Bring your video camera to your town hall

Now even conservative newspapers are running editorials about how disgusted they are with the town hall thugs. No wonder all you can do is make a pathetic effort to point fingers at me.

So far the only "thugs" showing up at events seem to be Obama supporting union thugs and the MSM. At least those are the ones that were arrest worthy.
In your perception, perhaps, but in the last few posts on this thread you've made it obvious how warped that is.

Here's a snippet from an editorial out of Napa, where their opinion writers are easily as far to the right as those on the Wall Street Journal:

Monday night’s health care forum in Napa grew unruly and wild, with some critics of the current health care proposals seeking to derail the event, harming their cause and nearly destroying a meaningful forum on a critical topic for Napa and the nation.

The display was unwelcome — and unsuccessful if it was meant to move health care reform supporters toward considering the concerns of the critics. Several callers to the Register on Tuesday reported they were repulsed by the aggressive tactics of some members of the crowd.
To the degree the catcalls, chants and shouts were organized — and it appears from events around the country that they were — we strongly suggest that the organizers find more constructive ways to get their message out.
Monday’s event was out of character for Napa County political clashes, even hotly contested ones. In our view, most politically active people here have better sense than to debase the debate that way.

Unbridled anger is not a substitute for intelligent discussion. Catcalls are not replacements for hard questions and criticism.

For health care reform critics or anyone in political life to get their message across effectively, our message is that they should choose a more substantive and respectful approach.
There was no violence until the Obamathugs showed up. Lots of angry people, but beating up people who dared question the authorities is what is new here.

The left goes on forever about the 'jackboot' policies of the the right. But this kind of thing is a return to the bad old days of Bull Conner and the Klan. It is bad enough that the bill is stupid, but it is worse that the citizens are being terrorized into this.

This is one very important place where dissent is patriotic.
There was no violence until the Obamathugs showed up. Lots of angry people, but beating up people who dared question the authorities is what is new here.

The left goes on forever about the 'jackboot' policies of the the right. But this kind of thing is a return to the bad old days of Bull Conner and the Klan. It is bad enough that the bill is stupid, but it is worse that the citizens are being terrorized into this.
They're being terrorized BECAUSE of what the right is doing, not in spite of it.
Its time to face facts. There are actually people out there (over half by last count) that don't agree with the whole idea of UHC and they are pretty pissed off that this government is willing to enslave generations of people to push another disastrous bill upon us. One that will take decades to undo.

By all Means everyone. Please do bring a video camera and be sure to record the ENTIRE town hall meeting.

I would like to see the whole event, too.

Everything I've seen so far amounts to people chanting so that the Representatives never gt a chance to answer the questions hurled at them.

I doubt that's the whole story, but that seems to be all that we're being shown.

From all that I have seen, that is the story. A bunch of people preventing Representatives from speaking to their constituants. I think that not only do we need to videotape and identify these people, but also check to see if they live in the district that they are protesting in. I would be willing to bet that we see the same old faces coming up in many districts, which, of course, indicates organized interferance with the citizens of that districts right to communicate with their representative.
Its time to face facts. There are actually people out there (over half by last count) that don't agree with the whole idea of UHC and they are pretty pissed off that this government is willing to enslave generations of people to push another disastrous bill upon us. One that will take decades to undo.

By all Means everyone. Please do bring a video camera and be sure to record the ENTIRE town hall meeting.

I would like to see the whole event, too.

Everything I've seen so far amounts to people chanting so that the Representatives never gt a chance to answer the questions hurled at them.

I doubt that's the whole story, but that seems to be all that we're being shown.

From all that I have seen, that is the story. A bunch of people preventing Representatives from speaking to their constituants. I think that not only do we need to videotape and identify these people, but also check to see if they live in the district that they are protesting in. I would be willing to bet that we see the same old faces coming up in many districts, which, of course, indicates organized interferance with the citizens of that districts right to communicate with their representative.

We might also see party operatives claiming themselves to be unaffiliated concerned citizens, too.

Its time to face facts. There are actually people out there (over half by last count) that don't agree with the whole idea of UHC and they are pretty pissed off that this government is willing to enslave generations of people to push another disastrous bill upon us. One that will take decades to undo.

By all Means everyone. Please do bring a video camera and be sure to record the ENTIRE town hall meeting.

I would like to see the whole event, too.

Everything I've seen so far amounts to people chanting so that the Representatives never gt a chance to answer the questions hurled at them.

I doubt that's the whole story, but that seems to be all that we're being shown.

From all that I have seen, that is the story. A bunch of people preventing Representatives from speaking to their constituants. I think that not only do we need to videotape and identify these people, but also check to see if they live in the district that they are protesting in. I would be willing to bet that we see the same old faces coming up in many districts, which, of course, indicates organized interferance with the citizens of that districts right to communicate with their representative.
Bullshit. These protesters aren't going to travel around from city to city to protest at these townhall meetings. Wake up and smell the roses. Our nation is under seige right now with the Obama administration causing a tremendous tax to be placed on America's population for left wing socialistic programs that will and have cost the tax payers a ton of money that will not be paid off in the next 10 years, but will never be paid off.
Bullshit. These protesters aren't going to travel around from city to city to protest at these townhall meetings. Wake up and smell the roses. Our nation is under seige right now with the Obama administration causing a tremendous tax to be placed on America's population for left wing socialistic programs that will and have cost the tax payers a ton of money that will not be paid off in the next 10 years, but will never be paid off.

Is that what the chain emails are saying these days? :eusa_boohoo:
Who said it:

"...take it to both the local authorities.... We can't tolerate this kind of activity (speaking in public at a town hall) in a free, democratic society."

A. KKK Grand Kleagle
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Fidel Castro
D. Napoleon from "Animal Farm"
E. A NeoMarxist
You can watch the videos and say that?

The fundamental problem of politics is to face the truth, even if it is something you don't like. The whole point of democracy is not that the answers are wise, or best or whatever, but that the people make the deciosns for themselves. If you can watch those videos and not be appalled at the attitude of the AARP and the SEIU goons, at the attitude of imperial entitlement of the concrescritters then you defeat your own cause.

Lots of people have lots of reasons for not liking this plan. It is expensive and buercratic and seems to bottom pick all the worse features of the Canadian and French systems, with Kafkayeske soviet extravagances plus a great deal of ego driven stupidity that is uniquely american. There are dozens of better models of government health care, but this plan seems to look for the worse possible.

The first and foremost rule in any kind of health care is do no harm. You don't rush into wrong. it is fatal even if you are lucky.

I just tell you right now, that be careful for what you wish for, you may get it. And from the experience of Canada and France, you will regret it.
There was no violence until the Obamathugs showed up. Lots of angry people, but beating up people who dared question the authorities is what is new here.

The left goes on forever about the 'jackboot' policies of the the right. But this kind of thing is a return to the bad old days of Bull Conner and the Klan. It is bad enough that the bill is stupid, but it is worse that the citizens are being terrorized into this.
They're being terrorized BECAUSE of what the right is doing, not in spite of it.
I would like to see the whole event, too.

Everything I've seen so far amounts to people chanting so that the Representatives never gt a chance to answer the questions hurled at them.

I doubt that's the whole story, but that seems to be all that we're being shown.

From all that I have seen, that is the story. A bunch of people preventing Representatives from speaking to their constituants. I think that not only do we need to videotape and identify these people, but also check to see if they live in the district that they are protesting in. I would be willing to bet that we see the same old faces coming up in many districts, which, of course, indicates organized interferance with the citizens of that districts right to communicate with their representative.

We might also see party operatives claiming themselves to be unaffiliated concerned citizens, too.

ah, so the conservatives have learned from the liberals
Bullshit. These protesters aren't going to travel around from city to city to protest at these townhall meetings. Wake up and smell the roses. Our nation is under seige right now with the Obama administration causing a tremendous tax to be placed on America's population for left wing socialistic programs that will and have cost the tax payers a ton of money that will not be paid off in the next 10 years, but will never be paid off.

Is that what the chain emails are saying these days? :eusa_boohoo:
yet another lying meme from the left
There was no violence until the Obamathugs showed up. Lots of angry people, but beating up people who dared question the authorities is what is new here.

The left goes on forever about the 'jackboot' policies of the the right. But this kind of thing is a return to the bad old days of Bull Conner and the Klan. It is bad enough that the bill is stupid, but it is worse that the citizens are being terrorized into this.

This is one very important place where dissent is patriotic.
uh huh... the Dems are terrorizing people, are they? They are the ones that are lying about killing old people and claiming the health care bill will kill babies?
The health care bill was going to pay for abortion. That has been dropped.

The experience of Canada and France and england is such that euthanizing oldsters by neglect is a legitimate worry. French authorities seem to work for rock bottom morals and dig deeper every year, so we can assume that if it happened in France, we will get the same from 0bamacare.
The health care bill was going to pay for abortion. That has been dropped.

The experience of Canada and France and england is such that euthanizing oldsters by neglect is a legitimate worry. French authorities seem to work for rock bottom morals and dig deeper every year, so we can assume that if it happened in France, we will get the same from 0bamacare.
No it wasn't. There is a law that's been around for years that forbids the feds paying for abortion. I think it is a stupid law...but it exists.

The rest of your post is idiotic bullshit designed to frighten people.
The health care bill was going to pay for abortion. That has been dropped.

The experience of Canada and France and england is such that euthanizing oldsters by neglect is a legitimate worry. French authorities seem to work for rock bottom morals and dig deeper every year, so we can assume that if it happened in France, we will get the same from 0bamacare.
No it wasn't. There is a law that's been around for years that forbids the feds paying for abortion. I think it is a stupid law...but it exists.

The rest of your post is idiotic bullshit designed to frighten people.

Uhh...that's technically true but not entirely accurate, Ravi.

What you are referring to is the Hyde Amendment, which has been the law since 1976, but must be voted on and passed annually as part of the yearly appropriations bill for medicaid to remain in force.

Therefore it could easily not be the law at any time.

EDIT - Plus the Hyde Amendment only applies to medicare.

Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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