BREAKING: OIC recognizes East Jerusalem as capital of Palestine

Your kind have trouble seeing

Again with this Nazi Jews have been kicked out shit?

Newsflash, Jews have their own country, you Belestinians don't.

Anything a jew don't like is labeled "nazi", even the Truth, jews have been kicked out of almost every country they infested, and yet they are never to blame for their actions, the actions that caused their hosts to chuck them out,

Yada yada yada. You grabbed that from a Neo Nazi antisemtic site admit it. The main goal of the crusades was to expel Muslim invaders from European Christian lands, not the Jews. But like a typical Palestinian IslamiNazi, you scour neo Nazi and antisemtic sites on the Internet looking for this kind of garbage.
A meeting of the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Turkey has produced a joint declaration on Palestine. The Istanbul Declaration’s main points are as follows:

–The OIC will recognise East Jeruslaem/East Al-Quds as the capital of the State of Palestine

–The US cannot play any part in the peace process as it Washington is not impartial

–Members of OIC nations will push for the UN to recognise the full statehood of Palestine

–The OIC will put pressure on countries which have not yet recognised Palestine as a state to do so immediately

Below is the full text of the 23 point Istanbul Declaration on Palestine:

BREAKING: OIC recognizes East Jerusalem as capital of Palestine

I wonder how Trump will respond as well as the rest of the international community.

East Jerusalem encompasses much more than the Old City. The Old City, which is the heart and soul of Judaism, will always remain under Israel's control, as the capital of Israel. Outside the Old City's walls, there is a decrepit Arab neighborhood called Abu Dis. They can have that as their capital if they wish, and be done with it.
Your kind have trouble seeing

Again with this Nazi Jews have been kicked out shit?

Newsflash, Jews have their own country, you Belestinians don't.

Anything a jew don't like is labeled "nazi", even the Truth, jews have been kicked out of almost every country they infested, and yet they are never to blame for their actions, the actions that caused their hosts to chuck them out,

Yada yada yada. You grabbed that from a Neo Nazi antisemtic site admit it. The main goal of the crusades was to expel Muslim invaders from European Christian lands, not the Jews. But like a typical Palestinian IslamiNazi, you scour neo Nazi and antisemtic sites on the Internet looking for this kind of garbage.

Even jewtube is antiseptic to you, Ha Ha
Your kind have trouble seeing

Again with this Nazi Jews have been kicked out shit?

Newsflash, Jews have their own country, you Belestinians don't.

Anything a jew don't like is labeled "nazi", even the Truth, jews have been kicked out of almost every country they infested, and yet they are never to blame for their actions, the actions that caused their hosts to chuck them out,

Yada yada yada. You grabbed that from a Neo Nazi antisemtic site admit it. The main goal of the crusades was to expel Muslim invaders from European Christian lands, not the Jews. But like a typical Palestinian IslamiNazi, you scour neo Nazi and antisemtic sites on the Internet looking for this kind of garbage.

Even jewtube is antiseptic to you, Ha Ha

Aww, are you claiming you aren't antisemitic, while posting garbage about "Jews being kicked out of everywhere"? You should try humor. The world needs more Muslim comedians less Muslim terrorists.
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