BREAKING: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says he could convince “any jury in America beyond a reasonable doubt” that the CIA killed his uncle, John F. Kennedy.

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
I believe him. I’ve heard him talk about this before in great detail. It amazed me he was so unafraid, courageous to put this out there with how he accuses the CIA quite thoroughly, with facts and evidence. He does the same with his father’s assassination too

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I believe him. I’ve heard him talk about this before in great detail. It amazed me he was so unafraid, courageous to put this out there with how he accuses the CIA quite thoroughly, with facts and evidence. He does the same with his father’s assassination too

anyone who thinks ANYONE other than Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK is a fucking idiot.
Why would the CIA kill him in front of a huge crowd with cameras and broad daylight?

Does that even make sense?
If someone wants to see a really good analysis of JFK conspiracy theories, check out these two videos.

JFK was not killed by the CIA, the Mafia, the Illuminati, the Cubans, the Lizard People or anyone else not named "Lee Harvey Oswald".
I believe him. I’ve heard him talk about this before in great detail. It amazed me he was so unafraid, courageous to put this out there with how he accuses the CIA quite thoroughly, with facts and evidence. He does the same with his father’s assassination too

He could convince any jury the same way that pillow guy has repeatedly claimed he had papers to convince the supreme court. When you see a headline that says a crazy guy made a claim, the fact that he is crazy is more important than any claim he might make.
"When you see a headline that says a crazy guy made a claim, the fact that he is crazy is more important than any claim he might make."

It's early in the morning for me --have a chore that needs early start --- but early is nice when I can start the day off with offered wisdom, insight and advice. And it's good.

Like what poster Bulldog has shared with the forum.

Danke, and a Hat-Tip. 👍

I'm always amazed at how some people seem absolutely certain that Oswald was the lone gunman.

They have absolutely no way of knowing, but they insist on it no matter how much proof to the contrary.

Guess what!

Not only did the CIA Kill JFK, but they did so with Eisenhower's approval.

What's more is Joe Kennedy Jr.'s death was also an assassination. There would be absolutely no reason to have an electric circuit to 'arm' the explosives on his plane. The types of explosives that were needed for that type of mission had to be the type that exploded on impact. Nothing else would have worked right. No 'arming' would have been needed - except if they wanted the explosives to go off when the explosives were 'armed'.

Gee, wasn't Eisenhower also ultimately in command of that mission as well?

And didn't Eisenhower give JFK the plans for the Bay of Pigs invasion, which Eisenhower had previously rejected?
I believe him. I’ve heard him talk about this before in great detail. It amazed me he was so unafraid, courageous to put this out there with how he accuses the CIA quite thoroughly, with facts and evidence. He does the same with his father’s assassination too

It takes a brave man indeed to confront the face of his own conspiracies.

We should get to the bottom of this and ask Ted Cruz if his dad ever collaborated this.
I'm always amazed at how some people seem absolutely certain that Oswald was the lone gunman.

They have absolutely no way of knowing, but they insist on it no matter how much proof to the contrary.

Guess what!

Not only did the CIA Kill JFK, but they did so with Eisenhower's approval.

You are right; I have no idea if Aliens from Zeta Reticuli were in on the JFK assassination.

It's just very unlikely and kind of silly.

So why would Ike want JFK killed? What was in it for him?

(Also, a slander against Ike, who was a truly great American!)

And didn't Eisenhower give JFK the plans for the Bay of Pigs invasion, which Eisenhower had previously rejected?

More like, the CIA still had those on file, and trotted them out again.
I'm always amazed at how some people seem absolutely certain that Oswald was the lone gunman.

They have absolutely no way of knowing, but they insist on it no matter how much proof to the contrary.

Guess what!

Not only did the CIA Kill JFK, but they did so with Eisenhower's approval.

What's more is Joe Kennedy Jr.'s death was also an assassination. There would be absolutely no reason to have an electric circuit to 'arm' the explosives on his plane. The types of explosives that were needed for that type of mission had to be the type that exploded on impact. Nothing else would have worked right. No 'arming' would have been needed - except if they wanted the explosives to go off when the explosives were 'armed'.

Gee, wasn't Eisenhower also ultimately in command of that mission as well?

And didn't Eisenhower give JFK the plans for the Bay of Pigs invasion, which Eisenhower had previously rejected?
You need 90 days observation.
Here's the problem with all you JFK Conspircy theorists.

If you were really going to put together a vast conspiracy to kill JFK reasons..., would you really involve a guy like Lee Harvey Oswald, a guy who couldn't hold down a job, failed at everything he ever tried, on the hope he would keep his mouth shut?

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