Bussing schoolchildren. Good or bad?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 20, 2010
North Coast, USA
Back in the early eighties in Toledo,Ohio, the public schools started busing kids from predominately black areas of the city to schools in predominately white areas of the city.

The only good thing I noticed about it was that suddenly our Jr. high school football team got two 16 year old wide receivers and a 17 year old tight end when most of the other kids in our school football league were only 13-14 years old. Since those three black dudes had to be held back a couple of grades due to their poor academic skills, (one of them was totally illiterate but he could catch a ball like a brick mason catching a brick) they were in Jr. high school when they should have been JV or senior high school players. And our coach used that age gap to our advantage. It opened up our passing game.

However, there was also negative effects that resulted from the desegregation busing program. The curriculum in the classrooms had to be "dumbed down" to accommodate the influx of unintelligent black students. For example, advanced classes about physics, geometry and chemistry had to be taken off the curriculum to accommodate the need for basic arithmetic (2+2=4), basic science, and basic spelling classes that most of us white kids had already learned before the desegregation busing program.

And when an exceptional black kid did happen the excel academically, he was derided by his black peers for "acting white". I remember one black kid who got beat up by his black classmates for merely choosing to take an algebra class. Then he got beat up by other blacks because he made the honor roll. They beat him up for "acing white" again . So did nearly every other black dude who got good grades. And some black girls too. I saw a girl get stabbed by another girl for acing a spelling test. Said she was "messin' up da curb". That's a fucked-up black cultural phenomena.

Also, I strongly suspect that a lot of that hateful sentiment was an indirect result of desegregation busing. Because of the very stark, obvious and significant lower average intelligence level of blacks when compared to whites, many schools started grading student performance on "the curve" very quickly after the desegregation busing program commenced.

I also think that the desegregation busing program wastes fuel by causing unnecessary road traffic disruptions. Some of those school buses will literally stop at every corner on a street during parts of their route, with dozens of vehicles that are also burning fuel waiting for them. And most of those school buses are NOT equipped with zero emissions diesel systems.

It was mostly before my time. I've heard horror stories of insanely long bus rides.

And yes, by and large it was a complete failure.

The achievement gap remains.

We have managed to ruin a lot of good schools and drive whites out of cities to avoid the now crap-tastic schools.
Your ridiculously uninformed, desperate and childish ad hominem attacks cast aside...

I'm a realist. I saw this desegregation busing disaster happen first-hand because I was there. I was in Junior High back in that era when our public schools started to implement the desegregation busing program.

I saw blacks getting chastised by other blacks in school buses before school and between classes in the school hallways and on the football field.

I knew Ebonics so I understood everything they said.

Sometimes the black kids were even being physically attacked by other black kids for no reason besides doing well on tests and quizzes in school. Many black kids would gang up on them for "attin' white" or "puckin' up da curb".

It was a cultural problem among the black youth culture in America and it's still a problem today. Excelling in academics should not be considered a social faux pas.
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Back in the early eighties in Toledo,Ohio, the public schools started busing kids from predominately black areas of the city to schools in predominately white areas of the city.

The only good thing I noticed about it was that suddenly our Jr. high school football team got two 16 year old wide receivers and a 17 year old tight end when most of the other kids in our school football league were only 13-14 years old. Since those three black dudes had to be held back a couple of grades due to their poor academic skills, (one of them was totally illiterate but he could catch a ball like a brick mason catching a brick) they were in Jr. high school when they should have been JV or senior high school players. And our coach used that age gap to our advantage. It opened up our passing game.

However, there was also negative effects that resulted from the desegregation busing program. The curriculum in the classrooms had to be "dumbed down" to accommodate the influx of unintelligent black students. For example, advanced classes about physics, geometry and chemistry had to be taken off the curriculum to accommodate the need for basic arithmetic (2+2=4), basic science, and basic spelling classes that most of us white kids had already learned before the desegregation busing program.

And when an exceptional black kid did happen the excel academically, he was derided by his black peers for "acting white". I remember one black kid who got beat up by his black classmates for merely choosing to take an algebra class. Then he got beat up by other blacks because he made the honor roll. They beat him up for "acing white" again . So did nearly every other black dude who got good grades. And some black girls too. I saw a girl get stabbed by another girl for acing a spelling test. Said she was "messin' up da curb". That's a fucked-up black cultural phenomena.

Also, I strongly suspect that a lot of that hateful sentiment was an indirect result of desegregation busing. Because of the very stark, obvious and significant lower average intelligence level of blacks when compared to whites, many schools started grading student performance on "the curve" very quickly after the desegregation busing program commenced.

I also think that the desegregation busing program wastes fuel by causing unnecessary road traffic disruptions. Some of those school buses will literally stop at every corner on a street during parts of their route, with dozens of vehicles that are also burning fuel waiting for them. And most of those school buses are NOT equipped with zero emissions diesel systems.

How fucking old are you that you remember bussing?
Back in the early eighties in Toledo,Ohio, the public schools started busing kids from predominately black areas of the city to schools in predominately white areas of the city.

The only good thing I noticed about it was that suddenly our Jr. high school football team got two 16 year old wide receivers and a 17 year old tight end when most of the other kids in our school football league were only 13-14 years old. Since those three black dudes had to be held back a couple of grades due to their poor academic skills, (one of them was totally illiterate but he could catch a ball like a brick mason catching a brick) they were in Jr. high school when they should have been JV or senior high school players. And our coach used that age gap to our advantage. It opened up our passing game.

However, there was also negative effects that resulted from the desegregation busing program. The curriculum in the classrooms had to be "dumbed down" to accommodate the influx of unintelligent black students. For example, advanced classes about physics, geometry and chemistry had to be taken off the curriculum to accommodate the need for basic arithmetic (2+2=4), basic science, and basic spelling classes that most of us white kids had already learned before the desegregation busing program.

And when an exceptional black kid did happen the excel academically, he was derided by his black peers for "acting white". I remember one black kid who got beat up by his black classmates for merely choosing to take an algebra class. Then he got beat up by other blacks because he made the honor roll. They beat him up for "acing white" again . So did nearly every other black dude who got good grades. And some black girls too. I saw a girl get stabbed by another girl for acing a spelling test. Said she was "messin' up da curb". That's a fucked-up black cultural phenomena.

Also, I strongly suspect that a lot of that hateful sentiment was an indirect result of desegregation busing. Because of the very stark, obvious and significant lower average intelligence level of blacks when compared to whites, many schools started grading student performance on "the curve" very quickly after the desegregation busing program commenced.

I also think that the desegregation busing program wastes fuel by causing unnecessary road traffic disruptions. Some of those school buses will literally stop at every corner on a street during parts of their route, with dozens of vehicles that are also burning fuel waiting for them. And most of those school buses are NOT equipped with zero emissions diesel systems.

How fucking old are you that you remember bussing?
49. Apparently old enough to have 5 children who are older, smarter and considerably wiser than you.

You can either learn from the knowledge that I choose to share on this message board or remain ignorant.
Back in the early eighties in Toledo,Ohio, the public schools started busing kids from predominately black areas of the city to schools in predominately white areas of the city.

The only good thing I noticed about it was that suddenly our Jr. high school football team got two 16 year old wide receivers and a 17 year old tight end when most of the other kids in our school football league were only 13-14 years old. Since those three black dudes had to be held back a couple of grades due to their poor academic skills, (one of them was totally illiterate but he could catch a ball like a brick mason catching a brick) they were in Jr. high school when they should have been JV or senior high school players. And our coach used that age gap to our advantage. It opened up our passing game.

However, there was also negative effects that resulted from the desegregation busing program. The curriculum in the classrooms had to be "dumbed down" to accommodate the influx of unintelligent black students. For example, advanced classes about physics, geometry and chemistry had to be taken off the curriculum to accommodate the need for basic arithmetic (2+2=4), basic science, and basic spelling classes that most of us white kids had already learned before the desegregation busing program.

And when an exceptional black kid did happen the excel academically, he was derided by his black peers for "acting white". I remember one black kid who got beat up by his black classmates for merely choosing to take an algebra class. Then he got beat up by other blacks because he made the honor roll. They beat him up for "acing white" again . So did nearly every other black dude who got good grades. And some black girls too. I saw a girl get stabbed by another girl for acing a spelling test. Said she was "messin' up da curb". That's a fucked-up black cultural phenomena.

Also, I strongly suspect that a lot of that hateful sentiment was an indirect result of desegregation busing. Because of the very stark, obvious and significant lower average intelligence level of blacks when compared to whites, many schools started grading student performance on "the curve" very quickly after the desegregation busing program commenced.

I also think that the desegregation busing program wastes fuel by causing unnecessary road traffic disruptions. Some of those school buses will literally stop at every corner on a street during parts of their route, with dozens of vehicles that are also burning fuel waiting for them. And most of those school buses are NOT equipped with zero emissions diesel systems.

How fucking old are you that you remember bussing?

I'm old emough to recall bussing and was in fact bussed to a predominately white Jr.High school in the 60's, and it was the worst experience that I ever had.

Apathetic teachers who wanted the black students to fail, police escorts onto and off campus to protect us from being attacked by racist whites.

I recall some of my friends finding racist cartoons taped to their book and gym lockers .

Interestingly, unlike the person who started this thread stated, quite a few of us made the honor roll every semester.

I remember on my first day there I met with my counselor and he wanted to assign me to shop classes, and clssses that were for "slow learners", in spite of the fact that at my previous school I was an advanced student.

When I got home and told my Father (who happened to be a secondary school administrator) he was outraged and went to visit the counselor the next day.

A few good things about the experience was that those of us who were bussed there had to stick together, we protected each other and we all became lifelong friends.

The other good thing is that we all learned how dangerous drugs can be and chose to leave them alone.

These "privileged" white kids had access to all kinds of drugs and used them regularly. Some even sold them on campus.

I remember a hippie looking white kid who OD"d on campus and had to be rushed to the hospital.
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Back in the early eighties in Toledo,Ohio, the public schools started busing kids from predominately black areas of the city to schools in predominately white areas of the city.

The only good thing I noticed about it was that suddenly our Jr. high school football team got two 16 year old wide receivers and a 17 year old tight end when most of the other kids in our school football league were only 13-14 years old. Since those three black dudes had to be held back a couple of grades due to their poor academic skills, (one of them was totally illiterate but he could catch a ball like a brick mason catching a brick) they were in Jr. high school when they should have been JV or senior high school players. And our coach used that age gap to our advantage. It opened up our passing game.

However, there was also negative effects that resulted from the desegregation busing program. The curriculum in the classrooms had to be "dumbed down" to accommodate the influx of unintelligent black students. For example, advanced classes about physics, geometry and chemistry had to be taken off the curriculum to accommodate the need for basic arithmetic (2+2=4), basic science, and basic spelling classes that most of us white kids had already learned before the desegregation busing program.

And when an exceptional black kid did happen the excel academically, he was derided by his black peers for "acting white". I remember one black kid who got beat up by his black classmates for merely choosing to take an algebra class. Then he got beat up by other blacks because he made the honor roll. They beat him up for "acing white" again . So did nearly every other black dude who got good grades. And some black girls too. I saw a girl get stabbed by another girl for acing a spelling test. Said she was "messin' up da curb". That's a fucked-up black cultural phenomena.

Also, I strongly suspect that a lot of that hateful sentiment was an indirect result of desegregation busing. Because of the very stark, obvious and significant lower average intelligence level of blacks when compared to whites, many schools started grading student performance on "the curve" very quickly after the desegregation busing program commenced.

I also think that the desegregation busing program wastes fuel by causing unnecessary road traffic disruptions. Some of those school buses will literally stop at every corner on a street during parts of their route, with dozens of vehicles that are also burning fuel waiting for them. And most of those school buses are NOT equipped with zero emissions diesel systems.

How fucking old are you that you remember bussing?

I'm old emough to recall bussing and was in fact bussed to a predominately white Jr.High school in the 60's, and it was the worst experience that I ever had.

Apathetic teachers who wanted the black students to fail, police escorts onto and off campus to protect us from being attacked by racist whites.

I recall some of my friends finding racist cartoons taped to their book and gym lockers .

Interestingly, unlike the person who started this thread stated, quite a few of us made the honor roll every semester.

I remember on my first day there I met with my counselor and he wanted to assign me to shop classes, and clssses that were for "slow learners", in spite of the fact that at my previous school I was an advanced student.

When I got home and told my Father (who happened to be a secondary school administrator) he was outraged and went to visit the counselor the next day.

A few good things about the experience was that those of us who were bussed there had to stick together, we protected each other and we all became lifelong friends.

The other good thing is that we all learned how dangerous drugs can be and chose to leave them alone.

These "privileged" white kids had access to all kinds of drugs and used them regularly. Some even sold them on campus.

I remember a hippie looking white kid who OD"d on campus and had to be rushed to the hospital.
My mom told me about busing and she said the same thing. Pretty much all the Black kids were honor roll students even though the teachers wanted them to fail. They stuck together and made it through. She said that experience taught her a lot about the imaginary world of superiority whites had created for themselves.
Back in the early eighties in Toledo,Ohio, the public schools started busing kids from predominately black areas of the city to schools in predominately white areas of the city.

The only good thing I noticed about it was that suddenly our Jr. high school football team got two 16 year old wide receivers and a 17 year old tight end when most of the other kids in our school football league were only 13-14 years old. Since those three black dudes had to be held back a couple of grades due to their poor academic skills, (one of them was totally illiterate but he could catch a ball like a brick mason catching a brick) they were in Jr. high school when they should have been JV or senior high school players. And our coach used that age gap to our advantage. It opened up our passing game.

However, there was also negative effects that resulted from the desegregation busing program. The curriculum in the classrooms had to be "dumbed down" to accommodate the influx of unintelligent black students. For example, advanced classes about physics, geometry and chemistry had to be taken off the curriculum to accommodate the need for basic arithmetic (2+2=4), basic science, and basic spelling classes that most of us white kids had already learned before the desegregation busing program.

And when an exceptional black kid did happen the excel academically, he was derided by his black peers for "acting white". I remember one black kid who got beat up by his black classmates for merely choosing to take an algebra class. Then he got beat up by other blacks because he made the honor roll. They beat him up for "acing white" again . So did nearly every other black dude who got good grades. And some black girls too. I saw a girl get stabbed by another girl for acing a spelling test. Said she was "messin' up da curb". That's a fucked-up black cultural phenomena.

Also, I strongly suspect that a lot of that hateful sentiment was an indirect result of desegregation busing. Because of the very stark, obvious and significant lower average intelligence level of blacks when compared to whites, many schools started grading student performance on "the curve" very quickly after the desegregation busing program commenced.

I also think that the desegregation busing program wastes fuel by causing unnecessary road traffic disruptions. Some of those school buses will literally stop at every corner on a street during parts of their route, with dozens of vehicles that are also burning fuel waiting for them. And most of those school buses are NOT equipped with zero emissions diesel systems.

How fucking old are you that you remember bussing?

I'm old emough to recall bussing and was in fact bussed to a predominately white Jr.High school in the 60's, and it was the worst experience that I ever had.

Apathetic teachers who wanted the black students to fail, police escorts onto and off campus to protect us from being attacked by racist whites.

I recall some of my friends finding racist cartoons taped to their book and gym lockers .

Interestingly, unlike the person who started this thread stated, quite a few of us made the honor roll every semester.

I remember on my first day there I met with my counselor and he wanted to assign me to shop classes, and clssses that were for "slow learners", in spite of the fact that at my previous school I was an advanced student.

When I got home and told my Father (who happened to be a secondary school administrator) he was outraged and went to visit the counselor the next day.

A few good things about the experience was that those of us who were bussed there had to stick together, we protected each other and we all became lifelong friends.

The other good thing is that we all learned how dangerous drugs can be and chose to leave them alone.

These "privileged" white kids had access to all kinds of drugs and used them regularly. Some even sold them on campus.

I remember a hippie looking white kid who OD"d on campus and had to be rushed to the hospital.
My mom told me about busing and she said the same thing. Pretty much all the Black kids were honor roll students even though the teachers wanted them to fail. They stuck together and made it through. She said that experience taught her a lot about the imaginary world of superiority whites had created for themselves.
Hopefully you didnt listen to her moronic conspiracy theories.

If i heard a stupid black woman say that shit in my presence, id smack her in the face and kick the shit out of her bitch ass son too.
Back in the early eighties in Toledo,Ohio, the public schools started busing kids from predominately black areas of the city to schools in predominately white areas of the city.

The only good thing I noticed about it was that suddenly our Jr. high school football team got two 16 year old wide receivers and a 17 year old tight end when most of the other kids in our school football league were only 13-14 years old. Since those three black dudes had to be held back a couple of grades due to their poor academic skills, (one of them was totally illiterate but he could catch a ball like a brick mason catching a brick) they were in Jr. high school when they should have been JV or senior high school players. And our coach used that age gap to our advantage. It opened up our passing game.

However, there was also negative effects that resulted from the desegregation busing program. The curriculum in the classrooms had to be "dumbed down" to accommodate the influx of unintelligent black students. For example, advanced classes about physics, geometry and chemistry had to be taken off the curriculum to accommodate the need for basic arithmetic (2+2=4), basic science, and basic spelling classes that most of us white kids had already learned before the desegregation busing program.

And when an exceptional black kid did happen the excel academically, he was derided by his black peers for "acting white". I remember one black kid who got beat up by his black classmates for merely choosing to take an algebra class. Then he got beat up by other blacks because he made the honor roll. They beat him up for "acing white" again . So did nearly every other black dude who got good grades. And some black girls too. I saw a girl get stabbed by another girl for acing a spelling test. Said she was "messin' up da curb". That's a fucked-up black cultural phenomena.

Also, I strongly suspect that a lot of that hateful sentiment was an indirect result of desegregation busing. Because of the very stark, obvious and significant lower average intelligence level of blacks when compared to whites, many schools started grading student performance on "the curve" very quickly after the desegregation busing program commenced.

I also think that the desegregation busing program wastes fuel by causing unnecessary road traffic disruptions. Some of those school buses will literally stop at every corner on a street during parts of their route, with dozens of vehicles that are also burning fuel waiting for them. And most of those school buses are NOT equipped with zero emissions diesel systems.

How fucking old are you that you remember bussing?

I'm old emough to recall bussing and was in fact bussed to a predominately white Jr.High school in the 60's, and it was the worst experience that I ever had.

Apathetic teachers who wanted the black students to fail, police escorts onto and off campus to protect us from being attacked by racist whites.

I recall some of my friends finding racist cartoons taped to their book and gym lockers .

Interestingly, unlike the person who started this thread stated, quite a few of us made the honor roll every semester.

I remember on my first day there I met with my counselor and he wanted to assign me to shop classes, and clssses that were for "slow learners", in spite of the fact that at my previous school I was an advanced student.

When I got home and told my Father (who happened to be a secondary school administrator) he was outraged and went to visit the counselor the next day.

A few good things about the experience was that those of us who were bussed there had to stick together, we protected each other and we all became lifelong friends.

The other good thing is that we all learned how dangerous drugs can be and chose to leave them alone.

These "privileged" white kids had access to all kinds of drugs and used them regularly. Some even sold them on campus.

I remember a hippie looking white kid who OD"d on campus and had to be rushed to the hospital.
My mom told me about busing and she said the same thing. Pretty much all the Black kids were honor roll students even though the teachers wanted them to fail. They stuck together and made it through. She said that experience taught her a lot about the imaginary world of superiority whites had created for themselves.
Hopefully you didnt listen to her moronic conspiracy theories.

If i heard a stupid black woman say that shit in my presence, id smack her in the face and kick the shit out of her bitch ass .


Here we go again..........another dimwitted internet badass expressing wishful thinking from the safety of a keyboard and monitor.
I can't imagine that Toledo, Ohio schools escaped desegregation until the early '80s. In any event, I graduated high school in '62 ... the last class to graduate in my all white school. The next year, the first few blacks entered the school. There was no rioting of any kind that I recall even though there was a lot of upset on both sides of the spectrum. Parents of both races were faced with all kinds of issues, not the least of which was being able to get to their children in case of an emergency - those who were working and those too poor to even have a car.

The only incident that really, really stands out in my mind came a decade or so later when a little white girl was shot by a young black boy at the school to which she had been assigned. The only reason I remember that is when I saw her mother's name in the paper I recognized her as one of our insureds. The shot didn't kill the child but she was seriously wounded (and I think permanently). I don't know whatever happened to the little girl, but I do know what happened to the boy. He and his brothers ultimately went on a spreed of murderous crimes literally paralyzing the entire city ... always one step ahead of the law. When they were finally caught, tried and convicted, a black mother lost all of her sons to Virginia's electric chair.

When I was very young I lived in an old neighborhood - half a block from the street that was the dividing line between the white and black neighborhoods. There were no racial incidents. I was never attacked by a black person. I remember seeing the blacks all dressed up and going to church together on Sunday morning as families. I had to take the bus to get downtown and the route ran through that black neighborhood. There wasn't trash and garbage all over the place - they kept up their property as well as the whites did. Today, that whole area is black and something of a no-man's land if you happen to be white.

Whatever happened to civility? Today there's nothing but chaos and hatred from border to border and coast to coast. Sometimes I wonder about Brown v. Board of Education. It has done nothing much to elevate black education and has put white education down in the gutter ... but then when you keep everybody uneducated and dumber than hell ... everyone is easily manipulated and mislead, are they not?
My mom told me about busing and she said the same thing. Pretty much all the Black kids were honor roll students even though the teachers wanted them to fail. .

HAHAHA. That's a good one.

Bussing was a terrible idea for both blacks and whites.
Wow. I had no idea that besides possessing truly exceptional intelligence and science knowledge, you were a hardcore racist bigot.

HAHAHA. As always, you liberals "respond" by making personal attacks on the OP. Of course, there's not much else you can do. Blacks truly are mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming.

Lincoln had the right idea. Send all blacks back to africa.
Lets have little test to see who is more intelligent then. I will give you a technology question and you have 5 minutes to answer it. I suspect you will back out because white boys like you are mentally as well as physically inferior.
Segregation is actually beneficial to blacks. They don't have the brains to keep up with the whites and asians and that's why they don't even try. Going to an integrated school and trying to learn and then watching the whites fly past you is just too embarrassing.
Segregation is actually beneficial to blacks. They don't have the brains to keep up with the whites and asians and that's why they don't even try. Going to an integrated school and trying to learn and then watching the whites fly past you is just too embarrassing.

Why not volunteer to answer his question? My guess is that you likely rode the short bus to elementary school, and never even made it to high school.
Segregation is actually beneficial to blacks. They don't have the brains to keep up with the whites and asians and that's why they don't even try. Going to an integrated school and trying to learn and then watching the whites fly past you is just too embarrassing.

That's not a very fair thing to imply. Black schools did not have the financial backing that white schools had in the first place. There are plenty of very smart black people who have achieved much. Desegregation was implemented horrendously in the first place. Had desegregation been handled differently both black and white education might not be in the toilet today...but maybe that was the "shadowy" purpose of desegregation in the first place - not education for the betterment of all, but rather the dumbing down of all.
Segregation is actually beneficial to blacks. They don't have the brains to keep up with the whites and asians and that's why they don't even try. Going to an integrated school and trying to learn and then watching the whites fly past you is just too embarrassing.

Why not volunteer to answer his question? My guess is that you likely rode the short bus to elementary school, and never even made it to high school.
He wont touch that challenge with a ten foot pole. I would embarrass his cave gibbon ass. :laugh:
Segregation is actually beneficial to blacks. They don't have the brains to keep up with the whites and asians and that's why they don't even try. Going to an integrated school and trying to learn and then watching the whites fly past you is just too embarrassing.

Why not volunteer to answer his question? My guess is that you likely rode the short bus to elementary school, and never even made it to high school.
He wont touch that challenge with a ten foot pole. I would embarrass his cave gibbon ass. :laugh:

You are right. His MO is that of a filthy fly. He lands on shit, brings shit and then avoids getting swatted.

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