But I thought the Soviet Union was Dead


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
We constantly hear how our opposition to Putin is a holdover to the Cold War. The Soviet Union is Dead. Sure they have resumed Soviet Era denunciations. But that doesn’t count.

Now the “Russian Federation” has deployed Punishment Battalions. For those who didn’t bother to study history. In World War II Soviet Soldiers who were accused by Zampolit (Political Officers) of any number of violations including breathing wrong, were sent to Punishment Battalions. These were suicide units. Have a minefield blocking the army? Send the Punishment Battalions across. Those who survived long enough were forgiven and allowed to return to the regular Army.

That’s the thing about those who study and know History. We recognize what what is happening while folks are quick to say it’s in the past. Well. It looks like they’re back.
Uke-bro thread....And dupe.

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We constantly hear how our opposition to Putin is a holdover to the Cold War. The Soviet Union is Dead. Sure they have resumed Soviet Era denunciations. But that doesn’t count.

Now the “Russian Federation” has deployed Punishment Battalions. For those who didn’t bother to study history. In World War II Soviet Soldiers who were accused by Zampolit (Political Officers) of any number of violations including breathing wrong, were sent to Punishment Battalions. These were suicide units. Have a minefield blocking the army? Send the Punishment Battalions across. Those who survived long enough were forgiven and allowed to return to the regular Army.

That’s the thing about those who study and know History. We recognize what what is happening while folks are quick to say it’s in the past. Well. It looks like they’re back.
You're mistaking necessary precautions being taken in a time of war, for something else that you imagine relates to the Soviet Union.

One of the worst examples of precautions deemed necessary was the treatment of Japanese people by America and Canada.
There are many more examples that America's propagandists applied to the enemy, but in truth can be validly transferred to their own forces and/or government's behaviour.

The Ukraine's connections to the Nazis of WW2 are only being revealed now. What hope is there in revealing the UKraine's turn to Nazi tactics against Russia in America's current war?
You're mistaking necessary precautions being taken in a time of war, for something else that you imagine relates to the Soviet Union.

One of the worst examples of precautions deemed necessary was the treatment of Japanese people by America and Canada.
There are many more examples that America's propagandists applied to the enemy, but in truth can be validly transferred to their own forces and/or government's behaviour.

The Ukraine's connections to the Nazis of WW2 are only being revealed now. What hope is there in revealing the UKraine's turn to Nazi tactics against Russia in America's current war?

The trolls and puppets have come out. Good to see you.

A soldier from Finland fought against the Soviets and lost. Then when the Germans invaded he joined the Nazi’s to continue fighting against the hated Soviets. The enemy of my enemy may be my friend. That last sentence by the way is why America allied with the evil Soviets to fight the Nazi’s.

This soldier I am speaking of was later defeated as a Nazi and emigrated to the United States. There he again joined the Army of the Victors. He fought for America, and received honors for his courage. He is even now buried in our most hallowed ground. Arlington.

What happened in the 1930’s and 40’s is interesting speaking historically. However it isn’t the Ukrainian who are embracing the bad old days. It is the Russians. But they have been for years. Save your propaganda for the QAnon types, the ones who are willing to believe any story no matter how insane or absurd.
We constantly hear how our opposition to Putin is a holdover to the Cold War. The Soviet Union is Dead. Sure they have resumed Soviet Era denunciations. But that doesn’t count.

Now the “Russian Federation” has deployed Punishment Battalions. For those who didn’t bother to study history. In World War II Soviet Soldiers who were accused by Zampolit (Political Officers) of any number of violations including breathing wrong, were sent to Punishment Battalions. These were suicide units. Have a minefield blocking the army? Send the Punishment Battalions across. Those who survived long enough were forgiven and allowed to return to the regular Army.

That’s the thing about those who study and know History. We recognize what what is happening while folks are quick to say it’s in the past. Well. It looks like they’re back.
Kadyrov´s Chechens do this job as well , and RT not allow even mention it

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