Breaking: Schiff Pressed Volker To Say Ukraine Felt Pressure From Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Shaping the testimony of a witness, how felonious.

In a secret interview, Rep. Adam Schiff, leader of the House Democratic effort to impeach President Trump, pressed former United States special representative to Ukraine Kurt Volker to testify that Ukrainian officials felt pressured to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter as a result of Trump withholding U.S. military aid to Ukraine.

Volker denied that was the case, noting that Ukrainian leaders did not even know the aid was being withheld and that they believed their relationship with the U.S. was moving along satisfactorily, without them having done anything Trump mentioned in his notorious July 25 phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

When Volker repeatedly declined to agree to Schiff’s characterization of events, Schiff said, “Ambassador, you’re making this much more complicated than it has to be.”

The interview took place Oct. 3 in a secure room in the U.S. Capitol. While the session covered several topics, the issue of an alleged quid pro quo — U.S. military aid in exchange for a Ukrainian investigation of the Bidens and a public announcement that such an investigation was underway — was a significant part of the discussion.

“[The Ukrainians] didn’t want to be drawn into investigating a Democratic candidate for president, which would mean only peril for Ukraine, is that fair to say?” Schiff asked Volker.

Schiff pressed Volker to say Ukraine felt pressure from Trump
The man is schiffin' his pants!

I wonder what nasty treasonous crimes schiff committed
Schiff is running a Russian style hit job. Behind closed doors Schiff knows he can say anything and our criminal media will justify anything he says,
This is called witness tampering.....a felony.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) attempted to push former U.S. Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker to testify during his secret deposition early this month in favor of the allegation that President Donald Trump leveraged aid to Ukraine in exchange for it investigating Joe Biden and his son. The effort failed.
Despite Republican calls for Schiff, the leader of the Democrats’ impeachment probe, to release the transcript of Volker’s deposition behind closed doors, Schiff has refused to do so. Details of Volkers’ October 3 deposition behind closed doors are still pouring out.

On Wednesday, the Washington Examiner reported:

In a secret interview, Rep. Adam Schiff, leader of the House Democratic effort to impeach President Trump, pressed former United States special representative to Ukraine Kurt Volker to testify that Ukrainian officials felt pressured to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter as a result of Trump withholding U.S. military aid to Ukraine.

Volker denied that was the case, noting that Ukrainian leaders did not even know the aid was being withheld and that they believed their relationship with the U.S. was moving along satisfactorily, without them having done anything Trump mentioned in his notorious July 25 phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

When Volker repeatedly declined to agree to Schiff’s characterization of events, Schiff said, “Ambassador, you’re making this much more complicated than it has to be.” Report: Schiff Pressured Diplomat to Back ‘Whistleblower' Narrative

U.S. Code § 1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant

18 U.S. Code § 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant

20 years in a federal prison.

Witness tampering is the act of attempting to alter or prevent the testimony of witnesses within criminal or civil proceedings. Laws regarding witness tampering also apply to proceedings before the U.S. Congress, executive departments, and administrative agencies. To be charged with witness tampering in the United States, the attempt to alter or prevent testimony is sufficient. There is no requirement that the intended obstruction of justice be completed.[1]

In situations where intimidation or retaliation against witnesses is likely (such as cases involving organized crime), witnesses may be placed in witness protection to prevent suspects or their colleagues from intimidating or harming them.

In the United States, the crime of witness tampering in federal cases is defined by statute at 18 U.S.C. § 1512, which defines it as "tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant." The punishment for such an offense is up to 20 years if physical force was used, attempted, or threatened. The tampering need not have actually been successful in order for it to be criminal.

One of the better known cases involving Section 1512 is Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States, decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in May 2005. The Supreme Court ruled that Section 1512 had been misinterpreted by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and reversed the decision of the lower court which had found the firm guilty of violating the section. The issue had, to some extent, become moot, because in 2002 the firm had all but dissolved as a result of prosecution on this criminal charge.

Examples of witness tampering include American politicians Buddy Cianci, Meg Scott Phipps and Ted Klaudt, convicted in 2001, 2003 and 2007, respectively.

Witness tampering - Wikipedia
Well hell. We all read the transcript and nothing was said about withholding anything.

Shitforbrains obviously can't read. What a moron.
Shaping the testimony of a witness, how felonious.

In a secret interview, Rep. Adam Schiff, leader of the House Democratic effort to impeach President Trump, pressed former United States special representative to Ukraine Kurt Volker to testify that Ukrainian officials felt pressured to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter as a result of Trump withholding U.S. military aid to Ukraine.

Volker denied that was the case, noting that Ukrainian leaders did not even know the aid was being withheld and that they believed their relationship with the U.S. was moving along satisfactorily, without them having done anything Trump mentioned in his notorious July 25 phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

When Volker repeatedly declined to agree to Schiff’s characterization of events, Schiff said, “Ambassador, you’re making this much more complicated than it has to be.”

The interview took place Oct. 3 in a secure room in the U.S. Capitol. While the session covered several topics, the issue of an alleged quid pro quo — U.S. military aid in exchange for a Ukrainian investigation of the Bidens and a public announcement that such an investigation was underway — was a significant part of the discussion.

“[The Ukrainians] didn’t want to be drawn into investigating a Democratic candidate for president, which would mean only peril for Ukraine, is that fair to say?” Schiff asked Volker.

Schiff pressed Volker to say Ukraine felt pressure from Trump

Sounds like “obstruction” and “witness intimidation”, which of course they accuse the President of doing all the time.

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