Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!

'Diversity Lottery?!' My God, what has happened to our country? 8 Americans brutally slaughtered because of Communist/Progressive insanity. Americans better step up and make sure they prevent the Left from repeating Western Europe's awful blunders on Immigration. The Left is literally killing those folks over there. And now the American Left is killing us too.

A 'Diversity Lottery' is absolute insanity. America has always been a diverse nation. We're the 'Melting Pot' of the world. All those responsible for implementing this deadly Immigration blunder, need to be held accountable for it. We owe it to the families of the victims.
If it is law, he has to have Congress pass the bill. Typical of Trump and his supporters to be so clueless. The problem was not any immigration program. It was the fact that he was radicalized after he came to this country. We also have white supremacists and neo-nazis who are trying to radicalize certain individuals in this country. They welcome Trump's rhetoric because they can use it to radicalize Americans just like you. That is what we need to take aim at.
If it is law, he has to have Congress pass the bill. Typical of Trump and his supporters to be so clueless. The problem was not any immigration program. It was the fact that he was radicalized after he came to this country. We also have white supremacists and neo-nazis who are trying to radicalize certain individuals in this country. They welcome Trump's rhetoric because they can use it to radicalize Americans just like you. That is what we need to take aim at.

Piss off with your 'Diversity Lottery!' You Left Wing psychos are literally killing us. 8 Americans brutally slaughtered because of your insanity. All those responsible for implementing that horrific 'Program', should be held accountable for it. Period, end of story.
Great news, the death lottery has been cancelled. No more people need to be sacrificed on the altar of diversity.
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!
what federal judge will cut him off on this one? LOL

There are countless Communist/Progressive degenerate Judges willing to do it. They're Anti-American Globalists. They don't care about America and Americans. It's all about their New World Order. They're pure evil.
Great news, the death lottery has been cancelled. No more people need to be sacrificed on the altar of diversity.

Bleepin 'Diversity Lottery?!" My God, what a mess. 8 Americans dead, for what? America has always been a diverse nation. It's the 'Melting Pot' of the world for God sake. This 'Program' was unnecessary and pure insanity. All those responsible for implementing it, need to be held accountable. We owe it to the families.
Will 8 Americans being horrifically slaughtered, end this insane 'Diversity Visa Lottery' program'? Don't be surprised if it doesn't. Enemy of the State Globalists are currently running our country. American Citizens certainly aren't their priority. They'll all have to be arrested and jailed, before anything can change. It is what it is.
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His neighbor says the terrorist has two buddies he's been driving around 2 'friends'...

Trump is considering sending him to GITMO - more Intel can be collected. I hope he does ... ASAP.
As far as the Mosque, it definitely needs to be shut down...and the leader - he should be told he is no longer welcome in this country... buh-bye.
What a bold courageous President he is. Thanks a million President Trump for wanting to protect the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We may soon rid this country of all Muslims yet.

Breaking: TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US!

No problem, Muslims come as 'refugees' and family members in.
His neighbor says the terrorist has two buddies he's been driving around 2 'friends'...

Trump is considering sending him to GITMO - more Intel can be collected. I hope he does ... ASAP.
I just heard the death penalty is on the board!
If it is law, he has to have Congress pass the bill. Typical of Trump and his supporters to be so clueless. The problem was not any immigration program. It was the fact that he was radicalized after he came to this country. We also have white supremacists and neo-nazis who are trying to radicalize certain individuals in this country. They welcome Trump's rhetoric because they can use it to radicalize Americans just like you. That is what we need to take aim at.

Piss off with your 'Diversity Lottery!' You Left Wing psychos are literally killing us. 8 Americans brutally slaughtered because of your insanity. All those responsible for implementing that horrific 'Program', should be held accountable for it. Period, end of story.

Oh shut up. Hateful people like you want to use this to push your hateful agenda. The real story is not immigration. It is the radicalization of a American by extremists. Take your end of the story and go to the devil. That is where you belong.
He should be waterboarded for info and if that doesn't work hook electrodes to his balls.....time to get tough

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