Breaking News: Obama's Nominee For Pentagon Post Implicated In Theft Of CIA Documents

Looks like a "back and forth" between Feinstein and the CIA. They call it a "Highly Classified Document" but look at what they put in as a Document Header: (From the OP's link)
The agency disclosed for the first time the lengthy disclaimer that had been placed atop the first page of the Panetta Review.

"This classified document was prepared by the CIA Director's Review Group for Rendition, Detention, and Interrogation (DRGRDI) for DRG-RDI's internal discussion purposes," the disclaimer read, "and should not be used for any other purpose, nor may it be distributed without express permission from DRG-RDI or CIA's Office of General Counsel." The disclaimer also warned that the Panetta Review was "deliberative work product" that was "protected by the attorney-client and attorney work-product privileges."
So what was the Classification? Looks more like an Internal Memo Summation to be passed around.

Also, "Highly Classified" isn't a Security Classification.

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