Bush allowed 9/11 to happen and showed the world how stupid America is

888. The first payment for the drug case (3/18/2015)

It took two months (4/11 to 6/11) for the Feds and Chinese secret police to arrange a drug case ?to smuggle heroine from south west China to US.

6/9/2001 I received warnings from the Feds.

Author:FBI <mailto:[email protected]> (
Subject:Your Time Is UP, Kat Hak Sung !Sat, Jun 9 2001 at 8:25 am[
Email Msg</cgi-bin/forum/forum.cgi?c=emailmsgform&fid=1937-truth&mid=27> |Invite </cgi-bin/forum/forum.cgi?c=inviteform&fid=1937-truth>

Message:Kat Hak Sung! Your time is up! We are giving you 3x24 hours to surrender. Turn yourself in to the local authority where you are residing now.You have been sentenced to DEATH in absentia. ..... Within 3x24 hours you should surrender and turn yourself in, to serve your death sentence under the gallows. The state of California has restored this kind of death sentence just for you. ....

6/11/2001 The day of Timothy McVeigh's execution. He was accused for Oklahoma bombing. Since then I learned the feds used to create a big event to distract public’s attention from a smallcase ?the murder of Kat Sung.

For something unknown, the designated drug case hadn’t broken up. The Chinese secret police must have completed their duty of the secret deal. The US had to pay for it. That’s a big loss of US international interest. Someone had to take the responsibility. FBI director Louis Freeh had to resign from his post in June, 2001 when the Feds planned drug case ended.



WASHINGTON, May 1?Director Louis J. Freeh of the F.B.I. said today that hewould resign in June after an eight-year tenure


Next month, the big winner, China, got its first payment.

OLYMPICS; Beijing Wins Bid for 2008 Olympic Games

By JERE LONGMAN July 14, 2001

MOSCOW, July 13?…… the International Olympic Committee awarded the 2008 Summer Games to Beijing today.

Eight years after a narrow and unexpected defeat to Sydney, Australia, inits attempt to be host to the 2000 Olympics, Beijing more than doubled the votes Toronto received as the runner-up.

OLYMPICS; Beijing Wins Bid for 2008 Olympic Games
889. Second payment of the secret deal (3/22/2015)

The first stage of the secret deal was marked by: Timothy McVeigh’sexecution and former FBI Chief Louis Freeh’s resignation in June and China’s awarding to host 2008 Olympic Games in July. Then the next stage started at same time.


On the 23rd July, 2001, just seven weeks previous to the World Trade Center demolitions, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey signed a deal with aconsortium (Larry Silverstein, Westfield America Inc and Lloyd Goldman) led by Larry Silverstein for a 99 year lease of the World Trade Center complex.

The World Trade Center Towers collapse as an Enormous Insurance Scam.

On July 23, Larry Silverstein took over the control of WTC complex. It took seven weeks for them to prepare for the controlled demolition of WTC building1,2 and 7. It was a big job to install something to dismantle three giant buildings.

"WASHINGTON, July 26, 2001 (AP)

"Earlier this week, the Justice Department leased a NASA-owned G-3 Gulf stream for a 6-day trip to Western states. Such aircraft cost the government more than $1,600 an hour to fly. ?

"In response to inquiries from CBS News over why Ashcroft was traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines,the Justice Department cited what it called a "threat assessment" by the FBI, and said Ashcroft has been advised to travel only by private jet for the remainder of his term. "

Ashcroft Flying High

The Feds knew the coming “terror attack?would come with “hijacked commercial airplanes? So they prevented the “threat?in advance for their master.

Less than a week after the 911 attack, China was affirmed for its second payment.

17 September 2001

WTO successfully concludes negotiations on China's entry

The World Trade Organization today (17 September) successfully concluded negotiations on China's terms of membership of the WTO, paving the way for thetext of the agreement to be adopted formally at the WTO Ministerial Conference in Doha, Qatar, in November.

WTO | NEWS - WTO successfully concludes negotiations on China's entry - Press 243
891. Time table of huge payment to China (4/2/2015)

4/1/2001 EP-3 spy plane landed in Hainan Island.
4/11 Crew of EP-3 were released. Skolnick posted an article article "RED CHINESE GET BIG BUCKS IN SECRET HOSTAGE DEALS".

4/26/2001 Silverstein was given the lease of WTC.

That was an interest exchange. D.o.D. created a case so that D.o.J. could made a secret deal with China secret police to create a drug smuggling case. D.o.J.helped D.o.D. to get the 911 bombing case.

5/11/2001 Timothy McVeigh’s first planned execution date but delayed 30 days.

6/11/ Timothy McVeigh executed.

These two days were originally planned for the break out of the framed drug case and the murder of Kat Sung. The attempt failed. I’ll tell the story later.

June/2011 FBI Chief Louis Freeh resigned to take the responsibility for the secret deal with China.

9/11 WTC bombing

7/13/2001 China awarded to host 2008Summer Olympic Game.

9/7 China was affirmed the entry of WTO.

China got its payment of the secret deal.

Skolnick never mentioned that the payment was Olympic hosting and the membership of WTO. But one sentence revealed something. “The principal financial terms of the hostage release are not to be publicized for at least until after Red China successfully arranges hosting the International Olympics…… according to European and non-European intelligence sources.?

Until 4/11/2001, China had never had chance to host Olympic Game, let alone to be the member of WTO. Why Skolnick used that event as a reference? Unless he knew it’s a deal had to pay.

Eight years after a narrow and unexpected defeat to Sydney,Australia, in its attempt to be host to the 2000 Olympics, Beijing more than doubled the votes Toronto received as the runner-up.

WTO Working Party Finally Approves Chinese Membership

18 September 2001
The "long and painful" talks, as the EC's chief negotiator KarlFalkenberg called them, eased when, on 13 September, Mexico announced the achievement of a bilateral deal with China.
WTO Working Party Finally Approves Chinese Membership | International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development

Now we know why China could get that “narrow and unexpected?Olympic Game hosting in July and didn’t have to wait “long and painful?procedure to the WTOany longer in September that year.



Remember how they scared the shit out of people enough to let them do whatever they wanted and Americans were blinded.

And the poison sent in the mail, freaking everyone out to use duck tape around a no window room with supplies ..

What ever happened to all of that...?
893. New secret deal(4/13/2015)

Since China has joined the WTO, Its economy improves a lot. China quickly gets rich. The wealth also created a lot of corrupt officials. Many of them escaped to hide in US. That's a big headache for the Chinese government. For decade it has sought US government help to deport these fugitives but failed.The corrupt Chinese officials have brought a lot of wealth to the US and useful internal information as well which benefits US a lot.

Last month, there was a dramatic turn around.

China gives 'priority list' of wanted officials to U.S.

BEIJING (Reuters) - The Chinese government has provided a"priority" list to the United States of Chinese officials suspected of corruption and are believed to have fled there, a top state-run newspaper said on Wednesday.

Last year, Chinese officials said more than 150 "economic fugitives", many of them described as corrupt government officials, were in the United States

China gives 'priority list' of wanted officials to U.S.

It meant there was a secret negotiation in process. On 4/11/2015, a deal is reached. The fugitives will be handed over to Chinese authority as a payment.Be noticed that both sides are intelligence.

China says U.S. backs its campaign to hunt down 'economic fugitives'

BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States has promised support for China's campaign to hunt corrupt officials fleeing abroad, the official Xinhua news agency reported late Friday, after meetings between security officials from the world's two largest economies.

Talks this week between Chinese domestic security leaders Meng Jianzhu and Guo Shengkun, and U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson also touched on counter-terrorism, intellectual property rights, maritime law enforcement and cyber security issues, Xinhua said

China says U.S. backs its campaign to hunt down 'economic fugitives'

Once again, China gets what it wanted. What is their return to US? A framed drug smuggling case like what they did in EP-3 spy plane's deal? Or illegal money laundry case When they arranged a "painting purchasing" by Bank of China in last month?(see #892) I think in following days or months, a framed case would apply on me and my family. My wife will go to China again on April 14. Like usual, it was arranged by the Feds. It's easy to murder or planting when someone is on a tour.
894. The reason why I don’t have a valid drive license (1) (4/20/2015)

In late 1990s, the Feds intensified persecution on me with their high tech.EM wave weapons. I went to South East Asia to get rid of those radiation shooting. I drifted there from March 1999 to July 2000.

In March 2000, I was in Thailand. I found the authority tried to frame me in a drug case. I was in horror. This was a very serious matter, so I sought asylum in Foreign Minister of Thailand. It was hard in a strange country if you were framed in such a case.
(see ?9. Frame attempt?and ?0. Seeking asylum?

In July 2000, I returned to US. The bitter experience of trying to frame me in alleged drug case alarmed me. I started to tell my story in Internet.

On Nov. 12/2001, San Jose Mercury News had a whole page article “Killing Pablo? It said the “secret group killed 300 people. No one was ever prosecuted. (see #62. Plot) I had a feeling the Feds would carry out a big slaughter in US. That article “Killing Pablo?was to justify their action.

On January 16, 2001 the Federal Bureau of Prisons set May 16, 2001 asMcVeigh's execution date.
Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Feds must have my personal information. May 16, 2001 was carefully selected. My drive license was expired on May 24, 2001. I had to renew my drive license before that date. The Feds was sure that they could intercept my license renewal mail and using it as hard evidence in coming “big drug case?

Anyhow, I hesitated to mail the license renewal form.

On Apr. 11, Skolnick wrote his “RED CHINESE GET BIG BUCKS IN SECRET HOSTAGE DEALS? I found it was about to frame a “Heroin smuggling case? not for hostage releasing. Combined with the article “killing Pablo? I thought the Feds must have plotted a big drug case on me.

5/11/2001 The original planned execution date of Timothy McViegh. I didn’t mail the renewal form, that interrupted the plan of the Feds. They had to extend the execution date.

5/12/2001 The Mercury News had a brief news which proves my suspicion was very accurate, I wouldn’t renew my drive license. (see ?4. My brother in law was targetted? Even if it causes so much trouble in my life.

6/11/2001 McVeigh was executed.
898. why I don’t have a valid drive license (2) (5/5/2015)

In March 2001, I received a drive license renewal notice from DMV. The old license would expire on May 24,2001. I hesitated to mail the renewal form to DMV because there was an event at that time trying to get my signature on a blank paper. It alarmed me that the Feds was organizing a plot.

4/11/2001, Skolnick's article revealed there was a secret deal made between Chinese secret police and the Feds. The deal was to create a drug smuggling case from China to US.

5/11/2001, Timothy McVeigh's excution date. It was delayed. I think it was because I didn't mail my drive license renewal form to DMV. The Feds need my drive license as evidence in their framed case.

5/12/2001, a brief news in Mercury News said there was a malfunction in machine which issuing renewal drive license in Sacramento DMV office. It caused a lot of renewal drive license sent to wrong addresses. It justified why my drive license would be in wrong hand if I had mailed renewal form. The news issuing date was well planned. The action day of the Feds was 5/11. The execution of McVeigh was used to distract public's attention from a framed drug case. The victim would have no chance to read the news of malfunction machine of DMV next day.

6/11/2001, McVeigh executed. The Feds knew that I wouldn't renew my drive license any more. Their plan failed. But I since lost the chance to drive.

9/11/2001, the promised deal to Pentagon still had to pay. Besides, the Feds had to get the Patriot Act to keep their target under surveillance. The news after 911 attack proved my allegation was very correct. The Feds used victime's drive license as their evidence.

9/11 Hijackers Leave a Clear Trail of Evidence'

Investigators find a remarkable number of possessions left behind by the hijackers:
Two of Mohamed Atta’s bags are found on 9/11. They contain a handheld electronic flight computer, a simulator procedures manual for Boeing 757 and 767 aircraft, two videotapes relating to “air tours?of the Boeing 757 and 747 aircraft, a slide-rule flight calculator, a copy of the Koran, Atta’s passport, his will, his international driver’s license, a religious cassette tape,

Context of 'September 11-13, 2001: 9/11 Hijackers Leave a Clear Trail of Evidence'

See all articles at: How the Feds persecute people - Page 3

From EP-3 spy plane to 811 attack

EM sleep wave
895. New plot is similar to the 2001 one (4/24/2015)

In early May 2001, the resignation of the Heads of FBI and DEA also indicates something big would take place.


By DAVID JOHNSTON Published: May 2, 2001


Impeachment Figure in Line For Drug Enforcement Post

By JAMES RISEN Published: May 9, 2001

WASHINGTON, May 8?President Bush is expected to name Representative Asa Hutchinson, an Arkansas Republican with a long interest in drug issues, as the new head of the Drug Enforcement Administration, officials said.

Impeachment Figure in Line For Drug Enforcement Post

Those heads used to step down with crime their department committed. At that time, it was for a framing drug case and attempt murder planned to happen several days later (originally for May 11, 2001 then extended to June 11 but went soured)

Now they repeat that old tactic again.

DEA Chief Michele Leonhart To Resign Amid 'Sex Party' Scandal,Policy Disagreements

Posted: 04/21/2015

DEA Chief Michele Leonhart To Resign Amid 'Sex Party' Scandal, Policy Disagreements

Senate Confirms Loretta Lynch as Attorney General After Long Delay

WASHINGTON ?After one of the nation’s most protracted cabinet-level confirmation delays, the Senate Thursday approved Loretta E. Lynch to be attorney general


Another two resignations of D.o.J. which means the Feds plot a new drug case ( DEA involved) and will commit a murder crime so they step down in advance to take the responsibility. Everything is similar to the EP-3 spy case of 2001 while secret deal with China has been made. (see "893. New secret deal (4/13/2015)") It could happen as early as tomorrow- Apr.25/2015 - my wife’s return date from her Chinese trip which was arranged by the Feds.
896. Still the F.I.S.A. Court (5/5/2015)

In "893. New secret deal(4/13/2015)" and "895. New plot is similar to the 2001 one (4/24/2015)", I said the old tactic repeated. The Feds have a new plot with the help of Chinese secret police. My wife had been arranged a Chinese trip from 4/14 to 4/25. After her return from China, C.Y.- an alleged Chinese double agent has visited my house three times in latest week.(see C.Y. at #668,669 and 724)

C.Y.'s son works in an American company. A sub-division of that company in China has organized the Chinese staff to have a meeting in America recently. C.Y. asks my wife to arrange a US tour for those Chinese staff.

I think it's part of this new plot. The purpose is to link us to a Chinese spy group and cover us under a F.I.S.A. warrant. (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act)
897. Computer trap (5/5/2015)

On 4/26, one day after my wife's return, the screen of my computer blacked out.

When my wife saw my conputer was out of order, she said, "Don't touch my computer". She has a notebook computer but she rarely use it. She plays iPad.

The notebook was given by her boss, said for business material storage. I never touch it before. My wife was a toll of the Feds. I am afraid the computer is full of virus or illegal material-in another word, it might be a planting.

On 5/3, she suddenly changed her attitude to allow me to use the notebook. For one week I couldn't go internet. So I used it right away.

I used to post with window Word Process. It doesn't work in that notebook. A frame instracts: "

Activation Wizard

Your beta software has expired.
Use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel to remove the beta software from your computer."

My wife said beta software might be downloaded by her boss or someone else.

The wizard suggested to go through a list of programs. I was scared. If the Feds hid a malicious worm program and I could touch it off by just a click, then the computer could become a virus source. It thus gives the Feds the excuse of search and arrest they have sought for such a long time.

I think it's a trap that the Feds set up. They sabotaged my computer with some back door system, just like what they did in MH370 (with hidden auto pilot system) and drove me to another computer they prepared.
899. April plot (3/29/2016)

A secret deal between the Feds (FBI and DEA) and Chinese secret police in 2001.

4/1/2001 EP-3 collided with a Chinese military jet and landed in Hainan Island, China.
D.O.D. created EP-3 spy plane event for the D.O.J..

4/11 The crew of EP-3 was released. Skolnick wrote article, " Red Chinese get big bucks in Secret hostage deals " D.O.J. got the drug smuggling case from Chinese secret police.

5/11 original planed execution date of Timothy McVeigh. It was used to distract the case of killing of Kat H.Sung. Anyhow, I didn't mail the drive license renewal letter. So the Feds delayed the execution of McVeigh.

6/11 McVeigh executed. My drive license expired on 5/25. Knowing I wouldn't renew my drive license, the Feds had to finish their plot. The planned drug case didn't break off. Former FBI director Louis Freeh resigned to take the responsibility.

7/13 China got the host of 2008 Summer Olympic. Payment to China for the secret deal.

9/11 WTC collapsed. A payback from D.O.J. to Pentagon. (for starting war in Mid-east) Atta's drive license was used as evidence.

9/17 China got the membership of WTO. Payment to China for the secret deal.

A new secret deal between the Feds and Chinese secret police in 2016. China will play the role to kill my family members when they are arranged for trips there.

Strange Bedfellows: China’s Security Chief, FBI’s Comey Meet in Beijing
MARCH 14, 2016

China’s Minister of Public Security met this morning (March 14) in Beijing with James Comey, director of the FBI. The two intend, according to Xinhau, the Chinese news service, to “enhance mutual trust and respect each others?core interests to promote building a new model of major-country relationship.?

At that meeting, the two nations?leaders “agreed to have more pragmatic cooperation in cyber security and anti-terrorism,?Xinhau said today.


My wife will have a trip to China from 4/3/2016 to 4/17.

Something big will happen in April to distract the murder case - either a natural disaster, epidemic, terror attack, or all of them if I would be murdered in their plot.
900. Murder in jail (4/2/2016)

How would they murder Kat Sung? Find an excuse to arrest him then killing him in the jail. They performed this action 6 months ago.

3 Santa Clara County jail deputies charged in mentally ill inmate's death

Veronica Rocha 9/8/2015

Three Santa Clara County sheriff’s jail deputies were charged Tuesday in the slaying of a mentally ill inmate.

"Michael Tyree was not protected by those correctional officers who were supposed to protect him," Santa Clara County Dist. Atty. Jeff Rosen said. "Instead, they killed him and we have now charged them with murder."

3 Santa Clara County jail deputies charged in mentally ill inmate's death

I live in San Jose. If I were arrested, Santa Clara county jail will be the place to detain me. The sheriffs obviously were hinted that the target the feds wanted to kill was a psycho. Michael Tyree, unfortunately was a mentally ill inmate, was mistakened as the target and became the victim.

I used to be tarnished as insane by the cyberspace team agents. The following quote of a reply from fourpart Currently may well indicate my foresight and their elimination skill.

FourPart Currently 05-04-2015
Senior Member

The murder target is Kat Hak Sung who is a witness of the crime committed by the Feds. It's incredible but it's true. It will expand your view sight when you read all the story.
Hainan Island incident

Are we really to believe that the lunatic ravings from another forum, most likely posted by the same lunatic that linked to it in the first place really has any trace of evidence of such things.

Is the Alps plane crash a case of suicide by co-pilot ?
903. Room vacated for years (5/15/2016)

Feng L. Sung is my young sister. She lives in San Francisco. The ground floor of her house was reformed to a two bed room in law for rent. The tenant is Mr. Jin.

Mr. Jin's grandmother had worked as a maid with my family for decades. She had no children. She adopted a son. That's Mr. Jin's father - a school teacher. My father abominated him, said that he was a government informant. My grandfather was a celebrate who went abroad when the Communist Party took over the China. It was natural that the government set an eye on our family.

As I know, Mr. Jin was a tax collector when he was in China. Several years ago, he rented a bedroom from my sister. The odd thing is that he doesn't allow my sister to rent off the other vacant room. This behave becomes a talking issue in our friends circle. Why he wants to keep an empty room there? It's strange that my sister tolerates his bully action. For me, this is very clear. Mr. Jin, likes his father, works as snitch for Chinese government. When the Feds have a deal with Chinese secret police, China sends many agents here to monitor my family. e.g.: G-man and C.Lady worked as colleagues with my wife, C.Y. and W.S. bought the house in my neighborhood.(see #635,643,644, 584) Mr.Jin, moved into my sister's house. The vacant room is obviously a trap, to link the new tenant to a F.I.S.A. warrant.

Last week, I learned the emptied room for years now is rented off. The new tenant is my daughter. She doesn't want to take too much commute to San Francisco. A new plot starts in the end of May and June.
904. Birds of a feather flock together (5/19/2016)

In "901. Donald Trump is a candidate of the Feds." I said Trump is a S.S.G., that this election campaign is full of S.S.G. rally comic show.

Two weeks ago, Trump revealed something.

Trump accuses Cruz's father of helping JFK's assassin


Donald Trump on Tuesday alleged that Ted Cruz’s father was with John F. Kennedy’s assassin shortly before he murdered the president, parroting a National Enquirer story claiming that Rafael Cruz was pictured with Lee Harvey Oswald handing out pro-Fidel Castro pamphlets in New Orleans in 1963.

“I mean, what was he doing ?what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death? Before the shooting??Trump continued. “It’s horrible.?
Trump accuses Cruz's father of helping JFK's assassin


1. It proves President Kennedy was assassinated by organized plot. Many S.S.G. activated to guarantee the success of the assassination - either to cover up or to be "reliable witness.

2. In last message, I talked about the case that father and son all work as informant for the government. Like father like son. So are Ted Cruze and his father. Anyone to win this comic show will be a S.S.G. after all.

Ted Cruze drops out the campaign just because he represents Republican Party. The GOP doesn't want their fame to be hurt by the ugly work done by the next President.
905. June plot (5/25/2016)

Ben Gu is my brother in law. His wife is my youngest sister. Ben Gu is a successful business man. He now owns several houses in San Francisco. He also is a target of the Feds. (see# 64. My Brother in law was targeted.)

Ben Gu has an eld brother lives in Shanghai. Ben often helps him in finance. Now his niece live in his house in San Francisco. Strange enough, Ben's niece has a theory that Ben's wealth should belong to her father's. Her reason is, three decades ago, when her great Aunt sponsored one to the States, it ought to be her father not Ben because her father was the old brother, should have the privilege.

My relative told me this story. "Ben earns his wealth with his hard working. It's absurd to have such an opinion". She said resentfully.

I have different view. It's a typical evil tactic of the intelligence. They used to provoke family conflict with jealousy.

What alarms me is Ben's niece will go home next month. I allege Ben's niece and Mr. Jin both work for the intelligence and are planted in my sisters house. A framed case may break out in June. Likely a drug case from China. Ben Gu imported merchandise from China. It's easy to plant something in shipment.

To plant in garbage can is also a tactic the Feds used to use. (see # 689. Plant in garbage can and 6/10/2011 case (10/17/2011)). Coincidence is there is a notice from city of San Jose:
"Free Neighborhood Cleanup Event
Garbage collect day: Saturday, June 4, 2016"

June, is obviously a month of plot.
First of all 9/11 was the worse fail in U.S. history. Then Shrub lied about yellow cake in Iraq and invaded, which was an equal fail. Then the voters gave Shrub a second term to do even more damage, destroying all U.S. credibility and integrity, and destroying the economy of the U.S. and the rest of the world.

And all the cons can do is whine about Benghazi.

This country just might be stupid enough to put another con in the White House.

I think you are confusing blame and presidents.
Bill Clinton's poor foreign policies was something Joe Public was willing to sacrafice for sake of liking on his domestic sucess.
But not just his failed foreign attentions, he himself admitted he had the chance to capture or kill Bin Laden back in 1998 years prior. When did he admit this?
9/10 a day before, which was 9/11 where he was speaking in Australia.
So ask yourself, what made him
bring that up so coincidentally before the event in a time zone where if one knew a preplaned event was to occur by Bin Laden would mistakingly assume it had occured?
Only someone in the know would make that mistake and also feel some concerned blame=guilty concious.

With what we know now, Clinton definitely received money from the Saudis, but for what? Did he receive it to let Bin Laden go when he had him and decided not to act in 1998? If so, then he inadvertantly or knowingly took money to let the guy behind 911 have free reign.
That would be huge, as would our gov't refusing to prosecute or look further into all the Clinton foundations pay to play activities.
Maybe this is so bad that it is the reason they can't prosecute them=too embarassing and problematic regarding trust and confidence in our gov't.
Bush was repeatedly told Who, What, Where, When, Why & How we would be attacked & he said "I'm tired of Swatting Flies". (Bush never swatted at Al Qaeda) He said if they dare attack we will crush them. Then Bush allowed the attack & let Bin Laden Go! Bush allowed North Korea & Iran to build Nukes & gave Iran control of Iraq! Killed 9,000 US Citizens & wasted $4.4 Trillion!!!
Last edited:
I assume that with the OPs logic the obomanation is responsible for the 49 killed in Orlando!!! Seems his FBI was notified many timed about the shooter and did NOTHING!
Did it reach President Obama's Desk?

It is well documented that Bush was well informed on 9/11 attacks many times from many people prior to 9/11, but you give him a pass & crucify Obama for your fantasy

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