Bribery is a loser

you are correct and if there was evidence of him doing anything of the sort then he should be arrested... Thats a big reason why they investigated the situation. McCabe was fired for lying about a Wall Street journal article. Strozek was simply demoted because of an appearance of impropriety. Something in your narrative is not lining up with the evidence

Appearance of impropriety? Strozek sat on the Anthony Weiner emails for a month...declining to even look into them while he pushed HARD for an announcement that Trump was being investigated for collusion with the Russians!
Can you quote where it says that in the IG report?

I thought you read the report, Slade? Now you need me to quote parts of it to you? You STILL haven't read it...have you!
yes, when you quote parts that aren’t there I’m going to call you on it. Pretty simple.
"Conversely, we found that the FBI’s explanations for its failure to take immediate action after discovering the Weiner laptop in October 2016 to be unpersuasive, and we did not have confidence that the decision of Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok to prioritize the Russia investigation over following up on the Weiner laptop was free from bias."
Care to "call me" on that?
No, I’ll gladly give you props for backing up your statements... it’s more than most do on this board. Point goes to Oldstyle
If Trump wants Biden investigated ,why not just do it without asking foreign nations for help that he would personally benefit from? And that's illegal

You're such a fucking liar, eddie.

Nothing illegal about asking Ukraine to meet their treaty obligations to work with out AG to investigate the Kickback scheme Quid Pro Joe Biden used to embezzle millions of tax payer dollars.

See, you Communists think embezzlement is legal, but investigating it is a crime.

It's because you're a bunch of filthy, corrupt fucks.

Someone claimed you're rich (never encountered an internet troll leftist who wasn't a gazillionaire)

If you really are ( :lmao: ) you most certainly stole or swindled it. So corruption seems right to you....

No Eddie is not lying.
If this inept president wants to do that why not in a confidential manner?
These are the most inept people I’ve ever seen.

Asking a favor to a foreign leader to investigate his political rival is a sign of corruption in itself.

You have no proof that the Biden did anything wrong. That was all planted by corrupted Ukrainian that was eliminated from corruptions. That is being used by Guilliani.

No stupid, it is not. We have a treaty to JOINTLY fight corruption (that means fight Joe Biden) and aren't you Communist traitors impeaching a political rival specifically to influence the election, as John Lewis stated? How is that NOT corruption?

Investigating corruption by democrats is not actually a crime, though you think it is.

By definition of corruption YES son Trump demonstrates corruption and ineptness. You can cry and roll all over the ground but it is corruption.

Biden has not committed any wrongdoing. That’s a fact jack....
If Trump wants Biden investigated ,why not just do it without asking foreign nations for help that he would personally benefit from? And that's illegal

You're such a fucking liar, eddie.

Nothing illegal about asking Ukraine to meet their treaty obligations to work with out AG to investigate the Kickback scheme Quid Pro Joe Biden used to embezzle millions of tax payer dollars.

See, you Communists think embezzlement is legal, but investigating it is a crime.

It's because you're a bunch of filthy, corrupt fucks.

Someone claimed you're rich (never encountered an internet troll leftist who wasn't a gazillionaire)

If you really are ( :lmao: ) you most certainly stole or swindled it. So corruption seems right to you....

No Eddie is not lying.
If this inept president wants to do that why not in a confidential manner?
These are the most inept people I’ve ever seen.

Asking a favor to a foreign leader to investigate his political rival is a sign of corruption in itself.

You have no proof that the Biden did anything wrong. That was all planted by corrupted Ukrainian that was eliminated from corruptions. That is being used by Guilliani.

No stupid, it is not. We have a treaty to JOINTLY fight corruption (that means fight Joe Biden) and aren't you Communist traitors impeaching a political rival specifically to influence the election, as John Lewis stated? How is that NOT corruption?

Investigating corruption by democrats is not actually a crime, though you think it is.
But investigating a pos with a huge record of bad behavoir ,,a republican, AH, isn't a good thing?

You've spent 3 years investigating and come up with nothing, now you want to impeach him because Joe Biden is corrupt.

Yeah, you're fucking traitorous pigs. :dunno:

Bribery and Extortion = Impeachment
Obama's agenda was halted by the voters in the first mid-term, Slate! He'd already passed ObamaCare and the next thing up on his wish list was Cap & Trade legislation. He nominated two far left Supreme Court Justices. He waged a war on Big Oil and Big Coal. He signed the Paris Accord. He signed that joke of a treaty with Iran. As much as you'd LIKE to paint Obama as a moderate...he was anything but!

As for Biden? He's no longer the front runner. The only reason he ever was in the first place is that the other choices were ALL so far to the left that it made "Ole Hair Plugs" look like a sane choice but he's a walking, talking, gaffe machine that's NEVER been able to refrain from saying something so incredibly stupid that people remember what an idiot he's always been!
You paint Obama as a crazy leftie yet nothing you listed is even close to what the Warren/sanders tribe is running on. So while he may not be a conservative, he is definitely a moderate when it comes to democratic politics.

Also, Biden is the clear front runner. Get your facts straight....
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination
Biden's numbers will go down as soon as a bunch of the far left candidates start dropping out! Joe's not going to pull votes from those candidates! He's a moderate, old, not very bright, white guy who's been a Washington insider for the past 40 years! He's NOT what the Democratic Party is looking for and never was. Biden is where he is in the polls because he has name recognition...that's it. Call him the front runner if you want to embarrass yourself when he's dropping out of the race in four months because he's run out of money. He's going to get knee capped by other Democrats...not Trump! They'll use his Ukrainian scandal against him while they blame Trump for calling for an investigation.

As for Obama? He wasn't crazy. He was far left. The Democrats have gone much farther left with this slate of candidates.
Democrats like republicans will support the party's candidate regardless of whether it's Biden, Warren, or Sanders. To do otherwise means Donald Trump for another 4 years.

Trump job approval among democrats is currently 4%, down from 13% when he took office. His job approval among independents is currently 38%, down from 43% when he took office. His job approval rating among republicans is 90%, essentially unchanged from when he took office.
Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump

You think blue collar workers are going support a Democratic candidate that's going to put them out of work again? They voted for Trump over Clinton in the last election because they don't think the Democrats care about them anymore.
I think republicans that voted for Trump will vote for him again because they think he is doing a great job. His job approval rating among republicans is 90% about the same as when Trump took office. Only 4% of democrats think he is doing good job, (13% when he took office) and only 38% for independents, (43% when he took office) . So whether democrats and independents vote for him is going to depend on the democrat candidate and the message.

I know lots of decent republicans that will never vote for this jerk again.

1. Hispanic voters.
2. Gay and lesbian communities. This is the only reason why Buttigieg still in the race but they will vote democrats.
3. Farmers and other businesses that are hurt by trade wars.
4. Asians voters.
5. Black voters.
6. Decent republicans that are fed up with non stop disgusting lies, deportable attitude etc etc etc.
7. Militaries.

We have a very big chance of kicking this little kid out of WH.
Simple question then, is asking for an investigation into apparent corruption by the Biden's not good for the nation?

When it's done to make it LOOK like there is something there...that isn't?

Yea...that's for personal gain and THAT is extortion

Nothing there? You mean Hunter Biden WASN'T paid big money for a job that he had zero qualifications for in the very area that his Father had just been placed in charge of by the Obama Administration?

What made you think Hunter was not qualified to be a board member? You may want to update your ignorance.

Hunter was a board member of several prestigious companies before he joined Burisma in 2014.
Hunter has nothing to do with Trump corruptness only as defense of deflection which totally hogwash.

Hunter Biden - Wikipedia

What makes you think that he was? His history degree? He had no experience whatsoever with energy companies...nor any experience with Ukrainian what would make a Ukrainian natural gas corporation reach out to an American with a history of drug and alcohol addiction to fill a spot on their board and pay him $50,000 a month?

The only "qualification" that Hunter Biden had was that he was Joe Biden's kid...and Joe Biden was going to be in charge of overseeing things in the Ukraine for the Obama Administration!

So what is your proof that Hunter even committed crime?

You are very ignorant and very dishonest person. Read the Wikipedia again so you are not embarrassing yourself.

A lawyer from Yale..... He was a board member of Amtrak, MBNA bank holdings, work at department of commerce etc etc etc. Before he joined Burisma making $50k...

It is not that difficult to be a board member of a gas, coal, gold, Exxon company.

Even you can apply but if your last name is Oldstyle ( which is worthless) means you bring nothing to the table. Meaning you are a reject.
But if your last name is Biden. That is a heavy last name that comes in to the table that demands every one respect inside the room and the whole company. He joined Burisma 2014. By 2015 prosecutor general Shokin fired for not actively investigating money laundering.
There's a MAJOR difference between doing something for the good of the nation that will "make yourself look good" and doing something that directly is meant to affect your election chances.

Simple question then, is asking for an investigation into apparent corruption by the Biden's not good for the nation? Because it exposes Biden as someone who allowed his family to cash in on his position and power? Why would THAT not be for the good of the nation?
Hunter getting a cush job because of his name isn’t illegal. If Joe used his office to get Hunter the job or influenced policy because of his son then there would be something... but there’s no evidence of that. Trump wants to go fishing and in the process of fishing and investigating he gets to paint joe as crooked for his political campaign. “Crooked Hillary now Crooked Joe” “Lock him up” this isn’t a new playbook. You seem like a bright guy, this can’t be going over your head, you see what’s going on, right?!

I am a bright guy, Slade. It's why I'm amused at the OUTRAGE from the left because Donald Trump asked for an investigation into whether Joe Biden's son sitting on that Burisma board DID influence US policy in the Ukraine! That wasn't Trump paying for someone to concoct a totally false narrative about a political rival like the Clinton Camp did to him before and after the election it was him simply asking for the Ukrainians to look into whether or not something improper took place! You refer to that as "fishing"? Fishing to me means looking for something that isn't apparent. It's readily apparent that Hunter Biden WAS given a high paying position on the Burisma board that he had no qualifications for! You're right that isn't illegal but it begs the question...what did Burisma think they were going to get for giving the Vice President of the United States that job...and did they receive it!

You might be a bright guy but that doesn’t mean you are properly qualified or properly informed.
Your post are full of BS.
Let me repeat it again.
Trumpy asking a favor to dig dirt against his political rival is totally corrupt. You can give your philosophical rebuttal if you want. That is not right..

A President of the United States asking another nation...with which we have a treaty that calls for us working hand in hand with them to investigate look into whether the Biden's were abusing Joe Biden's office for a financial payoff to his son is not improper! Kindly explain why Hunter Biden resigned his positions on both the Burisma board and the Chinese board he was named to if they weren't an obvious example of influence peddling?

But dude that is not how your little boi did his investigation...

He ask a favor from a foreign leader to dig dirt against his political rival at the same time he holding military aids. That is called bribery or extortion.

You have no proof of any wrongdoing by the Biden except people like you are planting lies.
Notice how neither Faun nor Eddie want to take a stab at explaining why Hunter Biden resigned his positions on both of the boards if it was all on the up and up?

It's obvious what took place and why...but they'll continue to deny...deny...deny...

1. Biden resigns because he doesn’t want to be part of these circuses and crap created by Trump supporters.... like you.

2. His father is running for election and doesn’t want to be part of nepotism.

So what Hunter’s resignation has anything to do with aaalllll these stupidities?
Notice how neither Faun nor Eddie want to take a stab at explaining why Hunter Biden resigned his positions on both of the boards if it was all on the up and up?

It's obvious what took place and why...but they'll continue to deny...deny...deny...

1. Biden resigns because he doesn’t want to be part of these circuses and crap created by Trump supporters.... like you.

2. His father is running for election and doesn’t want to be part of nepotism.

So what Hunter’s resignation has anything to do with aaalllll these stupidities?
EXACTLY Thank you
Notice how neither Faun nor Eddie want to take a stab at explaining why Hunter Biden resigned his positions on both of the boards if it was all on the up and up?

It's obvious what took place and why...but they'll continue to deny...deny...deny...
Why the fuck should I care about Hunter Biden, lying con tool?

In a thread about Trump's impeachment, no less.

You must not have gotten the "memo", Faun...your impeachment has moved on from "collusion" to "quid pro quo"!
An impeachment that's now supposed to be about Trump targeting a political rival? In order for anyone to buy THAT narrative...they need to buy that Hunter Biden got those two board positions because of his qualifications and not because his dad was the Vice President!

Why should you care about Hunter Biden? Because what he and his father did is a perfect example of influence peddling in government.

Influence peddling?

You have this piece of shit president asking a favor to dig dirt against his political rival at the same time holding military aids..... That is acceptable?

Joe Biden fired a well known corrupted of prosecutor general Shokin in whole Ukraine...... It’s not acceptable?
Notice how neither Faun nor Eddie want to take a stab at explaining why Hunter Biden resigned his positions on both of the boards if it was all on the up and up?

It's obvious what took place and why...but they'll continue to deny...deny...deny...
Why the fuck should I care about Hunter Biden, lying con tool?

In a thread about Trump's impeachment, no less.

You must not have gotten the "memo", Faun...your impeachment has moved on from "collusion" to "quid pro quo"!
An impeachment that's now supposed to be about Trump targeting a political rival? In order for anyone to buy THAT narrative...they need to buy that Hunter Biden got those two board positions because of his qualifications and not because his dad was the Vice President!

Why should you care about Hunter Biden? Because what he and his father did is a perfect example of influence peddling in government.

Influence peddling?

You have this piece of shit president asking a favor to dig dirt against his political rival at the same time holding military aids..... That is acceptable?

Joe Biden fired a well known corrupted of prosecutor general Shokin in whole Ukraine...... It’s not acceptable?
Guess these simps don't remember """Russia can you help find Hillary's E Mails??
Notice how neither Faun nor Eddie want to take a stab at explaining why Hunter Biden resigned his positions on both of the boards if it was all on the up and up?

It's obvious what took place and why...but they'll continue to deny...deny...deny...
Why the fuck should I care about Hunter Biden, lying con tool?

In a thread about Trump's impeachment, no less.

You must not have gotten the "memo", Faun...your impeachment has moved on from "collusion" to "quid pro quo"!
An impeachment that's now supposed to be about Trump targeting a political rival? In order for anyone to buy THAT narrative...they need to buy that Hunter Biden got those two board positions because of his qualifications and not because his dad was the Vice President!

Why should you care about Hunter Biden? Because what he and his father did is a perfect example of influence peddling in government.

If we use your fantasy using the same comparison.

We should start investigating why Jared Kushner is running around as diplomat with ZERO or no experience.

Now Jared is now in charge of building the trump wall. So.......... What is Jared experience in building a wall?
Notice how neither Faun nor Eddie want to take a stab at explaining why Hunter Biden resigned his positions on both of the boards if it was all on the up and up?

It's obvious what took place and why...but they'll continue to deny...deny...deny...
Why the fuck should I care about Hunter Biden, lying con tool?

In a thread about Trump's impeachment, no less.

You must not have gotten the "memo", Faun...your impeachment has moved on from "collusion" to "quid pro quo"!
An impeachment that's now supposed to be about Trump targeting a political rival? In order for anyone to buy THAT narrative...they need to buy that Hunter Biden got those two board positions because of his qualifications and not because his dad was the Vice President!

Why should you care about Hunter Biden? Because what he and his father did is a perfect example of influence peddling in government.

If we use your fantasy using the same comparison.

We should start investigating why Jared Kushner is running around as diplomat with ZERO or no experience.

Now Jared is now in charge of building the trump wall. So.......... What is Jared experience in building a wall?
He sure is experienced in getting loans from Arab countr
Notice how neither Faun nor Eddie want to take a stab at explaining why Hunter Biden resigned his positions on both of the boards if it was all on the up and up?

It's obvious what took place and why...but they'll continue to deny...deny...deny...
Why the fuck should I care about Hunter Biden, lying con tool?

In a thread about Trump's impeachment, no less.

You must not have gotten the "memo", Faun...your impeachment has moved on from "collusion" to "quid pro quo"!
An impeachment that's now supposed to be about Trump targeting a political rival? In order for anyone to buy THAT narrative...they need to buy that Hunter Biden got those two board positions because of his qualifications and not because his dad was the Vice President!

Why should you care about Hunter Biden? Because what he and his father did is a perfect example of influence peddling in government.

If we use your fantasy using the same comparison.

We should start investigating why Jared Kushner is running around as diplomat with ZERO or no experience.

Now Jared is now in charge of building the trump wall. So.......... What is Jared experience in building a wall?

Speaking of bribery
Kushner 'tried and failed to get a $500m loan from Qatar before pushing Trump to take hard line against country'
The failed business deal has reignited concerns about Trump family conflicts of interest

By definition of corruption YES son Trump demonstrates corruption and ineptness. You can cry and roll all over the ground but it is corruption.

Biden has not committed any wrongdoing. That’s a fact jack....

Again, will one of you Communists explain HOW seeking to have Ukraine cooperate with out AG in investigating clear corruption by Joe Biden is forbidden? I get that democrats are above the law and all that shit, still on what basis is it impeachable to investigate the open and obvious corruption of Biden? Is he the Communist party nominee? If not, your lie about interfering in the election is out. OH and BTW, Donald TRUMP is the nominee of the Americans, so HOW IS WHAT YOU STALINISTS ARE DOING NOT INFLUENCING THE ELECTION?

It's like you fucking traitors are characters out of Alice in Wonderland.
You're such a fucking liar, eddie.

Nothing illegal about asking Ukraine to meet their treaty obligations to work with out AG to investigate the Kickback scheme Quid Pro Joe Biden used to embezzle millions of tax payer dollars.

See, you Communists think embezzlement is legal, but investigating it is a crime.

It's because you're a bunch of filthy, corrupt fucks.

Someone claimed you're rich (never encountered an internet troll leftist who wasn't a gazillionaire)

If you really are ( :lmao: ) you most certainly stole or swindled it. So corruption seems right to you....

No Eddie is not lying.
If this inept president wants to do that why not in a confidential manner?
These are the most inept people I’ve ever seen.

Asking a favor to a foreign leader to investigate his political rival is a sign of corruption in itself.

You have no proof that the Biden did anything wrong. That was all planted by corrupted Ukrainian that was eliminated from corruptions. That is being used by Guilliani.

No stupid, it is not. We have a treaty to JOINTLY fight corruption (that means fight Joe Biden) and aren't you Communist traitors impeaching a political rival specifically to influence the election, as John Lewis stated? How is that NOT corruption?

Investigating corruption by democrats is not actually a crime, though you think it is.
But investigating a pos with a huge record of bad behavoir ,,a republican, AH, isn't a good thing?

You've spent 3 years investigating and come up with nothing, now you want to impeach him because Joe Biden is corrupt.

Yeah, you're fucking traitorous pigs. :dunno:

Bribery and Extortion = Impeachment

Great, if they existed.

I mean, extortion does, by Joe Biden.

Bribery? Are you fucking loony?

You mean when he got the corrupt prosecutor removed?

A move supported by virtually every organization and nation not named Russia?

You mean when he got the corrupt prosecutor removed?

A move supported by virtually every organization and nation not named Russia?

When Quid Pro Joe got the prosecutor investigating the kickback scheme his son was the mule for? Yeah, corruption is sacred, no one can EVER investigate. democrats depend on embezzlement and kickbacks, woe to he who gets between the dims and their graft.

You mean when he got the corrupt prosecutor removed?

A move supported by virtually every organization and nation not named Russia?

Stop repeating the same stale lies
NO DEFENSE is a loser Not even his lawyer to defend him IF you were innocent would you not defend yourself ??? NOT our lying scum in the WH Guilty as sin and all his little fuktards supporting him ,, Here but not in court
Notice how neither Faun nor Eddie want to take a stab at explaining why Hunter Biden resigned his positions on both of the boards if it was all on the up and up?

It's obvious what took place and why...but they'll continue to deny...deny...deny...
Why the fuck should I care about Hunter Biden, lying con tool?

In a thread about Trump's impeachment, no less.

You must not have gotten the "memo", Faun...your impeachment has moved on from "collusion" to "quid pro quo"!
An impeachment that's now supposed to be about Trump targeting a political rival? In order for anyone to buy THAT narrative...they need to buy that Hunter Biden got those two board positions because of his qualifications and not because his dad was the Vice President!

Why should you care about Hunter Biden? Because what he and his father did is a perfect example of influence peddling in government.

If we use your fantasy using the same comparison.

We should start investigating why Jared Kushner is running around as diplomat with ZERO or no experience.

Now Jared is now in charge of building the trump wall. So.......... What is Jared experience in building a wall?

Care to give me an example of Jared Kushner screwing up? You being a drug addict?

Everything that he's done for the Trump Administration he's done well. He's not riding on Trump's coattails like Hunter Biden has been doing for decades!

You mean when he got the corrupt prosecutor removed?

A move supported by virtually every organization and nation not named Russia?

And HOW did he get the prosecutor removed? By threatening to withhold a billion dollars in US aid if it wasn't done in six hours? I thought that's what you on the left were so OUTRAGED over Trump's doing?

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