white people arrived in the area, the Chumash indians were using that tar to seal up their boats.

And not far away, is a place known as Coal Oil Point, so named because the first sailors to explore the area came to recognize it by the smell of the oil floating on the ocean.
Here's the real science. Global warming and global cooling is a natural part of life. None of it is unnatural. Excess CO2 is part of modern life. Carbon engineering will lessen excess CO2 and help improve, i.e. make more efficient, fossil fuel production. What is more of the problem is pollution of air and water which we can see. Also, we have too much plastic waste. We should all be for this and protecting the Earth. Instead, we get go kill yourself in order to save the planet by the nutgoobers.
Here's the real science. Global warming and global cooling is a natural part of life. None of it is unnatural. Excess CO2 is part of modern life. Carbon engineering will lessen excess CO2 and help improve, i.e. make more efficient, fossil fuel production. What is more of the problem is pollution of air and water which we can see. Also, we have too much plastic waste. We should all be for this and protecting the Earth. Instead, we get go kill yourself in order to save the planet by the nutgoobers.
I've read a couple true accounts about water pollution. One was in the NE (Mass IMS) that took several people getting really sick and several lawsuits to get it corrected- so, in this case the "law" was helpful, and at other times culpable in its complicitness- (Flint Mich comes to mind as well)- I have read accounts about the deforestation and water pollution in the Appalachian coal mine areas as well. I don't know what's become of that. There is also the story of how the EPA fucked up a river in NM- CO2 helps plants- and a lot of the see through plastic containers are *corn" based oil.
Market driven innovation can cure ALL our ills- rules and regulations are just words on paper that can be twisted by lawyers to serve an agenda, be it good, bad or indifferent.
Here's the real science. Global warming and global cooling is a natural part of life. None of it is unnatural. Excess CO2 is part of modern life. Carbon engineering will lessen excess CO2 and help improve, i.e. make more efficient, fossil fuel production. What is more of the problem is pollution of air and water which we can see. Also, we have too much plastic waste. We should all be for this and protecting the Earth. Instead, we get go kill yourself in order to save the planet by the nutgoobers.
I've read a couple true accounts about water pollution. One was in the NE (Mass IMS) that took several people getting really sick and several lawsuits to get it corrected- so, in this case the "law" was helpful, and at other times culpable in its complicitness- (Flint Mich comes to mind as well)- I have read accounts about the deforestation and water pollution in the Appalachian coal mine areas as well. I don't know what's become of that. There is also the story of how the EPA fucked up a river in NM- CO2 helps plants- and a lot of the see through plastic containers are *corn" based oil.
Market driven innovation can cure ALL our ills- rules and regulations are just words on paper that can be twisted by lawyers to serve an agenda, be it good, bad or indifferent.

I'm discussing basic policy on the same level as CO2 warming. There are going to be glitches with either policy which will have to be dealt with. Why didn't you post about all the birds being killed by solar and wind plants? People cannot live near those monstrosities for their health. It's not efficient. The facts of life is we need fossil fuels, but it produces after effects that ruin our standard of living. It's not going to kill us as a planet, but the libs have brainwashed you into believing that with excess CO2.

My point is air and water pollution is based on real science, that which is obeservable, testable, and falsifiable. None of the CO2 warming should be allowed as science. It's all circumstantial evidence and the rest is made up bullshit.
Environmentalists are a particularly odd mix of insane, ignorant, and unimaginably stupid.

Quod erat demonstrandum.
Should you give up your car? Maybe. You obviously need a personal vehicle but does it have to be powered an internal combustion engine? A hybrid may be cheaper and more environmentally friendly of the life of the car or truck. If you were required to buy a hybrid for your next car/truck would that be the end of the world for you?

My point, which you refuse to see, is that we can and should adapt. We shouldn't have to give up everything we need or love, just see if there are better ways of doing things. Doesn't seem like so much to ask to save the planet. Or at least Florida.
Say 'is not' in Latin doesn't make it any more authoritative. Sorry.
This is the hypocrisy of the Democrats and libs like you. They should be leading by example.
NO Dem or liberal speaks for every other Dem or liberal. That exists only in your imagination. You judge Dems and liberals by their most extreme members, do you judge the GOP and conservatives by the same yardstick?
This is the hypocrisy of the Democrats and libs like you. They should be leading by example.
NO Dem or liberal speaks for every other Dem or liberal. That exists only in your imagination. You judge Dems and liberals by their most extreme members, do you judge the GOP and conservatives by the same yardstick?

Well that would be true if the Democrat party was made up of more diverse people then rich liberals, women, chix with dicks, 99% of blacks and 20 million illegal Mexicans

They left the working men out of it years ago and the JFK conservatives.
Not one of them, are willing to sacrifice a thing. They are truly unbelievable scumbags.

Not one would even get off their ass to support any people they pretend to give a shit about. When confronted with this they say, “well, well...I pay my taxes!”
NO Dem or liberal speaks for every other Dem or liberal. That exists only in your imagination. You judge Dems and liberals by their most extreme members, do you judge the GOP and conservatives by the same yardstick?

The Democrats/LIbErals who espouse positions which are blatantly insane or evil do seem to represent their side. I cannot get any of you on that side to condemn any of the evil espoused by your extremists. Will you, for example, condemn the faggots and transsexuals that your side seems to defend, especially those who are intent on dragging children into their sick perversions? Will you condemn the abortionists who murder thousands of innocent children every day? Will you condemn the traitors who openly side with the foreign criminals that are invading our country across our southern border? Will you condemn the violent, destructive criminals in such movements as “Black Lies Matter” or “Antifa” or “Occupy Wall Street”?

I didn't think so.

I will acknowledge, from here on the right, that there are evil elements that align with my side. I have no trouble at all condemning the white supremacists and other racists that are seen as being aligned with conservatism.
This is the hypocrisy of the Democrats and libs like you. They should be leading by example.
NO Dem or liberal speaks for every other Dem or liberal. That exists only in your imagination. You judge Dems and liberals by their most extreme members, do you judge the GOP and conservatives by the same yardstick?
I do- not a dimes worth of difference at the top or the extremes.
NO Dem or liberal speaks for every other Dem or liberal. That exists only in your imagination. You judge Dems and liberals by their most extreme members, do you judge the GOP and conservatives by the same yardstick?

The Democrats/LIbErals who espouse positions which are blatantly insane or evil do seem to represent their side. I cannot get any of you on that side to condemn any of the evil espoused by your extremists. Will you, for example, condemn the faggots and transsexuals that your side seems to defend, especially those who are intent on dragging children into their sick perversions? Will you condemn the abortionists who murder thousands of innocent children every day? Will you condemn the traitors who openly side with the foreign criminals that are invading our country across our southern border? Will you condemn the violent, destructive criminals in such movements as “Black Lies Matter” or “Antifa” or “Occupy Wall Street”?

I didn't think so.

I will acknowledge, from here on the right, that there are evil elements that align with my side. I have no trouble at all condemning the white supremacists and other racists that are seen as being aligned with conservatism.
I have no problem condemning cruelty to children (dragging children into sick perversions) and violent, destructive criminals in ANY organization, right or left. I doubt anyone on the left would disagree.
I have no problem condemning cruelty to children (dragging children into sick perversions) and violent, destructive criminals in ANY organization, right or left. I doubt anyone on the left would disagree.

Will you condemn the sexual grooming and abuse of young children that is taking place public schools, in the form of promoting the homosexual/transsexual agenda to them? There are plenty on the left wrong who openly defend and support this.

Will you condemn the cold-blooded murder of thousands of innocent children every day in the form of abortion?

Will you condemn the filthy traitors among your side, who openly take the side of invading foreign criminals, against that of this country and its people?
NO Dem or liberal speaks for every other Dem or liberal. That exists only in your imagination. You judge Dems and liberals by their most extreme members, do you judge the GOP and conservatives by the same yardstick?

Have you no eyes?. I just showed you a demonstration of the left and Dems. I learned how to demonstrate at a liberal college. Today all you need is a twitter mob.
Will you condemn the sexual grooming and abuse of young children that is taking place public schools, in the form of promoting the homosexual/transsexual agenda to them? There are plenty on the left wrong who openly defend and support this.
My kids went through our public school system and I don't recall any sexual grooming, abuse of young children, or the promoting of the homosexual/transsexual agenda so I don't really have any opinion. I would need more information as to exactly what you refer to.

Will you condemn the cold-blooded murder of thousands of innocent children every day in the form of abortion?
My position on abortion is that a fertilized egg is NOT a 'child' so killing it is no different from killing any other cell. Once born that baby is indeed an innocent child and has all the rights of any other human being. There is a point between these two extremes when that developing fetus is, while not yet born, still has a right to life. An abortion before that point is not murder of "innocent children".

Will you condemn the filthy traitors among your side, who openly take the side of invading foreign criminals, against that of this country and its people?
Of course, however, I suspect we may differ on what constitutes 'invading foreign criminals'.

These are my opinions, I don't speak for any other Dem, liberal, American, etc.

Well leftists. These leftists said they would give up their phones or cars and ban all fossil fuels.

Would you?

Btw, if burning fossil fuels is made illegal, and banning all plastics, that means we live in the stone age.

So, are you really willing? Most of you are rather incapable to answering it cause we all know the answer. We know the answer and you know the answer.

But, if you want to make a serious attempt to answer and actually not be a hypocrite, let us know if you are willing.

If so, can we assume this will be the last time we ever read a post from you?

Yes I would. About time for you rightests to get your heads out of the sand.

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