Bruce Jenner (aka Caitlin) to run as a Republican against governor Newson

1st post
I don't think it's going to help Republicans in their culture wars to support a man who claims to be a woman.
There is a person who is of "privilege". Many people when given notoriety, power, public exposure and money can turn into debauchery. All he had to do is finish life off.
Unlike Obama, Bruce is not too cowardly to come out of the closet.

I refuse to automatically convict Bruce of anything. In CA, give him a shot. A lot of CA Dem voters are pretty fed up. Maybe Bruce will stand up and fight like an Olympic champion unlike so many "culture warriors" like Mike Pence and McConnell.
Unlike Obama, Bruce is not too cowardly to come out of the closet.

I refuse to automatically convict Bruce of anything. In CA, give him a shot. A lot of CA Dem voters are pretty fed up. Maybe Bruce will stand up and fight like an Olympic champion unlike so many "culture warriors" like Mike Pence and McConnell.

Yupp, you Californicator's ARE desperate! :hhello:
America is desperate. We need heroes.

Bruce was once a sports hero.
I don't think it's going to help Republicans in their culture wars to support a man who claims to be a woman.

The DemoKKKrats won't accept her, because they hate everything that's different.
5th post
If Jenner runs like a Democrat, just say “you don’t disagree with me, you hate me, because I’m trans, you transphobes”. It’s what Obama did 2008 with being black
How could Bruce do any worse than Biden's ally gov Kemp of GA, who helped Raffensberger and the Dems steal both the WH and the Senate?

Isn't gov Kemp one of the values guys?

What do you think of Kemp's values now?
If Jenner runs like a Democrat, just say “you don’t disagree with me, you hate me, because I’m trans, you transphobes”. It’s what Obama did 2008 with being black

Dem hypocrisy even a closeted homo like Obama wouldappreciate...
10th post

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